No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!


Blank Noise Presents....

Blog-a-thon 2006

Marking our one year foray into the blog world, we’ve decided to host a Blog-a-thon on the issue of street harassment. No, you don’t have to run anywhere (thankfully) to participate, you’ve just got to get to your computer this TUESDAY (7th MARCH) and post your thoughts on street harassment/ eve teasing on your blog.

You can write about anything related to the topic: testimonies, opinions on harassment, comments about the Blank Noise project, would all be great. It doesn't matter where you're from, where you live, or whether you're a man or a woman - we'd love to have you on board.

If you’d like to participate, send an email to blurtblanknoise[AT] before the coming Monday (6th March). We’ll add your name and blogsite to the ‘running’ list of participants on the Blank Noise blogsite so that everyone can see what everyone else is writing about the topic. Also, just to get the maximum number of people 'out' for this event - we'd request that you put up a posting on your blog prior to Monday to encourage other people to participate, and to let them know to check your blog on Monday.

So join one, join all!


  1. Hi,
    I hope your voice gains some more momentum....I am all in it...


  2. Anonymous11:32 am


    Posted about this event on Tiffinbox. Please let me know if I can help in any other way.


  3. thanks seshu! thats great!

    cheers to smita from the Blank Noise team to come up with this idea!!

  4. Anonymous11:41 pm

    The links to Shivangi and Deepali's blogs are not working.

  5. hi

    thanks for pointing it out...
    we just made the changes

  6. seshu


    hope youre going to be writing as well?!

    lemme know...

  7. Anonymous7:26 am

    Handsome initiative I must say. However, in the current situation, I would rather endorse something for poor Jessica lal. That was the ultimate form of harassment-elimination for no fault of hers.

  8. Great Effort!! If we can chip-in with any kind of help, let us know.

  9. hi.. a small request. could you please change "M1" to sthreeling? thanks!

  10. Great idea. Count me in, I'll be posting at

  11. Anonymous12:15 am

    thts what i had to say

  12. Anonymous2:18 am

    I have following suggestions:

    1) Carry a knief (which can be seen) alongwith, while going on a street.

    2) Understand how patriarchy works. It wants women to market themselves for men and yet keep the supply less for men/boys.

    The marketing and supply must match.

    3) Boys are emotionally suppressed/castrated by Patriarchal society. That makes them focused so that they can maintain the patriarchal MATRIX.

    This is one of the reason that men behave this way.

    So, unless boys and men are freed from patriarchy and Protecting/providing for family, nothing much is going to change.

    4) The Male Power is a great myth. Men are as much powerless as women. So, there is little room for any concessions that women can get in their behaviour.

    Men work for a massive structure and its the structure/ Matrix which has got all the power. The side effects of torture by structure, Protecting/Providing for family and being unpaid bodyguards makes men what they are.

    -Save Indian Family

  13. Something good. This was one which I hated.

  14. This is a topic very close to my heart. I will definitely blog about it next week. Count me in.

  15. Hey.....count me in....

  16. i am very much in.

  17. hello,
    i would love to participate in this!

  18. hmm... not sure if my comment posted... sorry if this is a duplicate.

    I would love to participate!

  19. Count me in...

  20. I am game too! Add me to the list!! :)

  21. Please add this

    not as my entry, as Nilu's entry.


  22. Anonymous12:23 am

    Because of Mathy's guidelines I came to know this. I want to join my hands with this.

  23. Anonymous2:40 am

    Eve teasings is a psycho's forte..The moment you make a big deal out of the psycho's whsltling you are providing the very attention he's craving for ......
    Treating one like scum and moving on is the severest punch you can deliver to his ego ...
    I would say the same people who fight against eve teasing should rebel against their elder generations too for creating a society that functions like a glofiried Tihar Jail when it comes to man woman relationship in public

  24. hi

    Count me in!


  25. Hi

    Count me in!


  26. If this project is truly into stopping sexual harresement on streets it should be in Lucknow.Believe me there are far more eve teasing cases,far more sexual harresement in smaller cities as Lucknow.I have seen woman being sexually harassed and being done nothing about.Women they even fear to discuss these things ? what more they can have eve teasers in their own colonies living life as their neigbours.If one is that interested come here ; I'll give you accomodation , show you places.Email me back at

  27. you guys are doing a great job, count me in

  28. Count me in too! I have a suggestion though... does domestic molestation count? through servants, watchmen, dhobis, even family members? Basically a situation in which a woman is powerless to react, whether its a public or provate domain.

