No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!



There's some new news that requires you to take immediate thought and action:

A group of NGO's in Bangalore have gotten together to draft a people's manifesto for the city in context to the BBMP elections, addressing various issues like Health,
Transport, Environment, Rights of Transgenders, Public Education etc.
The idea behind this manifesto is to create a debate around these issues
amongst people in the 198 wards of the city and to get political parties to take a stand on issues and demands raised by civil society and include
these issues in their own manifesto's.

If you were to ask the state for change / in context to street sexual violence and molestation what would you ask for ?

It could be big, it could be small, think of the state as YOURS and contribute to the people's manifesto.
What do you want?

Add to the list in the comments section below or email us-blurtblanknoise at gmail dot com
subject titled " I WANT " (You can send in more than 1 want). Your email will be published on the blog. An edited document based on your response will form the people's manifesto.

You can also contribute by taking this idea outside of the internet- having a conversation or 2 with your neighbours about the same. Please do hurry with sending us your response- we're a little late in putting this message out! (sorry).


Ratna Apnender- I WANT- section 354, IPC to be publicized.

Jasmeen Patheja- I WANT- streets to be lit at night. lit streets make me feel safer. I want a pavement. The streets are for walking. I want a city I can walk in.

Zainab Bawa-I WANT-
better street lighting to get over, to some extent, the perception of unsafe-ness that we can feel at night? Can we also ask for improved public transport for lesser mortals like us who don't drive, specifically more buses that ply longer routes than simply point A to majestic/Market/shivajinagar?

Rushitha Samaveda-I WANT-STREET LIGHTS IN PROPER WORKING CONDITIONS IN EACH AND EVERY STREET. Though I am not from Bangalore, I suggest the need of street lights in proper working conditions in each and every street. Though most of our streets have street lamps,do they function?With proper lights, a girl can work more confidently and be alert even if something happens and shot for help.

Paramita Dutta- I WANT- the state to make self defense or martial arts compulsory in all schools and especially in girls' schools as knowing how to defend oneself gives one great confidence and helps one protect oneself from street violence and molestation.

Uma Chandru- I WANT- safer side walks with ramps and special buses/vans for disabled people to get from place to place and ask them to stop evicting the poor children from increasingly gentrified public parks?

Jasmeen Patheja
- I DON'T WANT- the state to 'CLEANSE' public parks by removing couples from there.

Rhea Daniel- I WANT-Since most if the street sexual harassment I experienced was as a school kid at a time when I was most vulnerable to it, I WANT compulsory education in schools that teach young girls their rights, improve their self-esteem and also tell them the best way to deal with common means of sexual harassment. Also educate parents not to ignore this problem and talk to their kids about it, and if something happens to them then LISTEN. I WANT other adults to step in when they see a little kid being harassed who doesn't know the difference and not just shake their heads and say --it happens.

Anonymous- I WANT- regarding ashutosh, I want more women officers everywhere! If we can't get more women officers, then get trained, uncorrupted, decent ppl(possibly from Blank noise) who will protect us. I want more women everywhere!! more female bus drivers, more female cab drivers, more female everywhere.. there are simply too many men out there.. we need to show these indecent men how to treat a women! Why do the women only need to be cleaning, why can't they be cab/bus drivers, more female cops.. n so forth.
sidewalks/pavement everywhere, even in private areas where there are only homes..i hate the pavements in blore, they are so hard to walk on.. why can't they just be simple enough for pedestrians to walk??
I want workshops where women are taught about their rights and how to defend themselves..
I want workshops in poor areas, where women are usually abused, they should learn to defend themselves & know their rights as a wife, mother, daughter or aunt or whatever. So they can teach their daughter how to defend themselves & teach their sons how to respect women.
I want the state to give harsher punishments to pedophiles, rapists, sexual assaulters. They should go through a course in jail about women, how they need to be respected and not be treated like a piece of shit!

Dianne Sharma Winter -I WANT- Decent lighting on the streets and suburbs so that women feel safe to walk. I want separate transport for women during rush hour.
I want women police officers who are trained in dealing with complaints of a sexual nature on every corner.I want male police officers to also receive training on how to deal with complaints of sexual abuse.

Chitra Badrinarayan
-I WANT- Compulsory education in schools and homes on the right way to treat/talk to/behave with girls/women.

