No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!



Last march 8 (Women'sDay), we had a blog-a-thon that asked you to blog stories of street sexual harassment. It began with an announcement on this blog that was picked up by bloggers across India, and soon in different parts of the world. We shared stories we had never shared before, sometimes stories we thought we had long forgotten, stories that we had often wanted to bury. We read each other, we linked to each other and we linked back to the Blank Noise Project blog. We were touched by each other's stories, moved by them, and, we like to imagine, drew strength and sustenance from the the long, cross-cultural chain of shared experiences.

It's this strength that we're asking you to share experiences of, on March 8th, 2007. The baton is handed over right here, right now! Announce this on your blog and on the morning of March 8th, 2007, share with us a story (or two, or five or...) of fighting back?!

When did you flip a situation so you could resist, when did you give back as hard as you got? When and how did you choose to confront? When did you become an Action Hero?

Action heroes have formed the theme of the last few Blank Noise interventions and it's this spirit we ask you to share and celebrate on March 8 , 2007!

So announce the blog-a-thon, and on March 8, share your action story!

If you are a male blogger and wondering how you fit in, tell us about an Action Hero you know!

To participate:

1. announce the event.
2. blog your story
3. email us about it and we will link you right away!

Please email us at subject titled Action Heroes Online.


Blank Noise!


  1. J - sidebar link ta dakho: kaaj korche na kano? promothom one.

  2. I tried to email you but "delivery to the recipient failed permanently". So I'm reproducing the email here.

    I have heard about Blank Noise earlier, but this is the first time I decided to do something with it. Let me start by thanking you for taking up this issue - it is one I feel very strongly about - and for giving the rest of us a way to do something about it.

    Here is my blog URL: I mean to put up my story on March 8. I have put up an announcement here

    Let me know if there's any other way I can contribute.

  3. Hi m,

    I would like to confirm the process. All I have to do is :
    a) Announce it on my blog.
    b) Then I write about my experience of eve teasing on my blog on the 8th of March.
    c) Then you link it on your blog.

    Have I got this right??

  4. Hi m,

    I would like to confirm the process. All I have to do is :
    a) Announce it on my blog.
    b) Then I write about my experience of eve teasing on my blog on the 8th of March.
    c) Then you link it on your blog.

    Have I got this right??

  5. yup, absolutely! also, you write your experience of how you reacted, not just what happened.

  6. The day is here ! The blogs are ON ! The posts are up! Here's mine:
