No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!



Blank Noise Mumbai meets at the Mahim Station on Saturday, Feb 10 at 4 pm

The action takes place between 4 30- 5 .45 pm.

The action is simple, quick and easy! All it demands is for you to be YOU.

To sign up for the event please contact us at
or phone us at 098868 40612

ps: details for signups only. until then- wait for an after event post!


  1. Anonymous2:41 pm

    Eve teasing

    What is eve teasing? It is the vulgar behaviour by Indian males towards the female sex. It consists of wolf whistles, cat calls, sexual comments and jokes at the expense of the physically weaker sex. In extreme cases it consists of touching or molestation in crowded public transport vehicles and venues. It is a cause of extreme discomfort especially for single women and those who are not accompanied by male members of their family or friends circle.

    It is prevalent not only in India, but generally in most Asian countries, though it is extreme in India. If one looked at its causes one would find it in the extreme sexual repression in Indian society in the name of cultural traditions and archaic religious morals and ethics. This repression is propagated as purity by religious and political leaders and spread by Bollywood films with an axe to grind.

    This sexual repression does not result only in eve teasing but often rape and other sexual crimes, including murder. It is the reason why India again has the highest rate of such crimes in the world.

    The sexual repression is prevalent at every aspect of life among all Indian society. Even in colleges and schools it is always members of the same sex that are capable of showing affection towards each other. Nowhere in India will you ever see a man and woman kissing or even holding hands in public. On the other hand you can see all over India young men holding each others hand or putting their arms around each other. It is also the same with women. Homosexuality is another result of this repression.

    Even Indians living abroad in the progressive west make jokes and poke fun in the vernacular behind the backs of the locals, when they exhibit a freer uninhibited way of life. They really believe that their own culture, stuck in the middle-ages in double standard Victoriana, is superior. Though they would so much like to be in the other’s shoes. So it all comes out distorted and perverted.

    Since this whole ‘Sati Savithri’ attitude of Indian women is extremely manipulated and hypocritical, they are as much responsible for the outcome. They do not realise that their patriarchal society desiring a virgin when they are married off to be sex machines, mothers and domestic servants, does the manipulation. Of course they also feel the need to mouth clichéd filmy ‘Ma Beti’ dialogues to get their own rocks off.
    Indians are all sexual perverts, including the women. So it serves no purpose for the pots calling the kettles black.

  2. Anonymous2:42 pm

    Eve teasing

    What is eve teasing? It is the vulgar behaviour by Indian males towards the female sex. It consists of wolf whistles, cat calls, sexual comments and jokes at the expense of the physically weaker sex. In extreme cases it consists of touching or molestation in crowded public transport vehicles and venues. It is a cause of extreme discomfort especially for single women and those who are not accompanied by male members of their family or friends circle.

    It is prevalent not only in India, but generally in most Asian countries, though it is extreme in India. If one looked at its causes one would find it in the extreme sexual repression in Indian society in the name of cultural traditions and archaic religious morals and ethics. This repression is propagated as purity by religious and political leaders and spread by Bollywood films with an axe to grind.

    This sexual repression does not result only in eve teasing but often rape and other sexual crimes, including murder. It is the reason why India again has the highest rate of such crimes in the world.

    The sexual repression is prevalent at every aspect of life among all Indian society. Even in colleges and schools it is always members of the same sex that are capable of showing affection towards each other. Nowhere in India will you ever see a man and woman kissing or even holding hands in public. On the other hand you can see all over India young men holding each others hand or putting their arms around each other. It is also the same with women. Homosexuality is another result of this repression.

    Even Indians living abroad in the progressive west make jokes and poke fun in the vernacular behind the backs of the locals, when they exhibit a freer uninhibited way of life. They really believe that their own culture, stuck in the middle-ages in double standard Victoriana, is superior. Though they would so much like to be in the other’s shoes. So it all comes out distorted and perverted.

    Since this whole ‘Sati Savithri’ attitude of Indian women is extremely manipulated and hypocritical, they are as much responsible for the outcome. They do not realise that their patriarchal society desiring a virgin when they are married off to be sex machines, mothers and domestic servants, does the manipulation. Of course they also feel the need to mouth clichéd filmy ‘Ma Beti’ dialogues to get their own rocks off.
    Indians are all sexual perverts, including the women. So it serves no purpose for the pots calling the kettles black.
