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For the Pink Chaddi Campaign:

You're late if you haven't heard of the Pink Chaddi Campaign+ the Pubcrawl!!

join them at

more from Nisha Susan:

Dear All,

You may have heard of the Pink Chaddi Campaign that kicked off three days ago to oppose the Sri Ram Sene. The campaign is growing exponentially (1,300 at this point in the life of our Consortium of Pub-going, Loose and Forward Women) and that is not surprising. Most women in this country have enough curbs on their lives without a whole new franchise cashing in with their bully-boy tactics. Of course, a lot of men have joined the group as well.

Here is we want to do with the Pink Chaddi Campaign. Join in. Be imaginative, have fun and fight back!

Step 1: It does not matter that many of us have not thought about Valentine's Day since we were 13. If ever. This year let us send the Sri Ram Sene some love. Let us send them some PINK CHADDIS.

Look in your closet or buy them cheap. Dirt-cheap. Make sure they are PINK. Send them off to the Sene.

The address to send the package is:
Pramod Muthalik,
Chief, Sri Rama Sene,
#11, Behind New Bus Stand, Gokhul Road, Near Lakshmi Park,
HUBLI - Karnataka

If you don't want to mail it yourself, you can drop it off at the Chaddi Collection Points.

We will be collecting across the country through this week and sending the packages on February 12. More information about Chaddi Collectors in your city soon on our blog:

Step 2: Send the Pink Chaddi Campaign a photograph of the package.

Tell us how many chaddis you are sending out and inspire other women in other cities. You can either mail the information here or you can mail it at our facebook address.

Step 3: On Valentine's Day we do a Pub Bharo action. Go to a pub wherever you are. From Kabul to Chennai to Guwahati to Singapore to LA women have signed up. It does not matter if you are actually not a pub-goer or not even much of a drinker. Let us raise a toast (it can be juice) to Indian women. Take a photo or video. We will put it together (more on how later) and send this as well to the Sri Ram Sene.

Step 4: After Valentine's Day we should get some of our elected leaders to agree that beating up women is ummm... AGAINST INDIAN CULTURE.

For right now, ask not what Dr VS Acharya, Home Minister of Karnataka can do for you. Ask what you can do for him. Here is his blog. Send him some love.

Nisha Susan
For the Pink Chaddi Campaign


  1. Anonymous9:29 am

    For you PYTs - a sugestion for a better way of protesting - why not wear it yourselves and strip off - a la Pratima Bedi style?

  2. Before creating the forum, please look at what was happening in the pub. There was a rave party going on. And what does that lead to..drugs, sex and maybe unwanted pregnancies and finally abortion. Is this what we want our daughters to go through? Valentine day serves as an excuse to fool around with a girl and that too can lead to teen pregnancy. Again the same question, is this what we want our daughters to suffers. Mothers on the blog think what you want for your daughters.

  3. Anonymous10:06 am

    Nisha: Collection Point for the Pink Chaddi in Mumbai : Ashwini : 9833075013

  4. Anonymous11:13 am


    Just to make the objective clear to you - the protest is against the beating up of women.
    Do you think, Ram Sene are justified in beating them up? If yes, then men should be beaten up everyday for just drinking/getting together with friends at pubs/bars etc??
    Do you think violence is the answer to this?

  5. Yay! Am sending loads of pink chaddis tomorrow! I LOVE the idea!

  6. Anonymous12:16 pm

    "Before creating the forum, please look at what was happening in the pub. There was a rave party going on. And what does that lead to..drugs, sex and maybe unwanted pregnancies and finally abortion. Is this what we want our daughters to go through? Valentine day serves as an excuse to fool around with a girl and that too can lead to teen pregnancy. Again the same question, is this what we want our daughters to suffers. Mothers on the blog think what you want for your daughters."

    WOW...has this person ever visited a pub in EVER...for tht matter a RAVE party??!!
    for starters a RAVE party never....n i mean..never happens in a broad daylight....let alone in a place where just abt anyone can walk in!!!

    N a pub is a place where ppl go to just unwind....n not take drugs.... lets just say there are hmmm other places for those things. N if anyone of those girls were on drugs the last thing tht they wud have been doing was crying n running away in hysteria!!

    N leaving everything aside......There are better way of avoiding "TEEN PREGNANCIES" than what was done

  7. Wow Its great,

    I have seen few people saying Pub means drugs, addiction and party.

    I am not against anything, but they the so called culture abiding, unwanted unknown with absense of sense people know, in All Math of Sant and Sadhu is a place where you get Charas, Ganja and more, whats that, should it be closed. Hehe

    Math are for sanyas and meditation but you get different kind of Sadhus there. Pub or any social place where you have human beings will have good and bad both.

  8. Anonymous12:33 pm

    There is a saying that, its fun to see if someone else's mother go mad in public.. Its the same scene here.. People who talk against the Sri ram sena wud act differntly if his or her own mother , daughter or sister go to the pub and wear indecent clothes in public.. I am not giving a single appreciation for the way the Sri ram sena members handled the women at the pub..But the drive should be aimed in more respectful way... Hatred for the members of the Sri Ram Sena who is going berserk taking the name of Ram along with them, Love for those mother's and sisters who continue to live the way indian woman used to live.. My black chaddi for those woman who are trying to act the same way Sri Ram sena workers did demostrating another indecent way to react.

  9. Anonymous12:45 pm

    If you and your Rama Sene comrades have the balls and guts, then go and fight agains terror and taliban. Serve the country working in the borders, instead of putting ur hands on women and trying to teach culture. And pls dont think your will become a politician or influential person...Come alone in front of people and they will show you who you are? Do you have the guts Mr.Mutalik, the sooo called Rama sene leader...?

  10. Mr Mutalik can suck my b@#ls!

    Now that I've gotten that off my chest I can continue. Firstly Mr. Nainap and Mr. B (I am guessing the B there stands for balless), can you inform me as to which pubs have drugged women dancing naked? I really would like to visit some of those! I personally hate discos etc, but I've been to enough of pubs to know that these are just places to unwind, share a few drinks, listen to some music get the picture.
    Where do the naked women and drugs come in????? Sick minds will always see sick things. It's quite obvious that your buddies from the Ram Sena or rather the underwear brigade - sorry did I say underwear brigade! Oh I forgot that's not in keeping with Indian culture, you are part of the langoti brigade. - yes, I guess most of you have a habit of mentally stripping women and seeing the influence of drugs in anything that your petty minds can not fathom.

    Where were all of you when the Taj was burning? Why didn't you volunteer your services to walk into the line of fire before the NSG went in?

  11. Naina are you a mother or a girl.Doesn't seem you have any idea of even a party let alone 'rave party'.And even if we assume you are some extra terrestrial to know what was going on inside the pub in daylight,what right do u or muthalik's gunda's have to attack or force people to behave as they want their own daughters to.Each one of them certainly must be sexually assaulting their own daughters at homes.Nobody except girl's lawful parents have right to stop them from doing anything and that too until they are 18.An adult women can go and grab a drink in a pub and that wont make them pregnant for God's sake.And they single out daughters,and girls,if drinking is so bad then shut down "desi Tharraas" where they drink.We men are ashamed if this is male ego to stop women from drinking at pub while men beat wife and children everyday after gulping down local desi daroo.But Naina is a girl how can she say this?May she failed to rule in her own daughter and thinks these goons would terrorize her daughter and keep her from going to pub.

  12. Now for "B" Yaar why are you generalizing your own character with that of others.You think u can lauh at other's mother going mad but wud be sad if it happens to ur daughter,and sister.
    My daughter,sister would go with her boy friend and spend time there.I can teach her,command her not to go there if I feel it might risk her till she is 18.After she is 18yrs she has mind of her own.Despite my view against it,I or you have no right to stop her.And again who are you and me..parents?Brothers,bigoted fathers why are you speaking like its man's world.Why r boys,and men allowed to do anything?And girls doing same are called 'uncultured',and 'prostitutes'.
    Get into shoes of a girl and see the matter "B" not as a father or brother but a free human being.

  13. The radical feminists are creating an unnecessary furore out of nothing. These women are shameless whoever is running this campaign. They think running naked on the ground is their freedom. Mutalik is correctly justified in thrashing such women.

