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24 hour Tweetathon #SafeCityPledge

24 hour Tweetathon
January 19
#rape #safecities #sexualviolence #citizen

Each citizen affects change. You are invited to participate to a 24 hour twitter event that pushes an urgent 360 degree approach to building safe cities.

  • be self critical 
  • be optimistic 
  • be hopeful 
  • try avoiding blame game because it often only goes in circles 
  • examine your area of expertise and how you can pledge change within that. example- if you're a journalist- how can you pledge change that affects the way you report sexual violence. or if you're a gynaecologist- can you be self critical of the system you are part of and pledge change? or if you're an architect or an urban planner or a politician or a movie maker. think of how you can affect change. make your pledge.#SafeCityPledge 
  • Dream an ideal city. Be imaginative. Ask 'what if' ? 
  • Believe you can affect change. 

Here's how you can get involved before Jan 19
1. Tweet this
2. Take a pic of yourself with your SafeCityPledge . If you dont tweet- you can email in the pic to blurtblanknoise at gmail
3. email in with ideas and suggestions

Event on FB

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