No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!


Action Hero Work Jam

 Hello Action Heroes!

 Sign up for our next Work Jam , kindly hosted by Max Mueller Bhavan, Bangalore, on Friday the 20th of October between 6 and 9 pm. Bring your laptop , charger, notebook and your Action Hero self. Work Jam agenda includes preparing for the next Meet To Sleep intervention, from strategizing, coordinating, campaigning for December 16th. Efforts continue to end victim blame, through the I Never Ask For It mission. Skills required towards research, archiving, communication. Show up if you signed in to volunteer, intern or participate this year or the last!

Yours truly,
Blank Noise Team

Location: Max Mueller Bhavan
Time: 6 pm - 9 pm photos from #WorkJam

Host our Work Jam

We'd love to work with different partners, who can host Blank Noise for 5 hours for the Work Jam, once a week, and only ask for electricity, internet and some chairs! ( some tea would be a bonus). We are looking for venues across parts of Bangalore city, so that Action Heroes spread across can access it. 

If you would like to host us, or know someone who can, please connect at

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