  14. mayank_madhav ..I a mother of 25 year old son. No girl here!!! So think before leaving the comments. question would you marry a girl who frequents pubs and sleeps around with other men???????????????????????? Indian men are big hypocrites.

  15. Anonymous4:35 pm

    Hatts off. Wonderful Campaign. Lets hit back at these goons/moral police. I like the name too. " Alternative Law Forum".

    (I)Moral constables here we come

  16. Anonymous5:10 pm

    Nisha seems to be a lesbo,if i am right.Collecting chaddis will fantasize her i think.

  17. Anonymous6:22 pm

    I would like to send 500 burnt bras to Renuka Choudhary on this valentine for destroying Indian family system and creating a gender baised society in India. She only favours women whatever they do. She want men to be prosecuted before law if they drink and when women drink in pubs with noodle straps she talks about equality. Why this double standard Renuka? Do you think that men are fool ......

  18. Anonymous7:10 pm

    Remember u Mutalik lovers taht we live in a democratic country and not in any Islamic country where it is prohibited to booze, go around without covering their face etc, hols hands or shake your leg...
    Every person here has the privilege and teh right to live teh way he wants to.We dont need moral Policing. Ram sena is actually making this place no less than any other islamic country in the name of god and culture. People supporting Mutalik,should understand that its about an individual's lifestyle...

  19. Anonymous7:13 pm

    Muthalik u loser

  20. wow this is some heated discussion...For the lady who believes that unwanted pregnancies happen because our stilletoed feet enter a pub..whats her take on a three year old being raped? The child asked for it? It's amazing..women are our biggest enemy!Perhaps in their eyes violence against women is a long accepted part of Indian culture..sitting snugly with drugs,widow humiliation,child marriage and female infanticide

  21. Nish Susan,
    Before poisoning otehr girls' monds, why don't you go and strip yourself for the pub cause? That you belong tehelka and have congress support is all very well known!

    Valentine's may be your culture, after you converted! So go to rome and strip before the Pope! Don't try to mess around with the rest of India with your hair brained solutions!

  22. Hey Anon coward! If you have guts, show your name first!

    You slime ball, where your balls get stuck while commenting on moslem women in India? In your throat? Dozens of women are killed and abused, not by Rama Sene, but by guys like you everyday in India. DO you or this Susan b**ch have guts to talk abt it?

    One advice to you! Shove your stinky unwashed undies up your stinky collective rears! Leave the erst of India alone! If not, you will be having them shoved up yours.......Don't create a riot when not required!

  23. Anonymous9:40 pm

    Hi, unable to join the forum on Facebook. gives error. Pl fix?

  24. Anonymous10:05 pm


  25. Anonymous11:59 pm

    Here is what Sri Ram Sena people did. They infringed on the basic human rights of freedom of speech, equality before law and personal liberty of some "people" be it women or men.
    There will always be people who wouldn't want their kids / adult children to not to in bars, pubs, etc. But to those who are ok with it, they will be more worried about their safety.
    Instead of treating this as a men vs women issue we need to look at it from the perspective of encroachment of basic human rights and the inability of the state to secure its citizens.

  26. Anonymous12:48 am

    Why only tahelka and few woman and few so called secular channel are against shree ram sena, only because this group belongs to HINDUS if it would have Muslim or Christian group these shouting group would have no where.

  27. Anonymous3:05 am

    The Pink Condom Campaign - equally innovative reply to the Pink Chaddi campaign

  28. Anonymous3:16 am

    brilliant! love the pink condom campaign. love love love it

  29. Anonymous5:00 am

    i dont give any damn to this campaign.

    They say stealing, drinking alochol, gambling are vices. All the religions are unanimous in this.

    Tomorrow u can pls go ahead and start gambling houses bharo campaign. You have all the support from Secualr parties and media.

    Enjoy :-)

  30. Anonymous5:19 am

    All you pink chaddi or pink condom or pink whatever campaigners seem to have a lot of money to waste in this period of economic downturn. If any of you decide to have "send a rupee" campaign, I will gladly be the recipient.

  31. Anonymous10:20 am

    Whats your stand on valentines day.
    A very interesting pole is going on here about valentines day. Every one caste your vote there.
    vote for freedom

  32. Dear all,

  33. someone called them comrades...don't do that...plz...don't call them comrades....

  34. Anonymous12:46 pm

    Muthalik Ji, Pink Chaddi Wale!! Hi Hi Hi, That's the way to stop these non-sense people who are trying to push India back to Sati age.

    Wish we can do the same for all politically motivated people who try to gain popularity by these acts.

  35. Anonymous12:59 pm

    Majority of the Indians are hypocrites. They will preach something and practice something different. Anti liquor, anti tobacco or anti prostitution lobbyists are not saints. Publicity is the main motive behind this anti propaganda. Likewise anti Valentine’s Day or any pub culture is nothing but publicity stunts by these bigots. Ignore them and they will die their natural death. The more they are seen on media their attention grows in public. Watch these people practicing or indulging in what they are talking against and show that to the public. Media should expose cultural, linguistic, religious fanatics who practice what is best suited for them than that they preach for the public. That will put them in their right places.

  36. Anonymous1:04 pm


  37. Anonymous1:52 pm

    I think that whatever those so called "hooligans", as the people have termed them are right. Valentine's day was never native to India, and the only reason the youth of India wants to celebrate this day is because the want themselves to feel at par with the west, they think that by celebrating it like all other western festivals they will migrate from some lower community to a higher one. If they are so bent on expressing their love why not set aside some other day. I hope that the Rama Sene succeed in doing what they want to do.

  38. Dear Naina Aunty,
    I m assuming you to be an elderly person as you do have a 25 year old son. Due to the constraints of our 'Indian" society, I would understand if you have never visited a pub in person (actually, I would be surprised if you would have ever visited one). Dear Aunty, a pub is nothing but an evolved version of a Bar & Resturant but with louder music, usually no main course & no entry for children. As it is relatively expensive hence, 'elite' place compared to the desi daaru addas, one would usually find decent, non-leachers, educated, economically independent individuals visiting the place. That would make the place safer for the Indian women to enjoy a drink and unwind. Now, 'unwind' does not mean to sleep/copulate with the opposite sex. So a girl who frequents pubs, DOES NOT go there 'to sleep around with other men'!
    I am a pub-frequenting woman myself, and it is extremely disturbing and disheartening to see an intelligent person like you to misinterpret the scenario.
    Food for thought, U asked Mayank whether he would marry a girl who frequents pubs and sleeps around with other men?? ..... the answer is, maybe he will, maybe he won't... but the REAL question is are you going to give the benefit of doubt to your son's wife, if he decides to marry a girl who frequents pubs??
    It is not the MAN but the WOMAN who has the power to clip the wings of the whole womenkind

  39. Anonymous2:09 pm

    Wow...Excellent...Kudos to those women...

  40. Anonymous2:10 pm

    Wish to watch muthalik face when he receives that courier..
    Request Media team to be present...

  41. Anonymous2:12 pm

    Please courier few chaddis to Shiv Sena & Thakeray Brothers Team as well

    They shouldnt feel left out
    I heard both there wife love to wear pink chaddis (Udhav & Raj )

  42. Anonymous2:28 pm

    Dipti...Excellent...letter..Also enclose some chaddis with it and throw it on muthlik

  43. Anonymous2:33 pm

    I think Sonia Gandhi,Vrinda Karat and Renuka Choudhary inaugarating the Cahddi Giving fucntion in karnataka by giving their chaddis to pramod mutalik and sri ram sena members

  44. Anonymous2:36 pm

    Hey what about u guys.. How do we know friend pramod is not a gay. Well… I am not but i have many chaddis that i can send him. Can we send male chaddis too???

