No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!


Street Tales of Love/ Lust/ and possible misinterpretations:

" Excuse me?"

if you've got a story on being approached by a random stranger

if you've got a story on approaching a random stranger because you found him or her attractive
write to us.


if you've got a story where you experienced sexual harassment from a stranger but now feel that maybe he was trying to stalk you/ talk to you (etc) because that's the only way he could express himself/ or his interest in you...

if you've got a story where you tried to approach someone / make conversation / express interest and you feel that maybe the other person interpreted it as sexual harassment.

write to us


feel free to send in movie clips, songs, texts that also look at the different codes and interpretations to street sexual behaviour.

you know where to find us!
blurtblanknoise at gmail dot com

reference blog post and more links here:


  1. M from facebook10:24 pm

    so i'm waiting in the queue to book my train ticket when the guy next to me decides to make friends. he's been trying to peek at my form to see my details - but i keep covering them up. finally, he breaks the silence with: "you are... bachelor?"

    Have you ever been approached by a stranger - successfully, or unsuccessfully? Share it right here!


  2. I think a confrontation is called for when anything like this happens. The confrontation may or may not be aggressive depending on the benefit of doubt that you want to give to the stranger but it ought to be there. Sometimes embarrassing the person is the best thing to do, "yes, will you marry me?" or "why are you asking me that?" or "do you think it is alright to ask a girl who is standing alone these questions?"

  3. @Ayush, agreed one needs to be outrightly stern at it, but looking the kind if things happening would also be wise to show a cold shoulder and get into something that is familiar, may be a person or still better defend with support.

  4. This guy sitting besides me in the metro says-

    "Hi I am Captain Vikram, I saw you at the station you look beautiful.. can we talk and can I get your phone number"

    Smirking to myself (cos it was a public transport and metro is relatively safer than the bus, also cos i knew i could embarrass this guy) I said (loudly) -

    "No, Captain Vikram, I will not give you my phone number and stop saying such stuff to me, please go and sit somewhere else"

    Embarrassed, he walked away.

  5. machlee10:27 pm

    I remember being 15 and in bangalore for the first time. walking up and down brigade road with 2 friends. noticed a guy following us.
    he bordered appearing 'attractive'.

    it was awkward and funny to get attention from a random stranger. he walked up and asked me if i was from punjab. i said no and he walked away. my friends giggled and teased me for the longest time after that day.

    it didnt come across as harassment to me then. it was new and perhaps 'innocent'. i wasnt defensive, or threatened- more curious and excited about this new found male attention.

    the guy was perhaps the same age or a couple of years older.

    It was unexpected behaviour but at 15 I had not defined the boundaries of what seemed appropriate or inappropriate- it was just new. also being new to the city - there for a holiday I didnt really know wht to expect from a place and its people.

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  6. Have put up a long story here:

  7. I had gone to Ooty on a holiday with some friends. We were at a garden when some young boys approached us, and asked us if they could take a photo with us. My reaction was similar to that of Annie's-- I was initially amused because well, it IS funny situation to be in. But when they persisted, we got really annoyed and walked of.

    I cannot, for the life of me imagine why we didn't stand there and give them a talking-to.
