Volunteers most wanted!
Anybody can apply. Blank Noise could do more with inputs from individuals who are committed, believe in Blank Noise, want to address 'eve teasing' as street sexual violence. The ideal Blank Noise volunteer has time and most importantly is enthusiastic and willing!
All we need is a bit of your time every week over a rotating three month period. Every 3 months a new team will be delegated roles, based on the volunteer's skill and area of interest. Volunteers could also be campaign specific instead of time specific.
Blank Noise behind the scenes is a resource pool of many individuals from diverse backgrounds. The team has had its share of rotating members from across age groups and backgrounds. There have been college students, home makers, architects, software programmers, journalists, consultants, professors, grandmother, flower seller, street hawkers, bus conductors, security guards, police men, child birth instructor, poets, film makers, actors,unemployed, self employed, heavily employed, bloggers, language translators,... etc .
Each participant has influenced and formed Blank Noise. There have been degrees of participation- while most have been floating members- members who make it when they have the time- there have been others who have dedicated time to the project. Some participants are here
Blank Noise in Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, and Bangalore.
While we have no active group in Vizag, Jaipur and Pune, many individuals have written in over the years and expressed desire to form one.
We have Teresa writing in from Guwahati: if you would like to form a Blank Noise Guwahati- do write in right away!
We have Teresa writing in from Guwahati: if you would like to form a Blank Noise Guwahati- do write in right away!
Volunteering with Blank Noise involves a range of back end work- from admin and organizing, creative, production, post production, fund raising, to simply having conversations with strangers on the street. (other- you suggest, we add).
On the 5th of February, new groups will be announced in each of the cities.
To be part of this all new Blank Noise Team do email us by feb 3rd with
- a short note about yourself- skills, interests ( bio)
- the amount of time you can dedicate per month and or week
email: blurtblanknoiseATgmail.com subject titled " I VOLUNTEER- CITY NAME"