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Meet To Sleep : January 16th 2016

Meet To Sleep 


"I want to 'Meet To Sleep' because in three years, I've never been in a public space without being afraid for my safety. I want to reclaim this city and the places that are as much mine as they are anybody else's." - Action Hero Avani Tandon Vieira

"' Meet To Sleep' asks us to replace our fear with trust, and it's not an easy thing to do. It will be my first experiment with trust, and I'm excited to see how it goes."- Action Hero Kat Lieder 


" I must admit the thought of not being in control in a public park petrifies me and it is precisely because of that that I'd like to do this." - Action Hero Chryselle

Alone or with a group.
With your best friend
With a stranger
Sleep. Alone. Together.
Fight Fear. 
Through Trust.
In sleep we protest.

January 16th .  2 : 30 -  5: 30 pm!

Meet To Sleep - would you Meet To Sleep where you are?
Get in touch and we will be sure to match you with an Action Hero in your location.
Detailed guidelines and exact location will be emailed on confirmation.

Also joined by Girls At Dhabas, Pakistan and Action Heroes in Pune, Bombay, Bangalore, Delhi , Jaipur and Why Loiter Mumbai.

Occupy in sleep.
Email in

Exact location and event guidelines will be shared on confirmation.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Brief report of Meet To Sleep ( November 2014- December 2015)

Total number = 11
Location: Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Jaipur, Delhi
Total Number of people: 55 Action Heroes

Meet to Sleep with Interim class in November 2014 (Bangalore)
Akash Nandi, Aayush Bhingare, Diya Pinto, Manpreet Singh, Radhika Sinha, Rajalakshmi Rajagopal, Rashi Sinha
Swati Khaitan

Meet to Sleep Bangalore (published on blog on 12th December 2014):
Lijya Periyal , Shilpa Gopal, Vira Mistry

Meet to Sleep with why loiter (Mumbai) January 2015:  
Sameera Khan , Shilpa Phadke, Shilpa Ranade

Meet To Sleep Mumbai (January 2015)
Meghna Bohidar, Rishita Nandagiri, Nilima, Shilpa Phadke, Aradhna , Shilpa's mum

Meet to Sleep Pune (January 2015)
Hrutika Patole, Naksha Erappa

Meet to Sleep Bangalore Jan 11th 2015:
Bhawana Udhani, Diya Pinto, Judith Druhe, Lijya Perayil, Malin Mendel Westberg, Maria Emilie Burger, Monica Nanjunda, Nia Chari, Shilpa Goyal, Viji Chari, Wolfram Thurm

Meet to Sleep Bangalore Feb 28 2015:
Bhawana Udhani, Lijya Perayil, Maria Emille Burger, Monica Nanjunda, Rishita Nandagiri, Satya Gummuluri, Shruti Chandrashekharan, Yamini Deen

Meet to Sleep Bangalore (April 2015)
Benjamin Stewart, Inti Maria, Kaustubh Srikanth, Vira Mistry

Meet to Sleep Jaipur (November 28th):
Aarushi Kilawat, Meenal Jain , Palak Khandelwal, Parul Khanna , Satyashree Sethia, Sukriti Suryavanshi, Supriya

Meet to Sleep Pune (November 28th):
Ameya Gutta, Sayali Patwardhan 

Meet to Sleep Bangalore (November 28th):
Anandi Sharan, Asfiya Farheen, Diya Pinto, Kiri Meili, Mahesha Hiremath, Pragati KB,, Seema Nair, Shailaja, Silvana Rigobon, Sufiya Jay, Tharunya Balan. Vira Mistry. Wolfram Thurm, Yasmeen Taj S


  1. Swetha D9:59 am

    We organized a Meet to Sleep in Hyderabad. Here are some pics and details