  45. Naina I was not being personal about you but was surprised that you accept humiliation of women,on the pretext of saving Indian culture even when you were born a women and to Indian male dominated society.Instead of being compassionate for the girls who had not broken any law but were enjoying themselves.You are mother of 25 yr old boy so you were brought up in times when 'pub' was presented as some taboo.If its generation gap Ma'am I totaly respect your reservations because you have never belonged to our generation.But even if you or my own mother has certain view about the pubs who is Mr.Muthalik to define culture in the first place,who gave some saffron clad men to decide what a person should do in his/her personal life unless he is infringing other's life.Its women like you who let them become this,and dictate the hypocritical rules about drinking allowed to men and not to women.As for your question as to whether I marry such a girl tell me "Do all you women marry just for protection from hypocrite males,or for some social sanction from society to live respectfully?" I would marry because I would love her and trust that when she promises loyalty and love for life she will keep that promise just as I would.Respect and love my parents as much as I wud respect hers.And you are flawed in connecting going to pub with sleeping around with men.Is drink supposed to make a girl promiscuous?Unless men are attacking or taking advantage of her an educated,aware girl won't be sleeping with unknown men she just happened to meet in pub.
    Both things are unrelated.Ma'am I wish you had daughter instead of a son you would understand her problems. You grew up in an era when things like drink,smoke and pubs,discs were unheard of or only men were permitted to smoke or drink.They are definitely bad for anybody's health but not biting into the character.Girls and boys like your own son grew up under the tutelage of our parents,we respect ur views,nothing(not at least few glasses of wine) wipes out those teachings to make us uncultured as soon as we enter a pub.Please even if u can't understand us,don't support same hypocrite men.

  46. Anonymous3:14 pm

    hi all,
    am stunned n shocked to read all the comments on this blog.. I dont understand wats fuss about, is it ram sena pub brawl, ppl opposing the brawl by pink chaddi campaign,religion, culture,women rights,Pubbing etc.. wat is it?
    i agree, too many heads, too many ideas, but there has to be something, which will make us agree on a single thought n i dont see that coming, until we EDUCATED ppl stand united, we will be ruled by these UNEDUCATED morons thru out our life..i really believe in onething, n that is, if u cant fight against it then dont jus sit in ur comfy place n type these comments, i really beleive this pink chaddi is an amazing idea n it should be supported..these ram sena vanars believe they r abiding the rules of hindutva,there has to be a line drawn somewhere between educated n uneducated, if they can attach the educated then we can attack them thru this, much can ppl say its wrong going to pubs,wat the f**k, those who r commenting on girls going to pubs,i think they need to visit the pubs again, n not the 1 they go to, dance bars where all stripping n cheap daru is served..its not a western culture, this was there in india from the birth of this country - Kota, Dance bars, nukkad wine shops...
    infact we should be thankful to the western culture they got into ths country for getting a better place which is meant for the elite and much decent from these indian version of pubs... guys stop this fuss about girls going to pub, we have come a long way for our right n now we dont want ny of these vanars n ppl who think we cant go to pubs, think twice we own all the rights n we r much wiser than guys n know how to use our rights.. we dont need men to let us stop fighting amongst ourself n support the cause.. Pink Chaddi is the right way.. :)

  47. Mr.Raja even if Miss.Sussan belongs to some political group and doing it totally for a political cause,she at least shares our grief and anger at harassment of women at hands of sick men who went scott free after instigating and committing a crime.I am not supporter of Congress(like so many youths like me I never even voted in life).Please let us live,we won't become congress supporters because some1 with congress support thought about us.But when Mr.Muthalik uses violence to justify his political motive we will have to look for political support.Why is a girl enjoying her life in a pub a political issue at all.We pubgoers were not starting a political movement.We just enjoy some good moments with friends.
    Why did Muthalik feel bad about our character and our behavior.We are not forcing your daughter or your sister or your wife to come and drink in pub.Why are you bothering us when we don't bother about u.Anyways people like you consider your daughters,sisters,and spouses as your property or upholders of your honor,while you kill them in mother's womb to get a son to carry your legacy.

  48. Anonymous3:31 pm

    This entire pink chaddi campaign is horrendous and in utterly bad taste. Nisha, you're simply reiterating what the sena thinks of women,as creatures who, the minute they get into a pub, are willing to drop their chaddis at the drop of a hat. Go ahead with it, but dont blame us if we would prefer to support a more intelligent form of protest.

  49. A few anonymous bloggers are using this forum to malign Nisha and send personal comments.Mr.Anonymous could be please give facts and reasons for us to take discussion forward instead of cheap personal statements.You can oppose and convince us to shun pubs,help us if you think we are wrong.By such vulgar comments you are showing what you are.Could the blog owner please check if they are accepting vulgar comments and not let them be visible,though they make ur blog more spicy,they solve no purpose.

  50. "i dont give any damn to this campaign.

    They say stealing, drinking alochol, gambling are vices. All the religions are unanimous in this.

    Tomorrow u can pls go ahead and start gambling houses bharo campaign. You have all the support from Secualr parties and media.

    Enjoy :-) "
    Because you are anonymous like so many others I am quoting ur post.Now gambling
    drinking,stealing are vices by social norms not by scripture.

    Alcohol was a not allowed in Islam because they were warriors fighting tribal who opposed their existence.A warrior sect would not allowed intoxication.Similarly smoking was banned in Sikhs because "grass" was one intoxication popular there.And Sikhism was born as sect fighting Mughal invaders.Hindus on the contrary had "Som Ras" and finds mention in our various epics.Do you know Nagga tribes wear saffron and smoke "marijuana".All your religious leaders go seeking for their blessings.Gambling well 10 days before diwali so many Hindus start this custom of gambling as if lakshmi would come with this.
    Gambling is an offense by Indian law because it becomes a menace to economy with so many people having unaccounted money into this.Drinking and going to pub of an adult is not a pronounced crime by Indian law.Now,do you think we are all living by scripture?Secular or not secular are you urself living as written in ur Gita,Quran or Bible.Religion only guides about way of life,believers have right to interpret.Its not possible and not right in free society to force people to live as one sect or a person wants.Religion is left as matter of personal choice and not state policy or law without favoritism to any particular section's way of living.That's the only definition of secularism.Indian state is secular.We can't bring a law stopping gambling, drinking,smoking because hindu,Islam or Sikh religions respectively prohibit it.It is and will always be rational reason disassociated from any religion that guides public policy.


    Which imaginary world do you belong to? First liberty just means people are given freedom to think and decide independently without social norms or rules imposed by handful of goons and impostors.If teens are becoming pregnant,its because they are not taught or talked to at homes.We oppose sex education as anti-cultural so teens who are in a tender age of learning life are lured into what they won't do if they were fully aware of consequences
    You need "Sena" to shut down pubs,if you are so convinced its bad stop pub goers(not by force) to not go there,no body will make profit then and all Tharraaas will be shut automatically.
    But where will all men,Shiv sainiks and Ram sainiks go to drink then?
    And if Ram can drink why not Sita?

    Again Miss.Ragini if my sister,mother wants to go to pub and drink I will go with them,it doesn't make her uncultured,nor does it allow any other guy to touch them without their permission.I would defend them as I would defend any girl friend with whom I go there.What makes you think going to pub makes a girl lose senses and have sex with guy in the pub to make her pregnant? Dipti explained a pub if you had never been there yourself.Sena goon's couldn't b having their sisters daughters enjoying in pub.They are too unfortunate to have such men as family heads.They would have kept wives,daughters,sisters for show or in purdah all through their lives because they r so sick they will doubt every man to rape them or see them as they see other girls.Ragini you are too concerned about developed India but favor talibanization of society.Do you want youngsters to be some machines working for your vision of developed india and also be stereotypes of your generation.We are different from you and your generation,we respect you,and our parents but refuse to be your stereotype of ideal future indians.

  53. Anonymous6:01 pm

    mayank_madhav sir..thussi great ho.. thumari maa bhi and sister bhi.. Plesae collect your mom's and sister's used chaddi ( please dont buy a new one as that wont give that punch to this campaign as i heard the person who started(susan) is also sending her used chaddi) and send to Mutalik..
    What an idea !!!