  29. I'm in at

  30. aranyi:

    "Count me in too! I have a suggestion though... does domestic molestation count? through servants, watchmen, dhobis, even family members? Basically a situation in which a woman is powerless to react, whether its a public or provate domain."

    we would prefer you keeping in mind 'eve teasing' or street sexual harassment. while it is about power and feeling powerless in any situation of sexual violence , we would prefer to focus on the aspect of public space.

  31. hey. what dyou know - weve support from the other half of the world as well :)

    the geeky feminist

    Bitch Phd

  32. Great effort. Would love to join.

  33. Please add me to it.


  34. Jasmeen: Raghu (who sent the mail asking me to participate) said it didn't have to be restricted to street harassment. Is that right, or is there miscommunication somewhere?

  35. sorry jabberwock. there was a bit of a misunderstanding. we would like to focus on sexual harassment in the public space

  36. the society is mute and the streets stink, every eye dissects you with a vicious grin.
    its time to clear some public space and introduce civil behaviour in the male gaze.

  37. Oh, okay. Anyway, have posted this.

  38. Anonymous12:53 pm

    Pls count me in. The post will be up tommorrow.

  39. Hi, I just wanted to point out that the site linked to my name, Beks, is not my site, I think it belongs to the person called Bem and vice-versa. Thanks.

  40. Anonymous10:25 pm

    Here is the link to my post:

    What to do with Desi chikan?

    Regards, Crazyfinger

  41. Anonymous10:27 pm

    I know how cathartic this can be--to share our experiences, to know that its not just me or you suffering. I hope at least some guys are sensitised with this.

  42. i have a post up here, though i don't know if you are looking for any particular type of post.

  43. And here are my two cents on the subject...

    enjoy... and please, please, please don't maek me feel like I was talking to myself!


  44. I've updated!

    I hope it helps =)

  45. Anonymous7:22 pm

    Please do link my site here:

    Sanity Starved

    Thank you,

  46. The link to my blog is wrong - blogspot is spelled as "blosgpot". Please change it.

    As for my contribution to the blogathon, am working on it right now. Will send in a link soon.

  47. Anonymous12:04 am

    me too

  48. Have posted.

  49. for all that it's worth..i posted a lil' somethin' on my blog on this topic....

  50. this is just a suggestion/request to have better link management for the participants. you may colour links differently for the blog of the participant and the link corresponding to the entry in the bog-a-thon. i may be interested in reading entries but not in patronizing other posts of the participant bloggers.

  51. sorry, late realisation so I didn't inform of my participation but my post is here-

  52. Anonymous6:38 am

  53. Anonymous6:40 am

    What about teenage sex.This is prevalent among teens in think you are safe with men.Finally to end up in an even worser situation...most of the times.

  54. post is up

  55. Hello - My post in support of the whole project...


  56. Anonymous9:50 am

    Heard jasmeen on radiocity bangalore. Very nice initiative. Can count on me for propaganda for the movement.

  57. Anonymous9:57 am

    Not sure if this has to be only about sexual harrassment, but gender discrimination is accepted too. I have written here about my visit to a school that doesn't allow women enter the premises - even for enquiries.

  58. I am IN! WOULD appreciate if you can sign me in. Thanks - tanu

  59. I just put this up:

  60. Anonymous11:55 am

    have also posted something ..pls check my link.

  61. Have posted in support of this today. Have also added the technorati tag.

  62. Anonymous11:59 am

    Hi I did my bit by posting it on my blog. Maybe u can put me up in the list....

  63. Anonymous12:13 pm

    I have posted something related to this campaign..pls check my blog

  64. Anonymous1:55 pm

    My two cents -

  65. Anonymous2:18 pm

    Hi Jasmeen,
    As per our exchanges over mail...I had posted my bit yesterday... please see if you can add the link...

  66. Read up my take on this.

    And do add me onto the list.

  67. Count me in. Here's my blog

  68. umm.. is it too late to join..???would love to.

  69. Read up on my take "Looking nowhere in the middle of 'everywhere'" at

  70. Read up on my take "Looking nowhere in the middle of everywhere" at

  71. heres my post for the blogathon! not sure how to link...