Jasmeen Patheja- I DON'T WANT- separate transport for women because in the long run it only furthers the divide. IT IS NOT A SOLUTION. I admit it makes me feel safer in an immediate sense but I don't want separate transport for women. Instead I WANT the public transport system to communicate that street sexual harassment is a serious offence according to section 354 IPC. I want more women bus conductors, women bus drivers. I WANT the state public transport system to communicate that it will support women who experience harassment regardless of who they are (sex workers or an 80 year old), what they are wearing or where they are. I want the state to take responsibility through communication and not segregation. Blank Noise would like to work on communication with the state.

Hemangini Gupta- I do not want prostitution banned/ more CCTV cameras.
a follow-up of the request that we made to the DGP during the Fearless Karnataka/Nirbhaya Karnataka protests which was to make police stations less hostile to women who were attempting to file FIRs, especially when these were related to sexual assaults. We had asked for a posting of a memo on all police stations across the state to serve as a constant reminder to police officers that their role was to provide women with accurate information about the process of filing an FIR and to provide them with all assistance, rather than to discourage them or further intimidate them. The context might have changed but I think that the points are still relevant:



Sub: Violence Against Women

Post the Mangalore pub incident on 24.01.09, when women were attacked, there have been the increasing cases of attacks against women in public spaces. These attacks are crimes against women. They are legal offences. They are neither isolated events nor trivial incidents of ‘eve-teasing’. They are part of a series of attacks inflicted on women in the name of ‘morality’ and religious intolerance, attacks that are escalating as women resist and fight back. Women have been targeted for what they have been wearing, the fact that they were on the road late at night or that they should not have been in a particular location. The motivation behind the attacks is to compel women to subscribe to a narrow definition of culture and modesty. Moral and cultural policing of this nature is undertaken to restrict the freedom of women to live full and meaningful lives.

What has come to our notice is that often when these attacks happen and some women go to the police station to register FIR's police are reluctant and dicourage the victims from filing FIR's. In some cases NCR's are registered under the guise of it being an FIR. When women do come to police stations, they are often subjected to questioning which can be personal, invasive, demeaning and disprepectful under the guise of obtaining information relevant to the filing of the FIR.

In the above outlined context your police officers are required to :

1. Treat the issue of violence against women as a serious human right issue and do not dismiss it as a case of 'mere eve teasing' or an issue which does not merit the attention of the police.

2. Recognize the fact that it is not easy for a woman to come to the police station to file an FIR and provide her all possible support to ensure that the FIR is filed.

3. Register an FIR under the relevant sections such as Sec 354, 504, 506 and 323, 324, among others.

4. Understand that if the victim is unable to describe the perpetrator or give details of the attack it could be becuase of shock or fear and not immediately jump to the conclusion that the complaint is concocted.

5. Do not make the victim feel responsible for the violence she has undergone by asking her personal demeaning questions pertaining to her dress, her friends or what she was doing on the street.

Chaitanya Krishnan- I WANT fast track courts to be "fast track".
I WANT auto drivers to remove the stupid mirrors they put inside their autos, so they can stare at the passengers.
I WANT police stations to register cases and take complaints regardless of jurisdictional boundaries.
I WANT policemen to be accomodating to people who do not speak the local language.

Aparajita Sharma -I want- a more responsive approach from the state legal department to punish people who commit such atrocities on innocent people.

1) This includes a non-bailable arrest warrant for people who take the law on to their hands, all in the name of "Bharatiya Sanskar". This is total hypocrisy because Indian customs and way of life is to respect Women, first and foremost and not raise one's hand on them.

2) Stricter enforcement on part of the State Police, as they turn a blind eye to these acts of violence, fearing political wrath or some similar ridiculous notions in executing their duties. No one is above the Law. In this country we have High ranking judges and ministers arrested for corruption and mis-demeanor. What gives the political party members and the deranged youths to behave the way they do and get away scot-free because of their affiliation to some corrupted nut who thinks he is God to the State.

3) Social awareness amongst the people to realise that what is socially acceptable behaviour and decorum in public places, which all fall under the ambit of the legal machinery of our country.

4) Bangalore is an international destination and called the Silicon Valley of India. It is party to international businessmen and tourists. This image that it has created of late for itself sends out very wrong signals for business and What India stands for a hospitable country, which not only respects women but also upholds the dignity of the citizen of India. Public flogging if possible for people who commit these acts of violence and harassment, and full coverage by the Press should create the awareness that what they did was wrong as well as this kind of negative publicity will make each offender think twice or (hopefully) never again to do what they think is fun and a kick to their machochism or so called 'mardangi'.

