No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!




  1. Anonymous11:56 pm

    Great concept!!!
    Here are some such questions-
    *Why do you invite trouble?
    *Why dont you just stop questioning,and simply follow whatever i say??
    *Why do you dress like a whore?
    *What will people think of you?

  2. BNP might be a good initiative...but therein doesn't lie this problem of eve-teasing. The post-modernist belief of mine today is - "To know a nation and their people, watch their television channels and films for one day!"

    To briefly explain, media along with a person's adrenalin rush is what MAKES people(what they are)... There is not much good value left in what we see. People today are too lazy to grow by themselves and the media is doing a BAD job.

    Instead of fighting people you need to fight the ones responsible..I needn't elaborate.

    If you really want to do something productive and not just gain some attention coming your way, you need to think more than what you do now, which according to me is just gaining some cheap attention. You need to fight the people who are causing it, not the poor ignorant and mislead lads!!!

    - mustafa

  3. great point made by mustafa.

  4. why is deliberate, gendered harassment so often couched as "indulging in eve teasing". that makes it seem like a minor transgression that people who can't control a niggling desire make- like my diabetic grandmother who "indulged" in an icecream after dinner.
    its not an indulgence- like bubble baths, or taxis. its offensive. i wish more people would call it that. instead of automatically assuming the point of view of the perpetrator, which is what happens when we call it indulgence.
    ok. so it wasn't a burning question...

  5. Anonymous1:48 pm

    "poor ignorant and mislead lads"?? I really have nothing to say...

  6. yupp - n see what happened in mumbai on new yrs eve

  7. Looking, staring, accidently touchin doesn't fall in the category of eve-teasing. If it does there is something fundamentally wrong in the concept.

    Dont the girl ever stare at the guys or accidentally touch guys. Should that be considered wrong as well. I've seen gals passing comments over the guys but even giving any importance to such stuff is purely waste of time.

    People who do the bad stuff dont do this kindda stuff.

  8. Anonymous2:39 am

    I agree with Mustafa to at least some extent, if not completely. The media today definitely does do a bad job. However, one cannot help asking why there's a difference between, say, me/Mustafa and one of those guys who were a part of the 70 or so strong mob the other night.
    Of course, one could just blame the mob mentality as always. Its easier to get away with stuff when you're a part of a six dozen strong mob.

    But what was the first man who started it thinking?

    It seems that one of the girls swore/cursed at one the first few guys who passed a comment. And thats where it started. So, is it that a lot of guys cannot tolerate being told off by women and feel the need to show them 'their place'? Simple male chauvinism? Or is the notion that sex being a taboo subject in our society leaves the male libido burning to an intolerable point? Or is it something else?

  9. Anonymous11:21 am

    Mustufa, it's a vicious circle. The same ol' story. Does media impact society or the society effects media. It goes both ways. Media needs to exaggerate in order to gain attention. Why would I want to watch something that is "lifelike", that is just plain ordinary.
    Who constitutes the media? who decides what we want to watch or not? Who constitutes the government? Maybe or maybe not Blank Noise is the link. Maybe or maybe not it will have an impcat on what media channels shows or does not show, what gets printed or what does't get printed, what impact it has on curriculum where the mother too goes to work and a father does help around the house, when a woman will be assertive and come forward and take action!!!
    Flying death does come up with a few interesting observations. For me the key point is where do you draw the line and when do you stop. A man beating a woman is bad and for me so is a woman beating a man. A lot more needs to questioned and answered, ofcourse.

  10. mustafa , amidst accusations of 'cheap attention' etc etc- I get your point about addressing the issue and not the 'perpetrator'. I think we recognize that street sexual violence is a societal issue and Blank Noise is not NOT NOT female versus male. Nor do we want to represented or seen in that light.

    As for addressing men- besides photographing an offender/ violator/ 'perpetrator', we have been conducting interviews with men on the streets of cities in urban india.. the results will be shared very soon- but it clearly establishes the fact that there are a range of men, from differnt backgrounds, with different expectations, sometimes misunderstood, sometimes labelled as 'perpetrators' and sometimes one encounters what I call sexual bullies on the street.

    The people who have been photographed speak of instances when street sexual violence was dealt with at that given time- it is one person's account- of how 'she' dealt with the situation and what followed. It also goes to establish the different ways in which women can experience street sexual violence, and that there is no one type of 'man' who could possibly be inflicting harm on a could happen any day, any time...I hope that this is revealed through the photographs.

  11. mustafa , amidst accusations of 'cheap attention' etc etc- I get your point about addressing the issue and not the 'perpetrator'. I think we recognize that street sexual violence is a societal issue and Blank Noise is not NOT NOT female versus male. Nor do we want to represented or seen in that light.

    As for addressing men- besides photographing an offender/ violator/ 'perpetrator', we have been conducting interviews with men on the streets of cities in urban india.. the results will be shared very soon- but it clearly establishes the fact that there are a range of men, from differnt backgrounds, with different expectations, sometimes misunderstood, sometimes labelled as 'perpetrators' and sometimes one encounters what I call sexual bullies on the street.

    The people who have been photographed speak of instances when street sexual violence was dealt with at that given time- it is one person's account- of how 'she' dealt with the situation and what followed. It also goes to establish the different ways in which women can experience street sexual violence, and that there is no one type of 'man' who could possibly be inflicting harm on a could happen any day, any time...I hope that this is revealed through the photographs.

  12. Ah retroots, a good tangent there(the male libido burning to an intolerable point?). I do believe that there is something else.

    I'm letting a dream out here. I don't see me achieving it any sooner amidst the work I have - We all know about the "Plight of Indian Television" or should it be the "Plight of its audience". A Television Channel around this subject exposing the TRP hungry mindset of other channels. Bringing forth issues like BNP, forming communities, connecting and giving the power of expression to people and utilizing it themselves. Showcasing short-films and documentaries, psa's, gathering material won't be a problem. Anyway, you get the idea. Sounds Tempting?

    Coming back, I find myself overwhelmed by the information or say the idea that's thrown at your face. It looks very disorganized. I don't agree with the T-shirt stuff. I'm not against BNP but you guys need to get organized and get some donations coming in. Have a good website. Lay firm foundations and not get lost in the idea of revolutionizing. Or you might already be doing that its just my opinion. I say this 'coz I myself was lost on your blog.

    Anyways, I'm from Chennai and am a graphic designer, web developer, 3d artist and into editing too. I'm still studying and polishing my skills and cannot actively participate in your outdoor activities but I can get some work done, later.

    Hope to see you guys around and also get your own website SOON! It brings credibility and a lot of confidence in your purpose.

