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Blank Noise/d Men

On the distance between our boundaries. Text coming soon


  1. Anonymous6:38 am

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. They, who have commented

    (1)Taporis from a boys hostel
    (2)Rejected losers who’re trying to redeem their lost pride by saying whose interested in girls
    (3)Insecure guys who think girls will soon ‘overthrow’ them from their ‘thrown’
    (4)Men who cant keep it in their pants when they see a girl be it in a salwar or a skit. Chhedne ka bahana chahiye salon ko.
    (5)Boys who’ve bin lynched for their indecent behavior. Time for revenge I guess.
    Have commented the same there but don’t expect sense coming out of them :)

  3. Anonymous12:30 pm

    @ jasmine

    Try looking at the positive side. They are helping to disseminate information on the existence of blank noise. I don't know whether I am writing this seriously or just to cheer you up.

    Kenny Jacob's mistake lies in his extrapolation from his personal "experience" and concluding that the extent of eve-teasing is being exaggerated. Even assuming that he is being honest as far as his personal experience is concerned (I doubt it though), he does not seem to realize that eve-teasing (even in its more physical forms) is not always obvious unless the girl raises an alarm. And there are so many reasons why girls don't generally raise an alarm.

    Though I might try it, I don't know if there is any point in posting on that forum since sense might get drowned in a pile of junk. But I will give up drinking coffee if Kenny or anyone else can give genuine evidence to back up those claims on eve-teasing. And that is no small sacrifice from me.

  4. Anonymous1:27 pm

    Just as Kenny thinks eve-teasing is exaggerated, here is why I think the number of crocodiles is being exaggerated:

    Every once in a while National Geographic and Discovery Channel air programs on crocodiles. I have discussed this with many of my friends including females and males. Majority of them had thought that there are many crocodiles in the wild. But when discussed further they couldn’t quantify or come up with first person experiences of seeing a crocodile. The ones who said they had seen a crocodile for sure couldn't say whether it was a crocodile or an alligator. May be I live in a very crocodile-less world.

    I am not saying that crocodiles are non existent. But I am sure there are not as many crocodiles as National Geographic and Discovery Channel claim that there are. I have never seen even one real crocodile. Do I live in a crocodile-less world ? Right now in this room there are 4 males and none except one has first hand experience of seeing a crocodile. The one that has says he saw a crocodile in a park and Steve Irwin was teasing it….. wait… real crocodile???? or was it just a toy ?

  5. The crocodile story:

    There was once a group of Crocodiles. They formed a blog. The Crocodiles decide to stand still on red lights - and with "Y R U Looking at me" printed on their chest. A lot of crocodiles came to the website and all of them cried. Then they decided that they are going to put up photo's of Innocent looking men and build a stupid story around them. They claimed that there were so many crocodiles around so they had the right to do what ever they liked.

    This is in response to this post:

    Just shows how serious these people are...

    "To that extent I invite, on behalf of BNP members and associates around the world, people who are genuinely interested in working out the boundaries of street behaviour to take this discussion to the BNP blog where it is always welcome."

    Thank you very much for inviting us Sue. But I think we are better off taking about this issue on

  6. I am very much impressed with your efforts to curb eve-teasing habits of male community. I too feel ashamed when I see/came across such indecent acts. I feel, if the girls/females can involve their brothers, by narrating them about their embarrassment, it could bring some positive affect in their attitude towards girls/females.


  7. Anup what if the guy has no sisters to be told how emb it is for women to b teased??? and newaz he might b the nicest bro and responsible son to his mom but when these same 'agyakari' dudes step out they're diff people and its their mothers who declare that the poor thing (son)couldnt hurt an ant leave alone tease a girl
    if the statement "India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters" didnt work nothing will :)

    I say public humiliation, TV ads, posters in public places, distribution of fliers is a must. People should b made to realize nothing 'cool' about teasing, emb, harassing women

  8. Anonymous5:08 am


    You know the reason why I posted the crocodile comment? To show that Kenney's "reasoning" could be used to get ridiculous conclusions. Our man goes ahead and makes a statement on the extent of eve-teasing based on the "experiences" of his small group. I took the liberty to make a similar big statement on the number of crocodiles.

    On the other hand, your crocodile post doesn't seem to serve any useful purpose.

  9. Anonymous6:40 am

    @ Mohnish

    "I say public humiliation, TV ads, posters in public places, distribution of fliers is a must."

    Sir, we have had enough coverage of the Mumbai molestation incident around the new year. But all the accused were granted bail, as far as I remember. Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think that right now there is even a single accused who is sitting in jail. Our legal system simply doesn't seem to have the will to stop this menace. As for our police, the less said the better. Remember what the police commissioner of Mumbai said in the immediate aftermath of this incident?

    "and newaz he might b the nicest bro and responsible son to his mom but...."

    100% true. But I liked Anup's idea that girls can educate their brothers about eve-teasing. I hope BNP girls are listening.