5) Discounted training classes for women to learn

Avni Patel - I WANT- Severe Punishment for the eve-teasers.. Just a mere fine of 1000 bucks is not enough to stop these losers from eve-teasing.. A serious punishment is necessary to teach them a lesson and to scare them from doing anything of that sort again!

Hasina Hasan I WANT-

1) There is not adequate lighting at night on church St, Rest House Road etc etc. Some street lamps are on and some aren't. Low maintenance of this basic facility of street lighting has allowed for many trangressions to occur viz. eve teasing to me personally as well as men beating up women in cars parked on these dark spots. Needless to say even the patrolling cops wont be able to notice such acts due to the bad lighting. The poorly lit areas allow for such misdemeanors and hinder even the police from being able to do their job of securing the city well.

I WANT proper lighting at night on every street in my city.

2) Not all of us can afford private vehicles due to budget restraints. I have no budget restraints but choose to travel by public transport. My aim is to reduce pollution and traffic by travelling via public local buses and carpooling.

But there is list at bus stands that tells us the bus numbers that frequent the particular stand. There is no clarity and that allows for buses to come late or not turn up and we are forced to either goto main bus stands and start from scratch or catch autos (out of budget for some) or stand waiting for buses that are hours late. It is unfair to us who leave home an hour early to reach our destinations on time. When we can respect others time then the govt. should too and they hopefully will not allow for such laxity on Buses/drivers/etc by clearly listing maps/routes/times/bus numbers - all of that or a combination of that at every bus stand.

I WANT the public transport authorities to facilitate us with proper public transport.

3) Streets and parks are lit up at night but run on electricity. Of late some parks' nameboards have been replaced with lighted boards. While that is a brilliant idea and in keeping with the times, does all that run on electricity? Could we not aim for lighting that runs on solar power/alternate energy for park name boards? While this is a shot in the dark and is definitely something long term. It most definitely in the long run will lead to energy conservation from everysense viz solar powered energy will eventually lead to reduced costs, save energy etc.

I WANT solar powered energy saving technology to be used for Street lights and Park name boards etc.

1) I want early awareness workshops in schools encouraging frank , open discussions among kids, thier parents and teachers about sexual harassment.
2) I want real consequences for violating IPC 354
3) I want the police to be accountable for crimes against women who have to or want to stay out at night instead of saying ''Madam go home '' or ''Madam, walking at night not allowed''.

Decreased censorship.
Repression almost always has unhealthy ways of getting back at the society. Street sexual harassment is one such.


  1. I want a newly designed police force that is non-corrupted, that will protect the society, not like we have it now.

    I want cops(they have to be trained well) out at night during the holidays, catching drunken drivers.

    I want prostitution banned.

    I want a city that is safe enough for women to travel from 1 end of the city to another in day light.

    I want the city to advertise the rights of women, so those who are victims of domestic violence, can fight for their right.

    I want more trashcan/garbage cans out in the public, each a foot away, so people will not litter on the roads.

    I want better sidewalks, so we can walk safely, without having any stones sticking out of the ground.

    I'll think of more later..

  2. Anonymous10:16 pm

    Sorry for the fact that some of my "i wants" are not related to molestation/sexual violence, I just wrote it blindly..

  3. hi V thanks for the list. it might help to also list some very concrete things- actions that can be taken in concrete tangible terms. if we want the city to be safe then HOW? what exactly do you think the state can do to make it safer?

  4. I want women police officers, near girls school, colleges.
    Better lit areas.
    CCTV cameras installed on colony roads, bus stops.
    And the most important a woman helpline which comes into action within 10 mins. and works round the clock, even through sms.

  5. don't you think having cctv camera's everywhere will be too invasive? and that it will mean constant policing? is constant policing a solution? goes back to the idea- why do i need a man with a gun (called a SECURITY GUARD) to make me feel safe?!

    women's helpline yes. i agree. at blank noise we would really like to take that on with a team of volunteers/ employees who can make this happen.

  6. A road or bus isn't someone's private space and it policing. If you can't have police evrywhr atleast the cameras can be there. But tht's just an limited option, obviously you can't have cameras everywhr in the city.

  7. Anonymous4:02 am

    regarding ashutosh, I want more women officers everywhere! If we can't get more women officers, then get trained, uncorrupted, decent ppl(possibly from Blank noise) who will protect us.

