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Kolkata Action Heroes Rise: One Billion Rising

Kolkata Action Heroes with One Billion Rising

We're almost there now.14th February plan is as follows:

• Gather at Shahid Minar at 2: 30 pm. This will be followed by mime performance/s, talks, actions / live installations by various group
s / collectives/ individuals

• We walk to rise. Walk with pride. 4 pm starting Shahid Minar to College square. This walk includes a series of events and interventions. Be there in numbers. Bring along friends, colleagues, neighbours , family , strangers.

• Wear black with red or bright pink. Maybe even that red pink lipstick if you like? The colours are in solidarity with OBR events across the world.

• There will be a live growing and mobile installation of garments that reject blame. Bring that one garment you experienced sexual violence in. Your garment is your witness and testimonial. Rise against the culture of blame. Say out loud: I Never Ask For It.

One Billion Rising is a revolution because you are making it happen. Rise against violence towards women. 'If you dont. who will?'

OBR is an idea. A spirit. Built by you.
Get involved. Make it happen.

Here's what you can do immediately
1. Share this on your wall. invite Kolkata/ WB fb friends
2. If you would like to volunteer towards building the event, there's a planning meet on Monday at 1 pm. Venue- Swayam office.
3. make *sure* you're there on Feb 14

Event fb link here

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