  54. Anonymous6:23 pm

    dear mrs naina, ragini, raja......u knw wat d root cause of everythibg wit u guys n rama sena is "LACK OF KNOWLEDGE" have u ever n i mean ever been to a pub?
    1st if ur answer is yes then i dnt think u wud ever write somethin lyk tht n if ur answer is no then please get ur facts ryte "A PUB" is jus a place where u get drinks n some gr8 music....there r several ppl around n trust me there's no place 4 SEX....4 ur daughter to b pregnant.....n as for drinking tht is ones personal choice...i dont think nyone has a ryte to tell us whether v shud drink or not....personally i have always been to pubs wit my frnds bt i never drink tht depends on ur choice n jus because gals drink doesnt mean they'll sleep aorund wit men....comeon....wats tht mentality all about....n if u guys want to protest then rather then protesting against d pubs which r jus 4 timepass or rather then protesting against liquor which gives us lot of economy piz protest against rapes or dowry etc!!!!

  55. Anonymous7:10 pm

    when i first moved to bangalore i was aware of the many name tags bangalore had- garden city, pub city etc.
    it was refreshing to see pubs as normal- women going to pubs as normal. why the sudden attack and negative attention towards women in pubs? who is creating it? why? for what purpose?

  56. Anonymous8:51 pm

    Hi please behave properly we are not playing a blame game, i just read here is that each one is abusing other than putting some valuble thoughts,,

    I just put an simple thought

    When Drink and Drive is banned bcoz after drinking we loose control, so u go to a place where there are drunk ppl and hope for the best of treatment to be given??

    They arent saints wisiting those ppl the frustated buggers visit this place ,,,it not a SPA where u just unwind, relax and listen to music,,

  57. Well, I haven't even bothered to go through all of these comments (and I have a niggling feeling that being the 47th, no one will come across this one!) but it's so very surprising how a discussion, or strategy, is appropriated by different people for different purposes to justify different ends. I mean it's about protesting against a group of people, regardless of their religious affiliations, taking brute law, and not Indian law, in their hands, and imposing their point of view, against which we might not want to make judgement, on other sections of the society which ostensibly offend their sensibilities. Whether the Sena was right or wrong is secondary to this issue of infringement of the a few basic fundamental rights of our fellow citizens. The Pink Chuddi Campaign seems an innovative, wacky way of registering protest- pretty much like Gandhigiri, innovative, yet ineffectual, or at least with a long gestation period. People have a right to address serious issues in a wacky, funny, ostensibly absurd manner- after all, reality is in itself too absurd.
    Really surprising how the discussion has gone into the nature of pubs and rave parties...good, but off the point!

  58. Anonymous10:10 pm

    Most of the people who are against pubs have not been to one. if parents have instilled good morals, ethos is rest assured that their kids will not cross their boundaries be it in a pub or any place. those who protest against it must be the ones who must have indulged in drugs, etc I have never come across any untoward behaviour when i visit one.
    it is up to us what we want to do with our lives and we know our rights, responsibilties and our dignity.

  59. Anonymous11:37 pm

    All free and fair minded Indians must join and fight these Ravana Senes unitedly. Otherwise, India will be like another, Afganistan.The cruel Manu Smrities which treated Women and Dalits like slaves may be enforced if the So called moral polices are given a free hand by the elected govts as in case Gujarat, Orissa,Karnataka etc.,Even draconian practices, like Sati, shaving a womens head at the time of her husbands death,may be enforced by these goodas in the name of Culture. These Idiots must be made to understand, that India is having a rich cultural heritage which has given female a special status in society.Also the sculptures in Ajanta &yellora shows that Sex is not a Taboo.Let the Democracy Grow. Jai Hind. Vijay Kumar. Mysore.

  60. Anonymous1:43 am

    PUB BHARO!! WOW what a great idea. What next? KOK/PETH BHARO? CONDOM PHADO?!?

    Yaar, kuch to sharmao. If you are really worried about women's rights and safty, try and stop co-workers harrasement, eve-teasing.

    Why can't we just divert the whole energy/resources towards something constructive instead of filling PUBS and sending PINK CHEDDIs.

  61. "When Drink and Drive is banned bcoz after drinking we loose control, so u go to a place where there are drunk ppl and hope for the best of treatment to be given??"

    Miss.Kiran though I drink I would also say drinks make u unwind and lose some control,but not morality.
    They are not best for health so in high amounts injurious to liver.
    Then you can ban drinking and any sale of drinks at all.Bring a law prohibiting sale of drinks,like drink and drive is against law.Start a pamphlet campaign,go stage a dharna,or make it political manifesto of your party and become a lawmaker.Its your view you have right to express ur views peacefully.But not imposing ur views by force.Nothing justifies force and uncivilized action on women who were not breaking any law.
    and you said "They arent saints wisiting those ppl the frustated buggers visit this place ,,,it not a SPA where u just unwind, relax and listen to music"
    Yes its sick people like you who visit pubs for whistling at girls.
    Sick people like you and Muthalik who think all girls who are drinking deserve ur whistling...
    and ur daughters who are clad in burqua and purdah will be safe.Can't you come to save these girls who are just njoying their own lives,if you think guys there go to whistle at them.

  62. B You only hear to people like have no mind of your own.Or may be you chose to close your mind because you can't face the truth.As per comments abt my mom and sis what else can I expect from you who would be ill-treating your own mom and sis confining them in boundaries of culture defined to suite your ego,so that you vindicate your idea(rather ideas you heard)of culture.I don't care who Miss.Nisha sussan is and what she does,I am for a movement to condemn and humiliate people of Ram sena who have maligned even name of Ram by thier acts.I and at least every sensible indian is for the cause of girl's liberty to chose to drink and not be labeled as immoral for this lawfully valid act.She chose this symbol not because she wanted cheap publicity."Pink" is color signifying Valentine's day gift which will be best day to gift some1 who wants to ban it."Chaddi" might be a cheap way to condemn but its appropriately cheap for men whose valor is only visible in attacking women and being called "Ram" sena.
    If Lord Ram is identified by such men we may never be able to consider him "Purushottam" again.

  63. Anonymous3:38 am


    You are telling this to wrong audiance.

    Actually this is Kali yug you know.

    We all are greedy.

    We see modenization in Pub goers and not in Prativa Patil, Sania Mirza, Kalpana Chawla, Inspector Bedi or Saina Nehwal.

    We want free culture where today we can kiss in closed doors but still want others to see us.

    We want bottles of Rum and Whiskey to show we are modern.

    We need drugs.

    We need the right to post nude pictures of girls on web sites.

    We need the right to post porn of indian innosent girls who once believed us.

    We need to do any thing that west did.

    We can wear cross as fashion but not OM sigh.

    AND we are modern so if any one protests against us--We cry foul.

    WE are modern youths of India and sania mirza or Kalpana Chawla are just old turts.

    We the youth of India with all the above quality will make India a true America tomorrow.

    The day is not far when like western countries in India there will be a film industry for porn and GOVT will give national awards.

    The days are not far when teenagers of India will sit in front of porn cams live chat.LOL.

    And what did you say?? Radha-Krishna??
    Are you serious? Do you think we have time to think about them??LOL.

    We are modern people of India. The might of GOD is too small in front of the might of Modern pub goers.

    The days are not far when to defete Muthalic, Pub goers will wear underwears with pictures of Indian gods on them.

    We are modern youths of India.

    Forget Rabindranath,Swami Vive kananda or Netaji.

    We are modern youths of India sending pink chaddis to Muthalik and tomorrow we want to run naked on street--and who dares to stop us.

    We the people of India will bring ARMAGADON together.

  64. Anonymous3:51 am

    Great!!! Send these sick pink chaddis to RSS, BJP, VHP, Baj Rang Dal, Shiv Sena etc too!!!

    The bastards are free because of the political son BJP of whore RSS mother.

    RSS is the real culprit & thier diferent offshoots are the tools to achieve thier nefarious objective......

    Lets throw out the BJP,VHP,Baj Rang Dal and all sena be it shiv, ram, ranvir etc.

    Even krishna had crores of affairs, Ram too did not went shooting mindless even when his own wife got abducted, kunti had son's out of wedlock, pandva shared thier brother's wife etc.

    And this idiotic thugs a living failures are trying to teach us what morality is, what culture is etc all in facade of deft nationalism & religion. Fuck these bastards.

    Not only send them pink chaddis but start hitting them on streets.... let them get the tastes.

    Religion is like condom or toothpaste, which one wants to use or even not to use is his or her wish & perogative and not someone's else forced opinion.