    I want more women everywhere!! more female bus drivers, more female cab drivers, more female everywhere.. there are simply too many men out there.. we need to show these indecent men how to treat a women!
    Why do the women only need to be cleaning, why can't they be cab/bus drivers, more female cops.. n so forth.

    sidewalks/pavement everywhere, even in private areas where there are only homes..i hate the pavements in blore, they are so hard to walk on.. why can't they just be simple enough for pedestrians to walk??

    I want workshops where women are taught about their rights and how to defend themselves..
    I want workshops in poor areas, where women are usually abused, they should learn to defend themselves & know their rights as a wife, mother, daughter or aunt or whatever. So they can teach their daughter how to defend themselves & teach their sons how to respect women.

    I want the state to give harsher punishments to pedophiles, rapists, sexual assaulters. They should go through a course in jail about women, how they need to be respected and not be treated like a piece of shit!

  8. Since most if the street sexual harassment I experienced was as a school kid at a time when I was most vulnerable to it, I WANT compulsory education in schools that teach young girls their rights, improve their self-esteem and also tell them the best way to deal with common means of sexual harassment. Also educate parents not to ignore this problem and talk to their kids about it, and if something happens to them then LISTEN. I WANT other adults to step in when they see a little kid being harassed who doesn't know the difference and not just shake their heads and say --it happens.

  9. i want fast track courts to be "fast track".

    i want auto drivers to remove the stupid mirrors they put inside their autos, so they can stare at the passengers.

    i want police stations to register cases and take complaints regardless of jurisdictional boundaries.

    i want policemen to be accomodating to people who do not speak the local language.


    i want designated dog walking areas throughout the city.

  10. Anonymous12:04 pm

    I want schools to train girl students in self defence.

    I want safer public transportation for women and children.

    I want responsible cops to be stationed at regular intervals, esp residential areas.

    I want strict actions on auto drivers who ask for extra money.

  11. Megha Bhagat3:59 pm

    I WANT
    1. Schools to bring in compulsory classes for girls on how to deal with sexual/derogatory advances. Its important that little girls know what is a wrong touch, a wrong stare etc and know how to deal with it.
    2. Compulsory sensitisation programs for teachers and parents on the issue of "Dealing with your girl being harrased:Its not her fault and not a sin"
    3. Compulsory self defence classes for girls in schools
    4. Sensitisation of boys also on how they could be facing sexual abuse too. Effective counselling sessions for them too.
    5. Police to be given compulsory sensitisation sessions on dealing with a harassement case/complaint.
    6. Stationing of cops at malls,pubs,discs,residential lanes etc.
    7. Harassement complaints to be taken seriously and fast action on them.
    8. Media to be engaged effectively and held accountable for disseminating more information on morale policing.
    9. The night life time extended from its current deadlines.

  12. More academic work related to this subject... maybe Bangalore or Mysore University could consider this as a thesis subject

  13. 1. I want Sex Education to be introduced in our schools for the teenagers, so that they learn to respect human relations, biological structures and dynamics involved between the two genders on time.
    2. More involvement of females in public organisations, and public life, with initiative from state, so that untoward things have lesser chance of happening and if they do, enough "people" are there on streets to empathise and react then and there itself. This includes things like, Police force, drivers, etc.
    3. Compulsory sexual harassment and education policy for all organisations/ companies.

  14. Katheeja5:53 pm

    I WANT proper pavements
    I DON'T WANT to ban hawkers and pettishops. I feel safer with them around rather than a blank compound wall
    I WANT a ban on plastics in the beach
    I DON'T WANT excessive flyovers that are pedestrian unfriendly
    I DON'T WANT dress codes in universities or moral policing in any form

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I want India to be democratic in the real sense. Our constitution should be amended and more clarity on democratic,freedom of speech and host of other things that plague our nation should be publicly debated and voted.People use the democratic principles,laws to get away with hatred,divisiveness,a party for every street would do no good.Ultimately,coalition politics will never work.That all should be capped and overcome.Government in power should have the political will. Politicians/would be future ones should be compulsorily educated not in the current education system,when even a peon has some criteria to get selected why not politicians.There should be some national political administration school spread in every region of the country.Only people from that pool should be eligible.

    I want full transparency and accountability in the way government/authorities/public servants perform their work and function. Strict appraisals to be carried out.Nobody should be left out,from the top to the bottom of the hierarchy should not be spared,when private companies can do that why not government. That makes things easier,why disinvest and convert it to private companies,that should also solve the problems of trade unions. Strict implementation in phased manner is the need of the day.

