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Street Signs

designed by Action Hero Kinshuk

designed by Action Hero Saumitra Chandratreya.

Hudgi- kannada for 'girl'.
designed by Action Hero Neha Bhat.

designed by Action Hero Prerna Bishnoi

designed by Action Hero Pooja Gupta
context: street tales of love lust and possible misinterpretations

Approaching free to love zone

Designed by Action Hero Prerna Bishnoi
concept note: This sign is meant to be put up in a park keeping in mind the recent decisions made by the BBMP ( bangalore) to corden of parks and make them less accessible to “lovers”. so this is a sign to be put up in areas that are meant for the lovers (by default) to in a way let people know that they are free to love and warn people that the approaching area is where this right will be freely exercised.

text on sign: legal action will be taken against those who do not hum.
designed by Action Hero Tanvee Nabar

designed by Action Hero Pooja

Pooja, Neha, Kinshuk, Shrikar, Piyush, Prerna, Tanvee are students at Srishti School of Art Design and Tech. Blank Noise was at Srishti on a 2 week workshop. All street-sign ideas have been proposed by the students now aka Action Heroes.

We will be sharing student work here; a sign a day. The signs are not on the streets yet but will find themselves where they are meant to belong SOON. keep watching. stay tuned!

Street sign event annoucement

signs for citizens (2008)
srishti / blank noise workshop


  1. starlet4:23 pm

    hillarious. this is funny and very cool!

  2. Anonymous9:38 am

    I want to see a Free To Love sign on every single BBMP park.
    All the old bats who *did it* and then had kids: deal with it. People need to express love / affection / cuddling where and when they please.

    This stupid mentality of cordoning off public parks is beyond bizarre - the park is a p.u.b.l.i..c space!

  3. Brilliant! Can we possibly stick them in our 'eve-teasing spots' as well?

  4. Anonymous4:09 pm

    Girls, You are great! I've read about You in the newspaper, polish girls are proud of You!!!!
    Julia (from Poland)

  5. bn girl8:37 pm

    hi there. thanks for visiting! was it a recent article?

  6. bn girl8:39 pm

    AP. 'eve teasing spots' as in? we havent ever marked 'eve teasing spots' unless you are referring to Blank Noise This Place?

  7. In our daily life it's important to understand what signs means and it's vital role involved in our daily routine. whoever is working on it i would like to thank you for the effort you are putting to help yourself and others.
