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Love our work and wish you could get more involved? Apply for an internship with the Blank Noise Project!

This season will be our busiest yet -- we've got a public exhibition, a new Action Heroes website, the 'Did You Ask for It?' clothing installation, and many more projects in the pipeline. To make things happen- join the team! We're looking for interns to work with us part-time during March and April. (Flexible schedule, preferred start date of Feb. 26, minimum commitment of 6 hours/week.)

What we want interns for:
  • Creative input! We'd like your help in preparing for the public exhibition at the end of March -- involves editing text/video/photos, providing feedback and brainstorming ideas.
  • Helping get our new Action Heroes website up and running -- involves editing, research, documenting and archiving tasks.
What we're looking for:
  • Commitment to the mission and vision of the Blank Noise Project
  • Basic familiarity with the organization (visit
  • At least 6 hours of your time per week -- starting Feb. 25 through the end of April
  • Prior video/text editing experience preferred but not required
  • Enthusiasm and a sense of humor!

What we'll provide:
  • No pay, sorry, but we'll give you a certificate, the occasional free lunch, and our undying gratitude
  • Public credit for your work, on the web and in the public exhibition
  • Working space at the Blank Noise Studio, off Nandi Durga Rd.
  • Very flexible schedule

How to apply:
Send your CV and a cover email explaining why you want to intern at Blank Noise to Please mail us by the 24th of Feb.

We will be selecting some people from any geographic location
and some from Bangalore itself.

1 comment:

  1. where do we vote for blank noise for the indiblog thing?
