No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!



Because you emailed us and told us all about 'eve teasing' in your city. Because you believe it's time we did something!

Are you in:

Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Lucknow, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Cochin and Lahore/ Pakistan.

This 30th of June,Saturday
we open the project to you by inviting you to participate in the next Blank Noise meet.
This meeting attempts to bring about and document a discussion about street sexual harassment/ eve teasing in the cities. It also
initiates a process following which the Blank Noise communities will intervene in the streets of their cities.

The street intervention will take place 2 weeks from the 30th of June- July 7th. The intervention idea will develop from a 2 week process the new team follows.

The meeting will re introduce you to Blank Noise/ history/ future/ present. It will be moderated by volunteers from your cities.

Blank Noise is open to everyone. Blank Noise is open to people from different age groups. Please be there if you are:

Have experienced street sexual harassment.
Have caused street sexual harassment.
Have witnessed street sexual harassment.

If you do not have 2 week commitment phobia :)
If you have never dealt with it
If you think you can deal with it
If you ignore it
If you are curious
and most importantly: if you are willing to listen, share and understand.

This will be our first meet in Lucknow, Lahore, Cochin!
The third meet in Kolkata
millionth meet in Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad
+millionth meet in Bangalore and Delhi

The cities have been selected based on the emails we have received from people wanting to initiate Blank Noise there.

Join us as we renew/ recyle/ repeat/ refresh/ re start/ re birth/ re juvenate/ exchange

To participate email us at subject titled BLANK NOISE MEET- 'CITY NAME' Please email us asap so that we can add your name to the blog and confirm your participation. Do send us your contact details- phone no. too and a little note about yourself.

Bring along friends, neighbours, family!

See you!

Blank Noise Team


  1. the meetings at 6 30 a lil jittery cos thrs no chinmayee around this time... ive read the guidelines but what else should i do?

  2. Anonymous9:04 pm

    Being a young man in late twentis,I have have a good history of getting involved in some of the so called "repuslvice" activities From my experience, I have seen girls and ladies who like it and of course there are some who doesn't. I also find that accepting a dominant male is part and parcel of the psyche of a woman, eventhough feminists will try hard to project otherwise...

    The point I am making is, in your zeal to put across your point you are overlooking some of basic and intricate trait of womenhood..!

    I challenge you to prove that a girls psyche doesnt long for an assertive and Macho dominant male in her enviorment and instead would prefer a meek ,spineless "Mam's Boy" as your boy friend..

    Expecing your reply -MachoGuy.