    Ask RSS, BJP, VHP, Baj Rang Dal, Ram Sena, MNS, Shiv Sena, Durga Vahini etc to stop thier mother & daughter finger & hand which they use to molest themselves if they want to police then police thier own family members but not others.

    Even during dandia where there is photograph or idol of durga kept the whole navratri all boys n girls, men & women mariied or unmarried get into affairs resulting in sex and thats is for what they go and no one goes to make mother or sister, brother or father so what.......... its our life and we live it as we want. for those who dont like pls stay away....... no need for the jokers to teach us...... the losers bastards.

  65. Anonymous4:00 am

    Great!!! Send these sick pink chaddis to RSS, BJP, VHP, Baj Rang Dal, Shiv Sena etc too!!!

    The bastards are free because of the political son BJP of whore RSS mother.

    RSS is the real culprit & thier diferent offshoots are the tools to achieve thier nefarious objective......

    Lets throw out the BJP,VHP,Baj Rang Dal and all sena be it shiv, ram, ranvir etc.

    Even krishna had crores of affairs, Ram too did not went shooting mindless even when his own wife got abducted, kunti had son's out of wedlock, pandva shared thier brother's wife etc.

    And this idiotic thugs a living failures are trying to teach us what morality is, what culture is etc all in facade of deft nationalism & religion. Fuck these bastards.

    Not only send them pink chaddis but start hitting them on streets.... let them get the tastes.

    Religion is like condom or toothpaste, which one wants to use or even not to use is his or her wish & perogative and not someone's else forced opinion.

    Ask RSS, BJP, VHP, Baj Rang Dal, Ram Sena, MNS, Shiv Sena, Durga Vahini etc to stop thier mother & daughter finger & hand which they use to molest themselves if they want to police then police thier own family members but not others.

    Even during dandia where there is photograph or idol of durga kept the whole navratri all boys n girls, men & women mariied or unmarried get into affairs resulting in sex and thats is for what they go and no one goes to make mother or sister, brother or father so what.......... its our life and we live it as we want. for those who dont like pls stay away....... no need for the jokers to teach us...... the losers bastards.

  66. Anonymous4:43 am

    ok this pink chuddy campaign is for indian woman right????? what do you say about gujarat..... drinking and pubs not allow there....... you also want to send chuddy to gujarat goverment.???? you stupid people dont waste your time about this compaign..... country is in recession so work for family and your childrens.

  67. Anonymous5:06 am

    So this pink chuddi compaign is for indian women??????? In gujarat drinking alcohol and pubs not allow...... So why dont you send chuddi to gujarat goverment????.... Dont waste your time in this compaign..... India is in recession so work for your family and your child... Dont waste time...

  68. Anonymous10:55 am

    yes my dear friend anon. pink chaddis is for indian women- guess what we all wear them- not just pink, but red , yellow, green, white- all colours. thought that was a known factor. tell me- would the pink chaddi offend you more than lets say if mutalik received a string of women's shoes?
    or bangles? or belans? are you saying underweatr is less indian than a sandal? tell me how you respond to this.

    really curious.

  69. Mere preeya-Anonymous- hardworking-Indian-in -Recession

    Krupya jaiye aur kaam kijiye, apne pariwaar ke liye, apne bachche ke liye.
    why r u wasting ur precious wrking hours (or ur company ka internet connection, whichever applicable) on such 'frivilous' issue-wala blog?
    Or is it tht u work for the gujrat government and the recession has hit there also so bad, tht u can't afford chaddi's for your child and you want us to send some there for your own use??
    Kindly do not confuse this protest campaign to a Charity Trust.

    Sarcasm aside, I would request all bloggers to try and keep away from a 'Crab-mentalility'-wala attitude on this blog.

    And if you do want to pass a derogatory comment, or use foul language (which is being generously posted here); then have the guts to reveal your true identity in public. Kindly do not behave 'Na-mard'

  70. Anonymous12:34 pm

    Good work citizens of India. We should show RAM Sena, Bajrang Dal, BJP, Raj Thakare and other militant outfits so called moral brigades that they are mentally challenged sick and criminal minded organization/people.
    I hate to call myself a Hindu where such filth is present. I want to register my protest thru this blog.
    Just eliminate these bastards from the society.

  71. Hi "Crusader" how apt is your login name to your mentality.
    In entire christian history event of crusades stand testimony to fact that radical religious fundamentals were used to justify killing or innocents,so you are one of them)
    You said "The radical feminists are creating an unnecessary furore out of nothing.....running this campaign."

    Radical feminist a new word coined for those protesting use of force on helpless women to ensure publicity of screwed up views of a group of people. These women had not hit anyone,nor had they broken any law.
    Yes agreed we are giving too much importance to one man who would never have got media and public attention.

    Mr.Crusader women were forced to use what you consider "shameless" words and actions because people like you,law and even the chief minister of Karnataka didn't come to their rescue.Women have to shame Muthalik to show him that even if he got scot free,we all would puke on his face next time he open his dirty mouth.
    Muthalik may be your God,teach his theory to your own son or daughter (Though I don't think people like you have daughters).Beyond your own sons,you or Muthalik(who happens to be a frustrated bachelor)has no jurisprudence to define our character or our actions.Women all over india are going for "shameless" actions because our system and people have already failed to protect their honor by letting this happen and by supporting goondas who justify actions in name of religion.

  72. Anonymous2:11 pm

    Go this link from the Pink Condom Campaign:

    Don't know what to make of this? Feel free to comment on the picture.

    All I want to say is that the Pink Chaddi way to protest is shameful and definitely not what educated Indians would do. Please do not get started on what other bad things educated/un-educated Indians are doing. Why are you extending that list? Are there not other things to protest about? Are there not other more genuine ways to protest against what happened?

    I remember we used to laugh at strippers when they ran in a cricket ground or football ground to draw attention. I just could not imagine nuts like these existed and think of such things ever happening in India (I don't support the idea of such acts being done in a modern society or developed country) With such ways of protesting seeing the day and thousands supporting it, the days are not far when you get a glimpse of an Indian stripper in a sports ground.

    Let's channelize our energies in a decent way to develop our Nation and get it into the list of developed countries.

  73. Hello "Annonymous" would you dare to put your yaar.Ok so now we have men's right activists here.Renuka Chowdhary is a women at least let her speak for women,all male politicians didn't had guts to speak against "Bajrang Dal" and "Ram Sena".There are so many male politicians to fight for you when Renuka Chowdhary shows double standards and does injustice to men.You can drink but not hit your wife because you are too drunk to know what you are doing.

    Indian Family System?????...which one??
    One in which fathers,and brothers control and keep their wives,daughters, sisters terrified and under purdah by use of force.Where along with domestic violence,sometimes even sexual assault goes unnoticed?Where a father decides everything from birth to marriage to death of a girl?Indian Family structure where dowry,child marriage still exists....

    Why only women carry the load of upholding this family structure?And why is justifying women going to pub destroying your ideal indian family structure?We had been treated equally by law,a man has as much rights to go anywhere as is a woman,or wear a sociable dress as they like.Y can't women wear noodle straps,you wear anything too...and is she your daughter that she should wear dress you want.

  74. Anonymous2:51 pm

    Dear Nisha, Try to do something for children who do not get food, do not get education. Do something for the poor. All the classy pub goers, if you stop spending on your pub. you may be able to help the underprivileged. Lot many would be already doing but still more can contribute to the good cause.

    The point to be conveyed - There are so many better things to protest about? Why does the constituion of India not say:
    Every person would be a nutritionous meal a day. Every child would get free quality education till 16 years of age? Why don't you protest against these?

    There is an idea I have - Once your publicity campaign is over, I would love to see how many of you supportive guys really take up these core Indian initiatives. Would love to see online groups formed and things done beyond posting your underwears ... or is this what our next gen can only do?