    I want all laws to be strictly implemented. More courts,and non striking lawyers doing their job dutifully as should every other Indian.Zero tolerance policy should be followed.

    I want most importantly that the people whom we elect to perform their duties,.whether it be area councillor ,MLA,MP and host of others to stand up andspeak ,rather than dozing away or being absent.

    India is just running by a handfull of hardworking,intelligent people who're performing their job,what ever it is, diligently and selflessly.

    Let us rise to defend our nation. Let us not be divided in any means or whatsoever.

  17. I want the frequency of buses to be such that the incidents of men accidentally bumping into women (and men) go down. Those who do it intentionally will then not have the excuse of the crowd pushing them.

  18. Aviral Singhal11:26 pm

    I just want the govt. to make such laws that decline any male persons complaints against girls regarding sexual harrasment.

  19. do you really feel that self defence classes REALLY help?

  20. to the state:

    i would feel safer if i walked on the streets knowing that i could actually walk.
    if the streets were for walking
    and if there was pedestrian space.
    most of our streets don't have footpaths
    and for the ones that have footpaths-they don't always have street lighting. There's nothing more scary than walking a dark road, suspecting anything that moves behind you.This is not to say that with just a pavement and street lighting- street sexual harassment can be reduced, but it means that there
    are more chances that women will take a walk. women will be visible in public. just that makes me feel safer.
    it would make me feel safer if i saw women authorities in public-not just male. no i don't want more security, nor do i want cctv cameras everywhere, but just the an equal amount of women officers as there are male. or of bus drivers as there are male and ofcourse women bus conductors too. we need to stop seeing women as beings that can only be protected from men by men.

    talking of which- we need to address men. everytime a woman experiences street sexual violence she is questioned- her clothes, body, background. we want the state the declare that street sexual violence is not women's fault, or due to 'provocation'. The focus has to shift towards attitudes that cause it. We want a plan to address men. We can address men through popular media, workshops, school- there are many approaches. Alot of street sexual harassment occurs because men think it is fun, it's time-pass, they do it because it's a matter of manliness. We want the state to work with us on tackling these attitudes. blank noise would like to work in the area of public communication with the state. i would feel safer if every man who purposefully intimidated and assaulted a woman realized that he can't get away with it.
    I would feel safer if there was a law and there was punishment- there is a law but not everyone knows about it.

    i would feel safer if the state encouraged the filing of an fir and ofcourse fast-tracking it. i would believe it only if i saw case studies of how the law had been fast tracked and through success stories.

    i would feel safer if i saw more women. if the govt took such measures, im sure there would be more women.

    i would feel safer getting on a bus knowing a stranger won't stick to me and misuse the idea of being in a crowded bus. perhaps more buses? not gender specific
    buses- just more buses. just better and more organized public transport.

    i would feel safer if the auto rickshaw driver did not constantly adjust his rear view mirror.

  21. avni patel7:05 pm

    I WANT, Severe Punishment for the eve-teasers.. Just a mere fine of 1000 bucks is not enough to stop these losers from eve-teasing.. A serious punishment is necessary to teach them a lesson and to scare them from doing anything of that sort again!

  22. I feel eve teasing arises through sexual starvation that is when one's sexual needs are not fullfilled at the right time. That makes a guy physically attracted towards women. Even steamy scenes and the costumes worn by female actoresses too welcomes trouble for comman woman as the men replace their attraction from the actor to the girl in public.It is dissapointing to see how men are still immature in nature and get driven away by what they see onscreen.

  23. This is in response to Megha and Meena's discussion on SELF DEFENSE classes for women.
    As an Action Shero, I am also a brown belt in Karate and have taught self defense classes in schools and offices to women and girls in NZ. I WANT TO TEACH THE SAME HERE!!!
    Self defense is not about fighting but giving women the skills required to deal with every incident of sexual abuse, how to escape from worst case scenarios rather than how to kick them to the kurb!!
    I am available until August 20101 in India!!

  24. I want to be able to walk or sit outdoors whenever I feel like it without having to worry about whether it is safe.

  25. For articles on eve teasing

  26. The idea behind this manifesto is to create a debate around these issues
    amongst people in the 198 wards of the city and to get political parties to take a stand on issues and demands raised by civil society and include
    these issues in their own manifesto's.
