No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!


Raksha Bandhan


  1. Thank you so much. I want to print this and give it to my brother. We're quite close, but it hurts and makes me apprehensive every time he says, 'Oh god, I got raped today in class', or swears on mothers and sisters. The feeling of alienation from, and fear of my brother is something I can't tolerate.

    Thank you for this, BN.

  2. rakhi tying action hero1:37 pm

    so glad to hear this bhavini. and now am going to go tie rakhi to my brother. in all action hero spirit.

  3. Should it not be directed to both men and women?
    Women also abuse. and use the same Mc Bc. This is a fact.
    Instead of pointing all blame on men for everything wrong in this world it will be wise to take collective responsibility and work together to remove all the things majority of men and women despise. Sexual harassment being one of them.

  4. action hero to mandeep10:32 pm

    hi mandeep. not denying that women also use gaalis . its not a male vs female thing here. societal attitudes instead. but hey its rakhi. and here's what we wanted to put forward!

  5. simple action hero10:36 pm

    some jokes are constructed as a 'guy thing'. men wouldnt find it 'appropriate' to discuss in front of their sisters . here's one seemingly 'harmless' way in which our brothers could have perpetuated a culture of violence....even without knowing it.
