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  1. Anonymous2:12 pm

    I want to suggest a very practical solution to this problem of rape in India -

    Women should be given the rights and licenses to carry electroshock weapons like Stun Guns or Tasers. These weapons generally don't kill people. They only inflict acute pain by means of an electric shock and temporarily disable a person. I am suggesting this solution seriously. I don't think the Indian government is serious about protecting women. It is therefore better for women to protect themselves. All these rapists understand only one language - the language of force. And force is what is needed here. I heard about women taking self-defense classes like martial arts, but being an amateur Tae-Kwon-Do practitioner myself, I am very skeptical of the effectiveness of martial arts against opponents who are physically much more stronger or against opponents who attack in groups. Further, it takes a lot of practice, time and patience to gain a decent expertise in martial arts. I therefore think that non-lethal weapons like stun guns or tasers are the only alternatives. And if you also carry pepper spray, that is even better. A combination of pepper spray and a stun gun is sure to prove infinitely more effective than all the crocodile tears which Indian politicians shed for women.

    I therefore encourage the women here to give serious consideration to my idea because I believe it is very practical. But yes, if you have a better AND more practical solution, I would love to hear it.

    PS: VERY IMPORTANT. These weapons should NOT be allowed for men. I don't know how far this aspect of the solution is going to work out in practice, given that it is very easy to steal things.

  2. I think it needs to be edited shorter if it's to be an online video.

    But yes, very effective. Well done.

  3. this is an amazing expression ;making it shorter would make it even more effective and wudnt compromise on its meaning as its so evident in 1 go

  4. Anonymous6:56 pm

    I am a Krav Maga Israeli Self Defense Instructor in Bangalore. and

    i agree as most traditional martial arts require good amount of upper body strength for self defense. Krav Maga uses natural body movement and scientific tactics to out-smart the bigger stronger opponent. You most welcome to take a traial class of Krav Maga in our Bangalore center. Doodle Den Rooftop, No3, Curley Street, Richmond Town Bangalore.

  5. A combination of pepper spray and a stun gun is sure to prove infinitely more effective than all the crocodile tears which Indian politicians shed for women.

  6. it is always good to know how to defend yourself,thats why its good to learn some kind of self defence martial art!!

    Martial Art Training

  7. In every place in the world there is someone who can teach you self defense so dont be lazy and go to classes

    Martial Art Training
