Love our work and wish you could get more involved? Apply for an internship with the Blank Noise Project!
This season will be our busiest yet -- we've got a public exhibition, a new Action Heroes website, the 'Did You Ask for It?' clothing installation, and many more projects in the pipeline. To make things happen- join the team! We're looking for interns to work with us part-time during March and April. (Flexible schedule, preferred start date of Feb. 26, minimum commitment of 6 hours/week.)
What we want interns for:
- Creative input! We'd like your help in preparing for the public exhibition at the end of March -- involves editing text/video/photos, providing feedback and brainstorming ideas.
- Helping get our new Action Heroes website up and running -- involves editing, research, documenting and archiving tasks.
- Commitment to the mission and vision of the Blank Noise Project
- Basic familiarity with the organization (visit www.blanknoiseproject.blogspot.com)
- At least 6 hours of your time per week -- starting Feb. 25 through the end of April
- Prior video/text editing experience preferred but not required
- Enthusiasm and a sense of humor!
What we'll provide:
- No pay, sorry, but we'll give you a certificate, the occasional free lunch, and our undying gratitude
- Public credit for your work, on the web and in the public exhibition
- Working space at the Blank Noise Studio, off Nandi Durga Rd.
- Very flexible schedule
How to apply:
Send your CV and a cover email explaining why you want to intern at Blank Noise to blurtblanknoise@gmail.com. Please mail us by the 24th of Feb.
We will be selecting some people from any geographic location and some from Bangalore itself.
1 comment:
where do we vote for blank noise for the indiblog thing?
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