  75. "Don't know what to make.............
    .......... to develop our Nation and get it into the list of developed countries. "

    At least some "Anonymous" talks sensibly.
    Agreed "The words used and kind of protest used is cheap" so what religious name should we give it.Just like a gang of desperate goons is called "Ram Sena" we should have given name like "Durga Sena" and distributed pamphlets, sent memorandums to president of India who happens to be first women president.Did you question why were the men who assaulted women on camera given bail? Isn't that shameful enough?Why should a girl not use cheap words when almost all abuses in every language are directed at them.True we could use this energy and time to feed a hungry child.But why is this civility expected only of a girl?Why can anyone wear a saffron cloth and become leader.He does nothing about hunger,social problems,but gain publicity by openly attacking and abusing women on camera.He was never asked why he does such cheap action,and why is he bothering about women drinking
    when he can so much more by providing food and life to hungry and poor.That a women or man drinks doesn't mean he/she didn't do her job well or didn't do anything for country.Army men,
    engineers,doctors both men and women
    perform thier tasks to bring prosperity and also drink to enjoy themselves.They are doing their services to your idea of developed India better than Muthalik

  76. Anonymous4:52 pm

    We can also send the chaddi snaps online at ""
    Hurry up before the inbox floods...

  77. I just fail to see the point of the whole effort.

  78. hi
    this is maddy here first i would like to say am also against the attack on the pub and thay should have not hit the girls so roudely, for that MISTER . MUTHALIK has asked SORRY . and the case is going on in the court. my first question to you is ARE YOU REALLY A INDIA WOMEN ? if it is YES . then you should have not gone up to panties to HUMILIATE.. muthalik... wat dose that mean if you people are sending ur panties to him ?is that the way to protest ? i strongly condomen the way wat ur doing .... my second question to you in and also to whom all are sending their chaddis is are you people ok if(just think) ur daughter is going to pub and boozing with her boyfriend,and her boy friend once he is fully drunk he starts playing with the upper body of the girl and next he moves down to her hip and down..down ..... down... finally they moves to bed and you will be knowing well what they both do so is this wat pub leads to.... are you ok with this culture and are you ok if (just think)ur dearer one do"s all this ......NO NO .......... no respected indian controls all this its really horrible to think and this is wat happening in pub all most 98% of people going to pub do"s the same above ..... so to protest you are going with PINK CHADDI.....???????????/ if today MAHATHMA GANDHI JI was alive he would have cummited something>>>>>>>>>. please think befor you start any protest ..... why am saying all this to you is in INDIA WOMENS HAVE A VERY GOOD RESPECT BECOUSE OF THEIR ATTITUDE ..... FIRST YOU GO THROUGH WITH IT... and also go through with the police records you will come to know how many teenagers commiting robbery,theft,smuggling,and many more mistake things to enjoy all this meaningless pub or rave party culture... TODAY YOU HAVE STARTED PROTESTING WITH YOUR AND YOUR SUPPORTERS CHADDIS BECAUSE THE RAM SENA PEOPLE ATTACKED PUB.IF U HAVE A GUTS FIRST TRY TO KNOW HOW MANY SMALL GIRLS FORCIBLY PUSHED INTO PROSTITUTION IN REDLIGHT AREAS. GO FIRST PROTEST AND PROTECT THOSE GIRLS ......... dont TRY TO GET PUBLICITY WITH BLOGS ............. I FINALLY FEEL TO SAY THOSE WHO SEND THE CHADDIS THEY ARE UNFIT TO SAY THEMSELVES THAT THEY ARE INDIANS..........

  79. Anonymous6:04 pm

    Mr mayank_madhav sir.. I didn know that you will get offended by the words i used. I thought that you and your family are modern
    and support such free talks with your mom and sis...

    One fact i can tell about you is that, u never thought a person wud say such things to you..You felt bad(even i felt bad) when u saw the
    Mangalore event in TV and when u heard that there is a chaddi campaign going on u jumped into it with full josh..

    I am a person ( into my 30s now) who used to frequent most of the pubs and discos in Bangalore...I've never seen people doing sex
    in a pub... But i wud say that, thats the point where people starts taking the wrong this forum I've seen people quoting the
    old indian tradition of kotta and thing like that.. But the people who used go there was never considered modern or decent... I cannot say
    that women can't go to pub and have drinks... because i've gone there and had drinks many time.. But at the same time i cannot
    support a campaign which is telling women to go to pub...(even it were for men).. Thats stupidity... You can never say good things
    about consuming alcohol...

  80. Something from West being Replicated and Needs to Addressed ....

    They just can keep on Abusing Hinduism.... That's all they can do in the name of so called Human Rights ...

    No wonder All the males supporting this movement will never can ask females in their family to Send their PINK CHADDI's.

    Someone can ask them to view the information below and then they can blame whomsoever they wish to (your movement is just replication of incidents happening in UK)

    Below are some documented examples of cases recorded by established media sources in UK.


    BBC ASIAN NETWORK RADIO ("NIHAL" - 20 June 2007, Wed 9am) AND MORE:

    British Sikh Girl Talks About Predatory Muslim Males:

    5 Live report on Pakistani men grooming young white girls:

    EOTC Report on Pakistani Men Grooming Kaffir Girls for Sex:

    Grooming of white girls for sex by Asian Muslims is exposed:
    Evidence of British Pakistani Muslim Sexual Abuse Gangs:

    Current Known Areas being affected:

    These are not “claims", it is real, documented evidence is not required to show you something is real.

  81. Anonymous12:33 am

    nainap...if you have a daughter ( and i hope you don't)... put a chastity belt around here and chain her to a tree...btw have you ever heard of something called a condom???

  82. Anonymous12:41 am

    mayank_madhav ..I a mother of 25 year old son. No girl here!!! So think before leaving the comments. question would you marry a girl who frequents pubs and sleeps around with other men???????????????????????? Indian men are big hypocrites.

    i don't give a shit if she HAD slept around...

    you seem to treat your virginity like some priceless artifact...lemme te you it isin't

  83. Anonymous12:45 am

    you're a goddammed imbecile...

    why don't you shove your head up your arse and see what you're made of!

  84. Anonymous5:54 am

    its true that sriram sena is not our moral police is our right 2 speak 2 someone,even if it is a boy or girl,a hindu or muslim.if anyone try 2 put restriction on it,it is violation of the fundamental rights guaranteed by our constitution;that is violation of FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION.i surprise , why all the human rights activists are not moving 2 the court 2 take some kind of legal action..

  85. Anonymous12:04 pm

    Is this a pink chaddi campaign or pink panty campaign? If Muthalik has a panty fetish, then this campaign will be self-defeating.

  86. Anonymous1:54 pm

    oh right! what if he has a chaddi fetish- do you really think it will defeat the purpose?! it will simply be a very public confession. will defeat HIS purpose for sure

  87. Anonymous11:32 pm

    Did any of you read what "keesur" said?? Scroll up.. A couple of posts above.. Fuckin Hillarious !!!! :-)

  88. Anonymous9:12 am

    Having read some threads here, where men are against women drinking, please note the following :
    Sita used to consume wine
    (After recovering his kidnapped wife Sita from Lanka, Rama's coronation is performed upon returning to Ayodhya. Both Rama and Sita spend their evenings enjoying wine as well as succulent well-cooked meats in the Asoka-grove. The following quote which captures this regal scene is from Uttarakanda sarga 52 (or sarga 42 in some editions) of Valmiki Ramayana)

    Kama Sutra – Which religious followers can ever lay claim on a book like the Kamsutra. Imagine if the Jihandis had read this book, the world would have been a very peaceful place to live. They are promised of the some virgins after martyrdom, in Hinduism its part of daily life, who the hell wants to die! It’s another thing that most Indian men may not have read or tried the various positions. Imagine the Jihandis are told to make love 5 times a day.

    Khajuraho – The meticulously described positions by the sculptures at Khajuraho proclaims the arrival of a highly evolved religion. A religion which is not scared of its sexuality. Today when debates rage within various religious groups between contraception’s and pre martial sex we don’t even blink an eyelid on these issues. Until a ruckus is created by semi literate groups or sexually frustrated uncle in some God
    forsaken corner of the country.

    When the Church is petrified on the thought that Christ might have had a daughter, we know what a play boy Krishna was.

