thankyou for participating Aruna, Atreyee, Balaji, Dev, Laura Neuhaus, Jose,Padma, Priyanka, Roshan Paul, Sanjana, Sarita, Soumya, Yamini Deen
We started an hour late. from the 18 confirmed 11 showed up and we needed about 14 women to form the sentence Y R U LOOKIN AT ME?!! Ofcourse there was panic: thanking Nirmala: Stress Control Dept.
No matter what, in the end, there will always be a show. Thankyou Priyanka, our new member, the alphabet A who readily joined us from the public!
Dev, Balaji and Jose distributed the pamphlets at traffic signals, Brigade Road and on MG Road.

But when you look back at them, when you stare right back at them, they don’t take it as an invitation, they don’t think we’re reciprocating.
They get the message. They get the vibes.
Back off!
All it takes is a little courage. -Sanjana
Some strange reactions of horror/suspicion/curiosity/amusement/hesitation in the women on Brigade Road, as we were walking up to them asking them to volunteer.
Also won some long astaring matches, leaning against the railing of Brigade Road footpath.
Felt strong frustration against policemen who were kicking a fuss- there were some ten of us- young women, unarmed, not stopping traffic(simply standing at the signal), not shouting slogans. Is it so unnerving to see women moving around, having fun? -Atreyee
Sunday's intervention was empowering and socially catalytic- thanks for the experience.
It's personally reassuring to discover a unified group of women and men who oppose the humiliation of women- and are dedicated to ending the passive, fearful silence about public harassment. -Laura Neuhas
I was disappointed with the fact that some people did not bother to read what was written in the pamphlet, throwing it away and some girls not even taking the pamphlets, even after mentioning it was a campaign against eve teasing.-Balaji
Couldn't help but laugh when I saw those gaping motorcyclists.
Shock and awe! -Dev
It was fun! Esp running between the signals... yeah the look on ppl's
faces was priceless :) - Soumya