Blank Noise has effortlessly pursued projects despite financial restraints. All Blank Noise activities were self funded. Some cities such as Blank Noise Kolkata, Delhi, Lucknow and Hyderabad actually created a kitty where each member contributed a nominal sum of Rs 20 per month( kolkata), while Hyderabad volunteers pitched in to create the Blank Noise pamphlets. While we are looking out for a sustainable method of generating funds, right now we would be extremely grateful with your extended support through
At this moment we have posters and pamphlets to print, t shirts to make, new events to organize. To extend your support for Blank Noise by being a donor, please click on the
DONATE button on the navigation bar to your right.If you prefer to send in a cheque instead you could email us at blurtblanknoise at gmail dot com
Alternatively, if you have ideas on how Blank Noise could sustain itself, please email us. We always look forward to your ideas and suggestions.
On behalf of the Blank Noise Team
Jasmeen please correct the Paypal and Gmail links!
Thanks wasted. thanks for pointing it out. It will be sorted out in the next couple of minutes. Thanks again:)
hi again. its been solved for the time being- instead of being directed to a link we are asking people to click on the button on the right hand bar.
sorted- for now
thanks again!
Thanks Jasmeen. We need to be grateful to blank noise and you for giving us an opportunity to make a difference. I consider this very important because eve-teasing in India is reaching dangerous proportions. It is really bad if the threat of mental and/or physical harassment constantly looms over the heads of someone.
hey coffee boy- thank you for encouraging the donation idea...and for being a regular visitor here!
Can you also email us at blurtblanknoise at gmail dot com when you are donating?
thanks so so much!
I made a contribution to Blank Noise recently. The money is still unclaimed. Please claim it.
great post man!!
Martial Art Training
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