No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!


Calling 30 women on April 15th! (bangalore)

( from a performative experiement conducted in 2003 with a group of nine participants.)

“Sometimes we just love to walk, stand around, hang around, without looking ‘avaliable’.”

30 or more women will get onto the street and through a very simple act, we transform the nature of the place. criteria: participants should be dressed in a garment they would not wear otherwise , but have always wanted to wear! It could be anything really!

  • ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST MEET AT COFFEE DAY, BRIGADE ROAD(on Planet M side of the road) at sharp 4 pm, 15th April, Saturday

To participate email us at subject titled ‘intervention’ and we will add you on our participating list! Or call blank noise at 98868 40612

30 women team currently includes:

1.Soumya C

2. Poonam D

3. Rachel

4. Chitra B

5. Rupa S

6. Praveena

7. Arpita

8. Sanhita



11. Aditi


13. Arpita

14. Maitree

15. Yamini

16. Pritesh

17. Priya

18. Pramada

Arpita, Pritesh, Ratna are bringning along 2 or more people each which makes us 24!? SEE YOU SOON!


  1. This is very exciting--I am in Toronto Canada and so I will not be there, but I am sending you all kinds of good vibes and will be looking eagerly for updates on how it went! this project is a great idea!

  2. I was introduced to this blog from one of my friend. I think whatever you all are doing is great. After reading your posts i don't know i'm the right person to write all this or not coz this blog is a lot against males or better to say against their unsocial nature but till now i was involved in activities with children (

    After knowing your thoughts, i think we would like to work with you against this unsocial activity. I guess all of you guyz are in bangalore, we can take charge of Delhi.

    What do you say?

  3. hey.. i dont think this blogs is against males per se, just the lechy ones

  4. is this still happening?
    even after the rajkumar galaata?

  5. yes we are on. its quite peaceful today.

    rabfish! thankyou for your wishes!!

  6. Anonymous7:12 pm

    It was splashed all over the papers for sometime...was discussed on blogs galore..hell..we discussed it on our forums as well....( great to see blanknoise gather some real momentum.....and ofcourse one salutes the sheer courage for sayin what you have and more importantly in the manner that you did...err....jus a lil bone of contention...funny you shud say it was an indian man...of what i understand its as prevalent anywhere...why do u think they say"Men are the same everywhere"...

    God Speed

  7. Anonymous7:14 pm

    It was splashed all over the papers for sometime...was discussed on blogs galore..hell..we discussed it on our forums as well....( great to see blanknoise gather some real momentum.....and ofcourse one salutes the sheer courage for sayin what you have and more importantly in the manner that you did...err....jus a lil bone of contention...funny you shud say it was an indian man...of what i understand its as prevalent anywhere...why do u think they say"Men are the same everywhere"..

  8. should have the option of men joining hands with you as well. i am absolutely put-off by lecherous men and i was born in a state with maximum number of such men - kerala. i have even written on this before. anyway good luck for sat evening. in my opinion though, bangalore is a lot better than any other city in the country.

  9. I have always loved Pune and am quite proud that majority our /* sisters */(assuming all single girls don't read this comment) here are never treated the way its mentioned in your blog.
    I have seen that in urban jungles like those Mumbai and Pune, eve-teasing is never that serious an issue. However organised crime is. There are groups that operate secret "massage parlours" and illicit dance bars and often these lewd and sidey businesses spill into residential complexes and colleges. They are much more harm to dignity of women than the ill-willed lecherous men (I hope this chained up life of a software developer doesnt make me one)
    who end up eve-teasing.

    Still women are treated way too badly in India, (and most places around the world). God knows whn this stops (and He/She should help in stoppin)

  10. Anonymous9:29 am

    Good Luck People
    but whats the idea behind "dressed in a garment they would not wear otherwise".

  11. @yogesh - street sexual harassment is an issue anywhere in the world and we're aware of that. for instance, check out the link to hollaback NYC on our sidebar.

    @mindcurry - men can and do join blank noise! it's not just for women!

    @shriniwas - when you have the time, please look through our blogathon participatory posts to see how damaging eve teasing can be. there will always be greater and lesser evils so let's not get into that argument!

    @schizophrenic - we dress in a certain manner on the street because we know we are vulnerable to eve teasing. but most of us dress differently at home. the idea behind this is to confront our own hesitation and vulnerability by dressing on the street as we may at home

    @ cogito - quite well, actually!

    @deepak - hemangini is our co-ordinator in delhi. do get in touch with her -

  12. hi all,
    i see your blog and want to know that there is anything available to teach the the lesson to eveteasers in mumbai and who are running that type of organisation in mumbai

    take care
    we meet soon in mumbai
