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Stick on!

the person photographed was the lucky winner.


  1. hey guys i dont know if this comment is relevent to this post or not but neways---- I read an article about your efforts in the magazine India Today and i think that ur decision to give eve teasers and starers a taste of their own magazine totally rocks! although i myself am a male but i certainly do not agree with the act of staring at girls. i wud lik to quote an incident - a fellow who was riding a bike was staring at a girl at the same time and was late to realize that there was a car coming from the side a nd had a nasty accident. maybe this will teach him the corect values and others too. good luck to you guys.

  2. hi

    thanks for your support

    would like to add that it is not so much in the act of looking, staring, glancing but more about the nature of it. How do you look/ what was your intent/

    I repeat myself on this blog when I say , you can strip someone just by the WAY you look..even a 'glance' can violate if that is the intention- to objectify, de humanize

    Nothing wrong in glancing, looking..

    looking, leching, staring, glancing, checking out, objectifying, 'buri nazar', rating...all in the way one looks...all through just the eyes..

  3. I have experienced so much of eve teasing and I thought that atleast when I would be doing my masters degree(in usa).. I dont have to fight it..Here also the INdian boys have made us proud..They still continue harassing women in one form or other..mostly Indian girls..

  4. can I publish your "unwanted sticker" on my post abt eve teasing? Let me know... Best of luck!

  5. sure eramus-in-india. you may publish the sticker on your post

  6. ..And what about aarti's question?

  7. the answer but obviously is no.

  8. Wouldnt it have been better if he had been informed of your intentions? Surely if he knew that his pic would be up for the world to gawk at, he would have been more careful.


  9. for child molestation too?
    at least it looks like he doing sumthing to that kid....
    so what exactly was he doing?

  10. Anonymous4:25 pm

    oh sure i agree of course one must seek his permission befroe putting up his picture.. just one thought.. how about the next time he and eveyr second lech on the road takes permission from the woman before he decides to do the unwanted gawking/groping/commentary? is it only the fear of getting caught that will stop a man from doign the above?.. wow thats hopeful

  11. Eve teasing isn't like rape. There are obviously no medical tests to prove that it has happened. do you sympathize with this guy for not having been cautious enough to not get caught with something that's so easy to get away with! ?

  12. Anonymous11:06 pm

    it is one thing to just look. its natural; when you are young to look at members of the other sex
    and another thing to look at someone in a degrading manner with dirty ideas on your mind.
    i dont know why you haved never experienced men stopping you on your way and staring at you from head to toe in a degrading manner. maybe you have traveld all your life by a car that is why you dont understand how innocent women remain voiceless victims.
    self denial perhaps ?
    please open your eyes to the reality. you need to understand what it takes for a woman to confront her molestor, look into the jerk's eyes and the best part- give him an unwanted sticker. tell him - i do NOT approve of what you do and i am not keeping silent either. i have heard from participants in the interventions that these men look away after prolonged eye contact because they know this is a crime.
    about the pictures. who says they are illegal ? is it legal to molest women ? men still do it dont they ? then why should we remain silent ? you know these men have gladly obliged for the picture after they molest their victims ?(just look at the expression on their faces if you still deny it, they seem to be excited and even proud of themselves) wen they are not ashamed themselves, whats ur problem ?

  13. I've been following this project closely, and i agree to your points
    You said:
    > Nothing wrong in glancing, looking..
    > looking, leching, staring, glancing, checking out, objectifying, ... everything is in a nazar.


    Now, I did not realise why you put this guy picture on the net for everyone to see.
    niether you explained what exactly he did, nor it looks that way from the picture.

    Standing straight and invariably putting your hand on the back, is it a problem?
    did you find something offensive in here?

    I failed to see the point, kindly elaborate.

    Also, I ve seen that you ppl get offensive when a man tries to question your moves.
    All men with brains will support your cause, but sometimes you do get to generalize all men in the
    same category. This person seems to me a harmless guy!

  14. Anonymous8:40 am

    I completely agree with what aarthi here is trying to say she seems to be making a critique that is reflective on the the entire project. your action of putting someone in a public gaze without their consent is as much a violation as is eve teasing. i am not suggesting that women are not subject to harrasment in the public sphere, but your method of capturing this, through photographs seem to illuminate nothing. i suggest that a picture is not worth a thousand words. i have been looking at this picture for the last 15 minutes and i really dont know what it is about. and there is a certain naive assumption that one is required to make here. if you do want to make a more nuanced feminist critique i suggest you refine your methods.

  15. thankyou for reading. it is indeed what was mentioned in the hyderabad intervention

  16. 'This person seems to me a harmless guy! '- born_in_the_woods

    how does a harmful guy appear?

