from left to right: Swarna, Sudhish, Shilpa, Anuradha, Jaikrishna, Vignesh, Vivek, Darshan and Diya.
The team distributed Blank Noise tamil/ english pamphlets at Beasant Nagar Beach, Chennai.
Our female participants stood frozen maintaining eye contact with public present and giving a pamphlet to the chosen one.
(the point was to actually disperse testimonials of eve teasing in the form of hand folded letters/ private notes along with pamphlets that were being distributed in the peripheries anyways..didn not quite happen in the last min...so that's for next time!)
thanking Darshan and Sudhish for the video documentation+ personal responses to the intervention!
to view the video click on
Hey i dint kn der were such things going on in here too.. thts weally good...:D
and yea.. i gotta know bout this from Param, a friend of mine in Delhi, who joined this group recently.. :)...
Hey Jasmeen/ Raghu!
I came back from the US to settle in Chennai, but happened to land only on the 31st. So, I missed this one. I am so glad to see this movement taking root in Chennai too. I shall be in Bangalore from the 14th through the 18th. I would love to meet up, if possible. Let me know.
hey moonlit!
am around.
call me before the 15th...might be going to chennai
ph: 98868 40612
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