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CNN IBN reporters take theSafe City Pledge

CNN IBN takes the Safe City Pledge

Safe City Pledge . Small step big change:

Safe City Pledge calls for a 360 degree approach to building safe cities. It creates that space to step outside the blame game and take ownership of sexual violence. The campaign is based on the premise that each citizen has both the power and ability to influence change . Safe City Pledge brings citizens across roles and professions to identify their role towards tackling violence against women and building safe cities.

Hence what would a school teacher pledge, film maker pledge to construct masculinity and femininity, what would the police pledge? Can the police pledge to work on restoring building public trust ? We seeSafe City Pledge as the start of a conversation around ownership and responsibility, accountability. Small Step. Big Change.

Safe City Pledge was initiated in December 2012 by Blank Noise in India, in the midst of public anger, protests and outrage after the Delhi Gang Rape. On January 1st , 2013 citizens from different walks of life and organisations, across 12 cities in India mobilised fellow citizens to take the Safe City Pledge. Since then #SafeCityPledge has built tweetathon, facilitated workshops in schools, colleges.

Safe City Pledge Action Hero Team includes the following people:
Yamini Deen, Abhishek Chaudhury, Shivangini Tandon, Maria Del Rio, Jasmeen Patheja, Bhamati Sivapali, Viveka Chauhan + every Action Hero who took the pledge.

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