No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!


Walking The Song . A Chant. A Reminder. A Hashtag. And More. May To June. Moving To September .Save The Date . #INeverAskForIt

Reach out if you would like to be on board in any of the following ways: 

i) Send your garment to the I Never Ask For It Clothes Project.
Blank Noise Team will be publishing a testimonial every Friday.

ii) Start the conversation on victim blame and I Never Ask For It Clothes Project where you live. Your start point informs the I Never Ask For It Action Heroes Network:  a community committed to end all excuses that justify sexual violence. Another way to take this forward would be to apply to volunteer or intern towards this five year campaign.

Shout out to Action Hero Sayali Patwardhan, Pune, for connecting friends, friends of friends towards the I Never Ask For It Action Heroes Network!  Sayali has been changing the scene, one Action Hero at a time.

iii) Are you in college or university ? /  ( Or know someone who is?)
If sexism, rape culture, victim blame/ shame, sexual violence concerns , affects, angers or outrages you, you are very invited to the Action Hero Campus Network: A Network Of Campus Allies Committed To Building Ending Sexism, Patriarchy and Victim Blame.This link is an invitation to build the network. Please give us three weeks of response time. Once again, specific internships offered for this position. 

iv)The campaign invites and mobilizes communities, organizations and groups. both in India and globally, to step in and co create this vision. This is the link to nominate or add your organization/ community to the Global Feminist Network to End Victim Blame. 

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