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WAR ZONE- film by Hadleigh-West

Linked from Hollaback! The film maker Hadleigh-West walks around New York, San Francisco, Chicago and New Orleans with her video camera.


  1. cnat blv the dude in the car kept on doing what he was doing even after he was cuahgt on camera - awful!~

  2. im going to get me a camera phone. tomorrow.

  3. Anonymous5:01 pm

    I always thought America is a paradise for womyn. That one day when I will settle there and rid myself of whistles, groping, pinching and other things that Indian men do to show their respect for womyn. But it seems that brothers of Indian bastards are everywhere.

  4. Anonymous1:12 am

    Awesome site! Thank you.

    I've been writing about a new film about street harassment. It's called Hey...Shorty, and is by a group of young girls in Brooklyn, who are part of an organization called GGE (Girls for Gender Equality). I also teach War Zone, which the GGE film is based on.

    You can check out my relevant posts by clicking here.

    I'll be posting clips and reviews of the film the week of 7/17, so stay tuned!

  5. Hadleigh-West's work is really inspiring. As a woman, very early on in my life - I learnt to try and ignore eve teasers "You will only encourage them". It has always left me feeling inadequate, vulnerable and enraged. Its about time we start calling men and women out on this!

  6. This site is very good, I dunno much about Hadleigh West, but if the article writer is suggesting he is as good as this, I would take the chance to watch the flick. Thanks.