  17. Anonymous10:03 pm

    My name is Kondaveeti Satyavati and Editor and publisher of a feminist magazine BHUMIKA in Telugu.I regularly visit your website. I want to publish some blogs in my magazine. Can i do that? You can also use the magazine for the campgine against eve teasing and sexual harasment on roads.Recently I participted in a discussion on the topic "How safe the roads of Hyd to women in the night" organised by TV9 a news chanel in telugu. They have also taken some images in the midnight and showed how horrible the roads at that time.Please respond positively.

    editor bhumika

  18. @Arthi:
    You surprise me!!!!
    Personally, when I see a line of women in western/modern clothes in a conservative nation, I would definitely come to the conclusion that you were a bunch of prostitutes

    God, I am almost always wearing western/modern clothes, and so do so many of my friends whom I go out with....if you see us, you would think we are prostitutes? What are you - by your definiton - a indian dress wearing sati-savitri? I really don't know stronger words to use agaisnt you. By your definition, I think, half the Indian women will be prostitutes...

    When we step over human rights under the pretext of feminism, it is tantamount to terrorism.

    Human rights? Should we really respect the human rights of a person who does not respect another ones, in fact violates them? Really aarthi, you are like those human rights activist who went on dharna when a rapist was being hanged in Kolkata, fighting for his human rights!!!
    Actually it is very easy to make those 'righteous' statements when you have never been in such situations. As gayathri said, open your eyes, and stop making excuses on behalf of the perpetrator.

  19. first of all i appreciate de ppl who hv started dis against dis dreadful deed bt u ppl have to be a bit more clear abt de pictures of de ppl whom u put exact details of de situation in which ppl who was said to hv offenced is not put out...also its not possible to judge whether de person lukd at u wit bad intentions den i hv also seen gals lookin at guys who r "handsome and smart"with de same kind of expression bt it cannot be taken so wit respecct to eveteasin...i fear ur idea of puutin dos perosn's fotos r highly objectable and offence wat if a person next starts a site for de ppl who litter at streets and put u r foto in it....der r other gud methods to prevent eve teasin like givin back a stern look whic wud give abt 80% success as i knw men's far as puttin de person's foto is concerned he has every rite to take legal action against u ....let be tell u ppl are alos offenders regardin dis case...

  20. first of all i appreciate de ppl who hv started dis against dis dreadful deed bt u ppl have to be a bit more clear abt de pictures of de ppl whom u put exact details of de situation in which ppl who was said to hv offenced is not put out...also its not possible to judge whether de person lukd at u wit bad intentions den i hv also seen gals lookin at guys who r "handsome and smart"with de same kind of expression bt it cannot be taken so wit respecct to eveteasin...i fear ur idea of puutin dos perosn's fotos r highly objectable and offence wat if a person next starts a site for de ppl who litter at streets and put u r foto in it....der r other gud methods to prevent eve teasin like givin back a stern look whic wud give abt 80% success as i knw men's far as puttin de person's foto is concerned he has every rite to take legal action against u ....let be tell u ppl are alos offenders regardin dis case...

  21. first of all i appreciate de ppl who hv started dis against dis dreadful deed bt u ppl have to be a bit more clear abt de pictures of de ppl whom u put exact details of de situation in which ppl who was said to hv offenced is not put out...also its not possible to judge whether de person lukd at u wit bad intentions den i hv also seen gals lookin at guys who r "handsome and smart"with de same kind of expression bt it cannot be taken so wit respecct to eveteasin...i fear ur idea of puutin dos perosn's fotos r highly objectable and offence wat if a person next starts a site for de ppl who litter at streets and put u r foto in it....der r other gud methods to prevent eve teasin like givin back a stern look whic wud give abt 80% success as i knw men's far as puttin de person's foto is concerned he has every rite to take legal action against u ....let be tell u ppl are alos offenders regardin dis case...

  22. iam not sure whther my comment wud be displayed and i doubt whether de owners give freedom of individual expressions

  23. Anonymous10:49 pm

    Great Initiative, something like this was sorely needed. But please dont make this into a gender battle. 'Eve teasing' can start from being rude to downright anti social and the people involved can be described as such without the gender label.

    Most people do such acts because neither their mama or papa or dada/dadi taught them social etiquitte. This is where your sanitization program comes it. As a male I hope it spreads out more and give the women of the society the courage to deal with this evil with a confidence. A confident woman will make the men better too ( as I beleive eve teasing results from insecurity ) leading to a confident society and nation.

  24. Anonymous5:44 pm

    How can you just take a photo of a guy and past it on internet, no body has a clue as to what he did or where is it. If he has perpetuated whats mentioned in the sticker then the lady should have gone to the police station. Don't tell me that women do not stare at men, they do stare and they pass comments among friends why is that not wrong. What if the guy takes the girls photo and pastes it on the net? Will you go in defense of the guy? I will not because what he did is not right.

    I really appreciate what you guys are doing, but one must not get paranoid. Lot of stuff that you mentioned are serious violations of a women's personal space and liberty but lot of things are plain down right absurd. Are you saying that when a group of women sit together, they talk about flower, light post, cloths? Do you laugh at seeing a flower, light post? No right. You make fun of someone, some guy/girl. Humor is always at some ones expense.

    Not all men are bad and not all women are good, in both sexes there are good , bad and ugly(not in terms of how he/she looks) in equal proportions.

    I am not saying eve teasing is good, but to 2 wrongs can't make a right. When you stand up for a cause you stand up the right way. If someday I meet the ladies who run the forum or contribute I will surly have a lengthy discussion. But I am also scared that if they disagree my photo might end up in the same forum :-)

