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The women's reservation bill ensuring 33 % reservation to women in Parliament and state legislative bodies was finally passed in the Rajya Sabha almost 2 weeks ago. It took close to 15 years to make this happen. The bill reserves 181 of the 543 seats in the Lok Sabha and 1,370 of the 4,109 seats in the 28 state assemblies

What does the women's reservation bill being passed mean to


  1. somethings sound funny6:18 pm

    33% is a good start but there should be a 50 % reservation for women- rather there should be a 50% reservation for men. now that begins to sound funny right? reserve 50 % for men?! hahahah

  2. i love it but im all for reservation or a just representation of women from diverse backgrounds. we NEED women in parliament. it matters to me because it focuses on women as decision makers, women as leaders. i hope it's a huge step towards looking at India as a country of men and women. of a public that is male and female. i hope it brings a shift in attitude towards women- a shift from the domestic to the public...ofcourse that's happening with more and more women being at the workplace, but we need women decision makers at a national level.

  3. sanjari6:59 pm

    it means hope. but its one small step

  4. sanjari6:59 pm

    it means hope. but it's one small step

  5. u girls are feminist , if ur really capable why cant you fight it out in election rather than seeking reservations. Arjun singh did no good by making SC ST

  6. feminist person7:59 pm

    guys can be feminist too. btw did you mean feminist as an insult?

  7. feminist person #29:08 pm

    @monja- it's all very easy to make statements like what you have. "why cant you fight it out in election rather than seeking reservations"
    it's not as simple because of a history of attitudes and perception of women. it's all too easy to say what you have, but do a majority of women in india live in an environment that encourages them to be in politics? to be outside of the domestic setting? and it doesn't just end there, there are different kinds of women from different socio groups which makes mayawati a star wonder in the history of indian politics because of what she has 'achieved'despite being female, and not just female, but a Dalit too.

  8. Anonymous11:04 pm

    yes, atlast after a long time, this event has been made. women are better administrators and corruption will come down to a large extent if they come to power

  9. amit- bn guy11:48 pm

    @komandur it's not about women being 'better' administrators, that is not the question or solution.

  10. @komandur it's not about women being 'better' administrators, that is not the question or solution.

  11. I think its bad for both men and women.

    I wrote a post sometime back explaining it.

    6 reasons why the bill is a step backwards
    Give them a chance not charity

  12. I as an individual feel that the women who participate in elections in the rural setup are usually pressurized to do so by their families. This is a statement I am making after having experienced it in a rural setup. Though the reservation is a good step, I doubt if it is in the right direction.

    There is a lot of political will involved with it. If the parties actually were so "for" the bill why don't we see a 50% or 33% reservation in the parties itself. It's almost like dragging dissenting ministers who probably have a very archaic thinking towards women into signing this Bill.

    Probably people like Mulayam Yadav and Lalu Yadav opposed it because of the large power that they exercise on their parties. I can bet on this that people who voted 'yes' for the Bill in Rajya Sabha did not actually mean it. Till the change happens at the 'mind' level it's hard to think of a Bill like this actually bringing about a positive change.

  13. ajooni10:56 am

    @neeru good point about "If the parties actually were so "for" the bill why don't we see a 50% or 33% reservation in the parties itself. It's almost like dragging dissenting ministers who probably have a very archaic thinking towards women into signing this Bill."

    BUT that isnt a problem of the women's bill itself. the women's bill is good news and as for the parties keeping a 33% or more reservation within themselves should be brought up and followed.

    there may be much political drama within and why parties support it, but in an over all sense, it's great that there will be female representation in the parliament. let's not just HOPE but also responsibly elect our female politicians.

  14. Anonymous4:15 pm

    The Youth, The Reservations and Super power India!!:
    This is what reservation means to me...

  15. When I think of Indian politics I think murky, corrupt, sexist, not a good career choice. A lot of women who might have wanted to contest an election without riding on someone else's back might have opted out because of the same reason. Now with the reservation they might feel a little safer and consider joining politics, not for the power they can wield but for the good they can do. If they don't perform and join the same oppressive system, VOTE THEM OUT and treat them like any other politician. I finally consider this an equal platform, and do not consider it a charity case, simply because we are not equal. If everything were a-okay, we wouldn't need a women's bill.

  16. hey guys u never made this sort of statemen when arjun singh proposed for SC St reservation why women Reservation is more important than than ia there any quantifiable measure

  17. my point is women are equally strong why cant u fight it out , by accepting that u need a reservation u accept that you are the weaker sex and need advantage because u cant do it yourself.

    One food for thought : Why women reservation has not been proposed ever in developed countries like USA or underdeveloped nations like Afganistan Iran etc , So whats with India ???!!!

  18. And if we do have a 33% would it lead to better administration ?

  19. Anonymous11:09 am

    Reservations will only cripple the already crippled system with incapable illiterate women !

    People without any caiber, knowledge will lead this country and stupid women are feeling happy that they will have representation that their stature is increasing they are getting respect !
    You get respect by earning it not by begging for it !
    Asking for reservations is like accepting straight away that you are incapable fo a fight that you are no equal to a man, and accepting that MEN are superior and you can win against them until and unless the game is made biased for you !

    Women of substance, women of material they dont ask for reservations, Indira Nuri, barkha Dutt they became what they are on their own not coz of some reservations ! its only weak who ask for it !

  20. reservation for woman is still a necessity in india bcoz in this 'developing' nation men r never ready to give equal power to women!!! it is a pity that even in 2010 de govt. needs to implement laws to upgrade women's position in our society!!! OMG... r de men feeling insecure of dere own position now???

  21. 'thinking' woman6:07 am

    @aditya- thanks for sharing but i agree with many comments here- reservation for women is a necessity in India. it needs to be proposed with an impact estimate and needs to be modified 10 years from now.

  22. It's very easy to say fight it out etc. but first you have level the playing field. There are no guarantees and the point is not to lower the bar, but to provide opportunity, and in a sexist country like ours qualifications aren't everything. It is a male dominated administration and it's hard for capable women who don't have their parents in politics to break into it. I don't know about anyone else but I need to see someone besides actors/actresses and neta kids and underworld dons in politics. 33% might change things, or it may not, but you'll be voting for a woman if she's looking out for the interests of your community, and then all this righteous indignation is going to go out of the window. On the other hand if they screw up just like their numerous male counterparts in the past, people are happily going to go 'aha, told ya, women'. Or we might just surprise ourselves and not do that. Besides that, I know all beauty queens say 'Indira Gandhi' but I wouldn't hold her up as a shining example of a woman leader. And I agree with thinking woman (because women normally don't?) the law should be reviewed in a few years.
    FYI on Afghanistan:

  23. Aviral SInghal11:26 pm

    It would really be good if Indian Govt. passes the women reservation bill and it would be a landmark becoz recently in pakistan a women senator was in favour of passing a bill for Polygamy without the consent of the wife.Thats like Pre-Historic period in pakistan

  24. @rhead thanks for the video link

  25. @sachari we are not feeling insecure , its the coutry to be run god damn and we can just have people who have not been choosen by the people and are just there cauz there seats are reserved. try to understand the essence imagine if mayavati has here seats reserved for the rest of her life and please dont make it a man or a women thing . Why is this discussion even happening on blank noise . OUR concern is Better administration which you girls in this forum are not trying to understand .

  26. I respectfully disagree with th majority opinion here about identity-based reservations. This is my view on the issue:

    "Are women’s quotas in Parliament necessary, or can we learn something from the experience of the private sector, where competition for talent has broken the glass ceiling?"