  72. great idea...posy from me too.

  73. my entry is up at

  74. count me in. I have posted

  75. Heard about this real late. But I have something to I posted my words at

  76. Anonymous6:34 pm

    i'm most definitely in
    thts my link

  77. Anonymous6:36 pm

    I'm most definitely in..
    wrote abt it...

  78. Anonymous6:47 pm

    read the post of fellow bloggers.. it is something we all shud raise a voice about...


  79. Anonymous7:40 pm

    Good to see some people trying to make a difference! There are more like you at IdeaBlogy Together a lot can be done.

  80. Anonymous9:20 pm

    really glad to support this project. my post is up now.

  81. Great way to raise the voice,
    because of some "creepy insane men" the entire man community is bearing the brunt...
    I agree men are complex and pathetic then NOT all.

  82. Posted.

    Could you pls update the links in the list of participants.
    I know some us were not able to send a mail earlier.
    Thank you.

  83. am i too late for this? just got to know. count me in. will post soon

  84. great great job..I am so relieved that someone is letting the voices be heard. My post is up. thanks! hope i am not late.

  85. Sorry, i left the link on the other post, last night. Here's my contribution:

    This post won't be the last i will do about this though.

  86. hi
    i just got to know about this yesterday can i still participate...please let me know
    ummmi guess i will post on this anyway

  87. Anonymous5:16 pm

    Hi I am shaik sulaiman(

    When I see these topics, I used to remember the following verse from Holy Qur'an

    "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! God is aware of what they do."
    (Al-Qur'an -24.30 An-Nur: The Light).

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said :

    "Whenever a man is alone with a woman, Satan is the third among them"

    Shaik Sulaiman

  88. Anonymous5:17 pm

    Hi I am shaik sulaiman(

    When I see these topics, I used to remember the following verse from Qur'an

    "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! God is aware of what they do."
    (Al-Qur'an -24.30 An-Nur: The Light).

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said :

    "Whenever a man is alone with a woman, Satan is the third among them"

    Shaik Sulaiman

  89. What a silly thing to do!

  90. Hi,
    Good project. Well done for launching it.

    I came to know about Blank Noise very recently. Am new at but and have only 2 postings so far, but would like to link one of them to the postings listings on your site. The relevant posting on my blog is titled 'Hey Sexy!' Address:

    I have created a link to Blank Noise on my Blog but can't figure out if I can create a link on this site to mine. Help!


  91. hey i joined lil late and i have jotted similar experiences in my blog.... url is

    great work

  92. Came yesterday. Read links. Shocked because I could relate myself to a lot of girls. Now wrote my story.

    Thanks for bringing out in the open. My only regret is that I did not come here soon enough.

  93. great work, i really think the educated masses need to address this issue robustly. this is a great idea. i'm late here, but i do wish to comment/participate in any way possible.

  94. I came here on the 8th, blogged last night. Linketh:

  95. Anonymous9:25 am

    Asian men - they stink

    Great culture u guys have in ur countries.Thanks for letting the world know .Thank God we r not in Asia.

  96. Came to know of this event through Radio City. My contribution to this event by my blog
    I hope I could provide a new insight into this matter.

  97. hmmmm...I guess I'm a little late :-) but in case it still matters, and there are people listening, I've posted my blog here...


  98. I have just posted a poem (incomplete) at my blog...
    the link is

  99. Hi Team Blank Noise

    We read your Blog and came to know the real purpose of your project. The atrocities that women face in today's world including rape, child molesting, eve teasing etc are loud and clear in your Blog. We from Sulekha are privileged to take a part in it to support a noble cause. Hence forth we would like to give you an offer which would substantially increase the popularity of the Blog not only in Indian Cities, but also all over the world. We can provide coverage to your blog and thus provide you a better platform to voice out your protest.

    By creating a parallel blog on Sulekha Blogs, you can dramatically boost the number of people viewing your posts, commenting on them and connecting with each other.

    All you need to do is give us your approval (Reply to this mail with a YES) so that we can feed your blog posts via RSS into your customized blog page on Sulekha.
    I eagerly look forward to seeing you on Sulekha!

