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Every Tuesday, an Action Hero from the Blank Noise community will curate the @BlankNoise twitter handle, sharing what it means to be an Action Hero,  facilitate new conversations based on what the individual Action Hero wants to explore, with you!

Say hello to the new programme
starting this October, on twitter @BlankNoise

October 10th, with Action Hero, Annie Zaidi
October 17th , with Action Hero Satya Gummuluri
October 24th,  with Action Hero Bedatri Chowdhury

  • Have you ever participated in a Blank Noise event, online or offline?
  • Have you been a coordinator , or collaborator between 2003 and now?
  • Have you acted in the capacity and potential of an Action Hero, outside of a Blank Noise event, and into your everyday life?
If you answered yes, to any of the above, you are invited to lead #ActionHeroTuesday
Every participating Action Hero will nominate another Action Hero to continue conversation in the coming weeks. Get in touch, if you would like to guest curate for on a Tuesday.  

Blank Noise has been a space for plurality, bringing together different life experiences and points of view, for listening, and leading to new collective insight. It has been built by thousands of Action Heroes, ie you, since 2003. We are also inching towards an oral history/ mapping Action Heroes project, and this feels like a tiny step towards that.

See you Action Heroes!

Blank Noise Team

Action Hero Bedatri, Safe City Pledge, 2013

Meet-To-Sleep Satya.jpg
Action Hero Satya, Meet To Sleep, 2015


Action Hero Annie , Being Idle, 2006

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