    Also, at the risk of receiving another "Invitation to Castration", may I suggest that "all Indians are NOT my brothers and sisters". My mother is not my sister. Nor is my father my brother. :)

  10. When I said TV I certainly did not mean News channels. In what way was the news empowering enough for ppl to come forward and take action? More than anything just a grim reminder be it Bihar or Bombay the men here are starved. Just another pc of news related to sex which hogged the limelight for a couple of weeks and forgotten thereafter. Surp enough I hardly came across similar news throughout the year except the Scarlette Keeling or the recent Aarushi case but that does not mean molestations and rapes are not happening everyday
    By TV ads I meant something like what Rediffmail or the new Dainik Bhaskar did recently ie talked abt ‘eve teasing’. I dunno the intent, maybe to use the sensitive issue but at least somebody spoke. Very few are even ready to accept eve teasing (a euphemism for sexual harassment) exists. Check the famous blog for references. As far as only 14 arrested out of the hundreds (as per media reports ) and later granted bail ie a separate law and order issue and we all know that our system sux. I’m no big fan of the police either that’s y I recommend ‘public humiliation’ face blackening, torture…

    Coming to Anup’s idea
    (1) Taking it literally what if the guy is the only child or has a sister half his age who knows nothing about sexual harassment?
    (2) Parents are emb to talk about sex education, u expect their teenaged daughter to give gyan to her bro about sexual harassment. Yeah Right!
    (3) “I hope BNP girls are listening” Why? Do you expect only girls to educate their lucha lafanga bros?
    Many more I cud come up with but I think I’ve made my point there.

    “India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters” is part of a pledge that we all learn in school simply saying respect your country, respect the people of your country (be it man or woman). Not to be taken literally.

    Finally I use castration as a suggestion not an invitation. But I’ve recently started with lapidation. I guess it doesn’t go down too well with people who think ‘no eve teasing’ is a promise (as a gift) bros give to their sisters on Raksha Bandhan…

  11. Anonymous6:39 am

    I believe that the earlier experiences of the 'covering up' ritual at home and school seemed to me like eve teasing and very embarrassing.I was certainly not supported by the 'elders' for clothes I wanted. If I do go out on the street daring to wear what I want all prophesies come true. for example on the 17th of August 2008, A day after Rakshabandhan! I was returning from Shirdi in a bus.I had felt my hair on my neck bristle as I could feel the stares following me as I brushed my teeth and jostled with luggage on the bus. As I sat reading,imaging the discworld as described in Guards! Guards! a certain hand was encroaching on my hand from the side of the window.My immediate reaction was(denial) that maybe the person behind me had fallen asleep.I saw the hand slither back acknowledging my knowing.I didn't know what to do!yell,call the conductor who would grin at me? most people were dozing on the bus.Raise a ruckus to have the guy deny he did anything. I waited for us to cross the Baroda expressway. I tried to continue reading the book,in vain. All my doubts were put away when I could hear a drumming on the back of my seat. At that moment thankfully I felt I had nothing to loose and shut my book and stood in my chair.The stories I had read at Blank noise came rushing.I addressed the guy loudly enough to wake up the bus,'Bhaiya apko bus mein bhetna nahi aata? apne haath apne paas rakho ya peeche ja ke betho Or should I call the conductor.'(Brother don't you know how to sit in a bus? and keep your hands to yourself or go and sit away') The lady next to me woke up.The guy shook his head in denial. Having said what came to me then in a straight voice I didn't know how to reach out and slap the guy.
    There were many 'brothers' and 'sisters' sitting beside me, behind me, ahead of me,right in front of me, lying in their cloister groups.The guy got off at the next station and he is going to do it again when he gets a chance.Very soon. And it makes me Angry.

  12. Anonymous6:42 am

    I believe that the earlier experiences of the 'covering up' ritual at home and school seemed to me like eve teasing and very embarrassing.I was certainly not supported by the 'elders' for clothes I wanted. If I do go out on the street daring to wear what I want all prophesies come true. for example on the 17th of August 2008, A day after Rakshabandhan! I was returning from Shirdi in a bus.I had felt my hair on my neck bristle as I could feel the stares following me as I brushed my teeth and jostled with luggage on the bus. As I sat reading,imaging the discworld as described in Guards! Guards! a certain hand was encroaching on my hand from the side of the window.My immediate reaction was(denial) that maybe the person behind me had fallen asleep.I saw the hand slither back acknowledging my knowing.I didn't know what to do!yell,call the conductor who would grin at me? most people were dozing on the bus.Raise a ruckus to have the guy deny he did anything. I waited for us to cross the Baroda expressway. I tried to continue reading the book,in vain. All my doubts were put away when I could hear a drumming on the back of my seat. At that moment thankfully I felt I had nothing to loose and shut my book and stood in my chair.The stories I had read at Blank noise came rushing.I addressed the guy loudly enough to wake up the bus,'Bhaiya apko bus mein bhetna nahi aata? apne haath apne paas rakho ya peeche ja ke betho Or should I call the conductor.'(Brother don't you know how to sit in a bus? and keep your hands to yourself or go and sit away') The lady next to me woke up.The guy shook his head in denial. Having said what came to me then in a straight voice I didn't know how to reach out and slap the guy.
    There were many 'brothers' and 'sisters' sitting beside me, behind me, ahead of me,right in front of me, lying in their cloister groups.The guy got off at the next station and he is going to do it again when he gets a chance.Very soon. And it makes me Angry.

  13. coffee boy and to all those above referring to 'jasmine'- that is another 'jasmine'- possibly the 'jazz' who left the comment right above this.

    Jasmeen is the author of the blog- there seems to be some confusion over this- thought I would clear it out.

  14. @post 11

    We celebrate our Independence Day as if its the greatest thing that has happened. Whats the use of this independence when a woman cant even feel safe with so many people around, read a book in her seat.
    Shame I must say.

    but that was an example of public humiliation (which I propagate) and im sure that rat will think twice b4 doin it again

  15. There was once a group of Crocodiles. They formed a blog. The Crocodiles decide to stand still on red lights - and with "Y R U Looking at me" printed on their chest. A lot of crocodiles came to the website and all of them cried. Then they decided that they are going to put up photo's of Innocent looking men and build a stupid story around them. They claimed that there were so many crocodiles around so they had the right to do what ever they liked.