    Finally in regards to attire, Amar Chitra Katha’s sketches of the Apsara’s is the ultimate in sensual clothing. If the Ram Sena is demanding that all girls should wear similar cloths, please forward me your membership form, I will love to join your gang. Till then am biased to Lord Krishna

  89. Anonymous9:13 am

    Having read some threads here, where men are against women drinking, please note the following :
    Sita used to consume wine
    (After recovering his kidnapped wife Sita from Lanka, Rama's coronation is performed upon returning to Ayodhya. Both Rama and Sita spend their evenings enjoying wine as well as succulent well-cooked meats in the Asoka-grove. The following quote which captures this regal scene is from Uttarakanda sarga 52 (or sarga 42 in some editions) of Valmiki Ramayana)

    Kama Sutra – Which religious followers can ever lay claim on a book like the Kamsutra. Imagine if the Jihandis had read this book, the world would have been a very peaceful place to live. They are promised of the some virgins after martyrdom, in Hinduism its part of daily life, who the hell wants to die! It’s another thing that most Indian men may not have read or tried the various positions. Imagine the Jihandis are told to make love 5 times a day.

    Khajuraho – The meticulously described positions by the sculptures at Khajuraho proclaims the arrival of a highly evolved religion. A religion which is not scared of its sexuality. Today when debates rage within various religious groups between contraception’s and pre martial sex we don’t even blink an eyelid on these issues. Until a ruckus is created by semi literate groups or sexually frustrated uncle in some God
    forsaken corner of the country.

    When the Church is petrified on the thought that Christ might have had a daughter, we know what a play boy Krishna was.

    Finally in regards to attire, Amar Chitra Katha’s sketches of the Apsara’s is the ultimate in sensual clothing. If the Ram Sena is demanding that all girls should wear similar cloths, please forward me your membership form, I will love to join your gang. Till then am biased to Lord Krishna

  90. Anonymous1:30 am

    when it comes jesus times ...thy jesus used to strip tease in front of inncoent thaat time alll thought that it is a kind of holy stuff...

  91. Anonymous9:34 pm

    Please see the following facts

    It is proven fact that Jesus used to go to strip tease and watch shows(Obviously then time strip tease clubs) in Jeruselem.

    Jesus also had a wine factory beside his native house and mother of Jesus had many workers who used to work for the wine factory.

    Mary also used to have intimate relationship with people who used to come to drink all night in the mary's backyard.

    So it is proven fact that women used to drink according to Bible.

  92. Anonymous9:35 pm

    Mary used to have intimate relationship with men who used to come to drink in her backyard.

    And one of them was Jesus's father infact.


  93. Anonymous3:29 pm


    The point is not to ridicule any religion, but it's to drive a point that many things in general mass conscise is nothing more than percivement of static
    1. idea of religion,
    2. idea of culture,
    3. idea of thoughts,
    4. idea of living a life,

    and this perceived populism which takes the form of belief is always happen to be an concentric propaganda of few selfish group's in society for their own vested interest be it in lines / names of religion, culture, nationality, ethnicity etc. This propaganda has nothing to do with reality nor is ever meant to serve the interest of society or human beings at large. It's only to serve the few who preach opposite to have thier say or hold on society but themselves never practise as in reality it is not to be practised or live such a life.

    Culture or Religion both have intermingled; in simplicity terms let me say-
    Religion is nothing but a permanent truth consisting of
    1. to be honest to oneself & all.
    2. to have compassion for all.
    3. to be educated.
    4. to have broad horizon.
    5. respect for all.

    Now another truth in religion can be associated but is not permanent truth i.e. this truth is in fact to be dependent with respect to time & space.
    1. in muslim's its allowed to have four wives for men. This had relevant during those times as anarchy & blood shed was the norm in that part of the society of earth and thats the reason for it . But hardly we find the case now, though the practise has religion sanctity or societal & legal sanctity but not practised as is irrelevant in most of the part of world including Arab countries.
    on similar lines to wear burkha, to count days seeing moon, to have white color cloths with men & headscarf etc

    all this reflects the relevance of that time & condition of society. But today with the modern technology one can drive in sunny hot days in AC car, water is avialable freely everywhere in arab countires because of desalination plants, travelling is no more prefferred at night because of heat etc.

    Similarly in india introduction of purdah gained during the chaotic times & that too came into force only in rajput & kshatriya clans as they were into fightings, to avoid their women to be of unwanted attention from enemy, similarly sati practise came not from religion but from the individual womens specifically meant for sucide so as to escape the wrath of enemy who after conquering used to inflict wounds, attrocities on them to instill the fear among thier enemy in general etc. This some how started in kings courtyard also gained momentum among the soldiers and influencial person's of the defeated kingdom. SOme how the vested interest within the society started this to be associated with religion. But all this is irrelevant in today's time & during that time too it was never the religious duty.

    Rajput again is hunk dynasty but got intermingled with the indian people. So basically its outsider. Now do we throw them out.

    So how could one say that any influence from west should be thrown out, that too when its of no harm. If that is shall we stop wearing pants, shirt, underwears etc and switch to dhoti, lungi, langota etc.

    Should we also stop the boys playing holy with girls, don't they enjoy themselves. We play with sister, mom & also with girls who are not our relatives and flirt being the part of it. It leads to sex, it leads to marriage, it leads to just one night stands too etc depending on the consenting individual's desire, wants & tastes. SO whats wrong, isn't all this is what constitutes life.

    But we as society & individual would definately oppose if all this is intiated by any men or women to anyone who does not like it or is not consenting partner in his/her initiative towards him/her.

    Similarly all those who visit temple including you & me even flirt their too, by this act the sanctity of the holy temple does not diminishes. But if a boy or girl even forces deliberately with another person of his / her choice only in closed doors of bedroom without the consent of his/her partner then its wrong.

    My mom is uneducated, sari wearing women. She is uneducated not because that time insociety women were not been sent to school. No that time also women used to go school but from those family who could afford it & were too educated themselves but yes true it was not common or general in society. Now thats not the case so we find everyone getting educated. Similarly is with cloths, even salwar kameez my mom does not wear but that is not the case with my sis or wife, they wear jeans too. So it only shows the good times of now that the society is having real freedom.

    So was case with my dad till school he used to wear dhoti, started wearing pant's only in colleage. My dad & mom is +65 yrs now.

    Men of those times and now too don't they see women who is clad is sari or burkha. Don't they enjoy thier movements. Is that my wife, or sis or let be anyone's daughter when they go out their body is not been admired, lusted, wanted etc Or she won't be flirting. Don't we do it. But the question is wheather its subtle, consenting or is it bullying, unconsented move etc.

    The pink chaddi campaign terming it as loose, forward & modern women is nothing but a forceful way of saying to the militant self proclaimed leacherous fanatical person's & thier school of thought that " the above label of thier generalaisation of them (women) is thier distorted view point & vilification of the independent women of todays....." in deft facade / veil of deft nationalism or religion but having the bottom line to see that the women remain subservient to them. They do not want them to be equals thought the God has created them as equal entity.

    Good by giving them panty's the women have aptly exposed these fantics that this is their real intention at looking them. So take this panty & yes we are the loose, forward & modern- so what.

    If these guys want to practise then why when these fanatics move on road don't ask them to see any women's body rather ask them to move & see only the women face. But plsssssssss do not enforce thier narrow, bigoted version of sanskarism to others.

  94. Anonymous4:05 pm


    The point is not to ridicule any religion, but it's to drive a point that many things in general mass concise is nothing more than perceivement of static
    1. idea of religion,
    2. idea of culture,
    3. idea of thoughts,
    4. idea of living a life,

    and this perceived populism which takes the form of belief is always, happen to be an concentric propaganda of few selfish group's in society for their own vested interest be it in lines / names of religion, culture, nationality, ethnicity etc. This propaganda has nothing to do with reality nor is ever meant to serve the interest of society or human beings at large. It's only to serve the few who preach opposite to have their say or hold on society but themselves never practice- as in reality it is not to be practiced or live such a life.

    Culture or Religion both have intermingled; in simplicity terms let me say-
    Religion is nothing but a permanent truth consisting of
    1. to be honest to oneself & all.
    2. to have compassion for all.
    3. to be educated.
    4. to have broad horizon.
    5. respect for all.

    Now another truth in religion can be associated but is not permanent truth i.e. this truth is in fact to be dependent with respect to time & space.
    1. In Muslim’s it’s allowed to have four wives for men. This had relevance during those times as anarchy & blood shed was the norm in that part of the society of earth and that’s the reason for it. As during those day’s taking more than one women was already into practice- so in order to limit it somehow this number got associated. But hardly we find the case now, though the practice has religion sanctity or societal & legal sanctity but not practiced as it’s irrelevant in today’s time in most part of world including Arab countries.
    On similar lines to wear burkha, to count days seeing moon, to have white color cloths with men & headscarf etc,
    All this reflects the relevance of that time & condition of society. But today with the modern technology one can drive in sunny hot days in AC car, water is available freely everywhere in Arab countries because of desalination plants, travelling is no more preferred at night to avoid harsh heat in the day etc.

    Similarly in India introduction of pardah gained during the chaotic times & that too came into force only in rajput & kshatriya clans as they were into fighting’s, to avoid their women getting unwanted attention from enemy, similarly sati practice came not from religion but from the individual women’s specifically meant for suicide so as to escape the wrath of enemy who after conquering used to inflict wounds, atrocities on them to instill the fear among their enemy in general etc. This some how started in kings courtyard also gained momentum among the soldiers and influential person's of the defeated kingdom. Some how the vested interest within the society started this to be associated with religion. But all this is irrelevant in today's time & during that time too it was never the religious duty.

    Rajput again is hunk dynasty but got intermingled with the Indian people. So basically its outsider, now do we throw them out.

    So how could one say that any influence from west should be thrown out, that too when it’s of no harm. If that is shall we stop wearing pants, shirt, underwear’s etc and switch to dhoti, lungi, langota etc.

    Should we also stop the boys playing holy with girls, don't they enjoy themselves? We play with sister, mom & also with girls who are not our relatives and flirt with them- all being the part of it. It leads to sex, it leads to marriage, it leads to just one night stands too etc depending on the consenting individual's desire, wants & tastes. SO whats wrong isn't all this- what constitutes life.

    But we as society & individual would definitely oppose, if all this is initiated by any men or women to anyone who does not like it or is not consenting partner in his/her initiative towards him/her.

    Similarly all those who visit temple including you & me, even flirt their too, by this act the sanctity of the holy temple does not diminishes. But if a boy or girl even forces deliberately with another person of his / her choice only, in closed doors of bedroom without the consent of his/her partner then its wrong.

    My mom is uneducated, sari wearing women. She is uneducated not because those time in society women were not been sent to school. No, that time also women used to go school but from those family who could afford it & were too educated themselves but yes true it was not common or general in society. Now that’s not the case so we find everyone getting educated. Similarly is with cloths, even salwar kameez my mom does not wear but that is not the case with my sis or wife, they wear jeans too. So it only shows the good times of now that the society is having real freedom.

    So was case with my dad till school he used to wear dhoti, started wearing pant's only in college. My dad & mom is +65 yrs now.

    Men of those times and now too, don't they see women who is clad in sari or burkha. Don't they enjoy their movements? Is that my wife, or sis or let be anyone's daughter when they go out their body is not been admired, lusted, wanted etc or she won't be flirting. Don't we do it? But the question is whether it’s subtle, consenting or is it bullying, un-consented move etc.

    The pink chaddi campaign terming it as loose, forward & modern women is nothing but a forceful way of saying to the militant self proclaimed lecherous fanatical person's & their school of thought that " the above label of their generalization of them (women) is their distorted view point & vilification of the independence of women’s of today’s....." in deft facade / veil of nationalism or religion or culture, but the bottom line to see that the women remain subservient to them. They do not want them to be equals though the God has created them as equal entity. These are the groups who also are practicing racism in name of casteism, dravidan’s etc. All the time the objective of this self styled, self proclaimed thekedar of society- being to divide and keep the general masses unprogressive & bind them in some false emotional notion of Holiness.

    Good by giving them panties the women have aptly exposed these fanatics, that this is their real intention at looking them. So take this panty & yes we are the loose, forward & modern- so what.

    If these guys want to practice what they trying to shout- then why not- when these fanatics move on road look at the women’s feet or on women’s face only. But plsssssssss do not enforce their narrow, bigoted version of sanskarism to others.

  95. Anonymous10:15 pm

    Now khaki plays moral police when they arrest 101 people including 22 woman enjoying drinks in farmhouse near ramanagaram report in front page of times of India today the 9th March .

    Note serving liquor is bailable offense in India I fail to understand how the police can treated it otherwise . If party has lound noise in usa and some calls 911 then the police would actually ask to reduce the noise to the organisers.

    I am a staunch anti feminists but I would agree that pink chaddies ( which is feminists dominated ) have got it right.

    That it happened on womens day is fishy.

  96. Definitely, we must ensure the freedom of women. But, freedom doesn’t mean that it is the license to do any thing. Any Indian knows that the pub culture is spoiling our very valuable culture. So, what the inspiration behind the sreeram sena did is much appreciated. But, the way to against this kind of worst culture should be in a different way. (Beating to women is really not appreciatable).

    This is the responsibility of parents (or public) that to guide their children or friends from this kind of worst culture (especially teenagers).
    But, I really wondered when almost all the women’s association and public comments came forward to supporting to the pub culture instead of opposing???.

    *** Sense the self abilities and Values. Imitate only good things from outer world. Remember, all things what you do will reflect entire world without knowing of you even if it is a minor. So, think-say-do carefully.***

  97. Srejith Do you define your culture on how your women folk behave or dress up?Appreciating and valuing your culture doesn't mean following what our forefathers set as definition of civilized society centuries back.Many of those stereotypes and so called were broken or conveniently modified by our fathers and same is bound to happen to what our parents defined as our CULTURE.This generation is different from previous and that will always hold will the resistance of old to change.Pub was linked to rich,spoilt and promiscuous people by you people.And you have no right to impose your or Sena's view of what is perfectly lawful and unharmful act of visiting a pub and having some good time as a taboo and all those who do it as uncivilized people.So you respect women to say beating women is not appreciable.So you want them to behave as male chauvinist want and then pray them.Yes parents should teach teenagers warn them against the things that could harm them because they have seen more life.But guiding children and forcing them to behave as per their definition of culture.Please will you sneak into a pub you so much despise and see for yourself what people do in a pub.What we do with there we can do same on road because there is nothing immoral in it.Yes elders lived in different generation and they will have different definition of what is right and wrong. So all of you will epitomize the cause of some goons now to make your daughters behave like your sisters and mothers did? Thrashing a women happens almost in every household so the was nothing new in it,we r opposing the very cause that u support which labels a women going to pub as immoral.And all those women r opposing it because even if they may never choose to go to pub this labeling is robbing the freedom men rightfully enjoy.All of you who call those teens going to pub as immoral would actually ogle at them and given an opportunity take advantage of them.Let us live our lives,we had nothing to do with your politics.Mind your own teen daughter because you think she is bound to carry ur lineage and uphold your name and culture.But please for once trust her She like other girls going to pub are custodian of their lives,educated and wise enough to judge right and wrong.And none of your teachings are going waste.And didn't you tell lies to your dad to smoke or booze with friends? Your generation changed the outlook of what's right or wrong too we are doing the same.Is the uproar only because its women joining the rebels..because we in INDIAN CULTURE cut their wings,abuse them,make them behave,dress as we want and then keep them in temples.

  98. No, Nainap, I would not want to marry a woman who "sleeps around". But does that mean I will reject all non-virgins? Absolutely not. Just because you have sex outside marriage does not mean you "sleep around" with every man you meet. Just because you are not at one extreme does not mean you have to be at the other. I want to marry a woman who expresses her sexuality in a healthy way, for her happiness, under her control, and not for popularity, material gain or rebellion. I know you may find this a bit difficult to stomach, but most women actually like to have sex; they're just conditioned to deny it. Not to mention all the double standards in a society that looks away when men go as far as to literally "sleep around", but make it look like the end of the world when women have even one sexual encounter outside marriage. I want to marry a sexually healthy woman and expect her to want a sexually healthy man. And I will teach my daughters AND sons to be express their sexualities in healthy and responsible ways, so that when they become adults, they will neither spin out of control into sexual self-destruction nor live in miserable sexual repression.

  99. Anonymous11:53 pm

    All ya 'Ram Sena' a$$hats in India:

    You ppl are gutless bitches.

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