    Kartik Kannan
    Team Sulekha
    I blog at

  100. Anonymous10:47 am

    U folks should know that there are always two sides to a problem. Take the case of the marine drive rape by a policaeman of a college girl. The girl was petting and necking with her boyfriend and the constable saw that. He thught she was an easy prey and he could terrorise her by threatening to tell her parents or to levy a h uge fine on her. This vulnerable situation was of the girl's own creation. Had she behaved normally with her boyfriend maintaining the social norms at a public place, this shameful incident might not have taken placae.
    Then again the Jessica Lal case. What was a model from a decent family doing at midnight in an illegal booze joint run by a socialite with high connections. That the socialite was a big name in the fashion world and jessica probably thought she would get plump assignments must have been the bait. Why did she opt for the barmaid's role? is that a good role for a young girl to play amidst drunken high society revellers with lots of moneypower and political clout? She invited trouble when she defied the high and mighty to serve drinks after the so called official hours, ( how could that be when the bar was not even licensed one God knows?)

    Take yesterday's case of a millowners son raping a 52 year old woman. He picked her up at Kala Ghoda at 2.30 am in the night (morning>) What was she doing at that time of the night at a place which after dark is teeming with streetwalkers and pimps and drug addicts? And why did she hitch a ride in the mercedes car which stopped by. perhaps she thught she would have a nice time and lots of money from the rich brat. But the brat proved otherwise, he exploited her for two hours and dropped her back atKala Ghoda. Subsequent investigations by the police have revealed that the woman might have been a CSW ( at age 52) married to a belgian who died recently. She had been to goa for a couple of weeks, and she had drug addict friends who also were strolling with her at colaba on that fateful night.
    Come to the aspiring model and tv actor who was shot in the head at Oshiwara (presumably by her boyfriend since missing),Her room mates confirmed that she was a heavy smoker and accustomed to heavy drinking. She borrowed 2000 rupees from a guy she met at the pool joint in Lokhandawala at midnight after he withdrew the money from an ATM and then went on a lonely street to meet her boyfriend perhaps to have a binge with him at some joint. What followed is in the realm of guesswork. But there was perhaps a spat and the guy shot her thru the head. NOw who is to blame in this game?

    Like i said freedom for females to do what they like, to dress as they like and behave as they like will end most often in disasters of the above type.
    and the blame goes to the male of the species.
    What a travesty!!!



    If we look back the history of India , Indian Men had given all the benifit and benifit of dought to Indian women by sacrificing their own life .

    Stop this men vs women fight , otherwise the day will not be too far when we all will reach to 22nd century , there will not be any difference between human and animale.

    As a women you have to decided waht you want :-

    If you want love , respect , you will get it.
    If you want to be raped , you will get rapist .
    If you want violence , you will get violence .
    If you want haromeny , you will get harmoney .
    If you want NCW , you will get SIF !!

    You asked , you want free education , we say take it.
    You asked less tax on income , we say take it .
    You say , you want less covered cloth , we say take it .
    You say , you want equal job , we say take it .

    But at the same time , you want every thing as a whole sale free lincence and all the law especially made to save you , like 498A , 304B , 302 .. where no evidence required only your statement is sufficient to send a perosn behind the bar irrespective of they are crimainl or innocent , you started to misuse the same in such a way that supreme court of india says " this is leads to legal terrorism "

    How do you feel ??

    Whatever you have asked , we had given you , still you want more and more ??

    Take it , no problem , but please understand history wittness , terrosist activity can not give you free dom .

    The way you are killing the child as a whole sale free lince , before they born , very soon you all will get the punishment for that also .

    So let you first decided waht you want , you want to be sexy , but if some one say to you sexy , learn to adopt the same also .

    Otherwise be prepare for 22nd century , we have seen 21st century , let wait for 22nd century .

    P.S.I know you all are expert to delete the coments , so i keep this in the blog for your reference .


    If we look back the history of India , Indian Men had given all the benifit and benifit of dought to Indian women by sacrificing their own life .

    Stop this men vs women fight , otherwise the day will not be too far when we all will reach to 22nd century , there will not be any difference between human and animale.

    As a women you have to decided waht you want :-

    If you want love , respect , you will get it.
    If you want to be raped , you will get rapist .
    If you want violence , you will get violence .
    If you want haromeny , you will get harmoney .
    If you want NCW , you will get SIF !!

    You asked , you want free education , we say take it.
    You asked less tax on income , we say take it .
    You say , you want less covered cloth , we say take it .
    You say , you want equal job , we say take it .

    But at the same time , you want every thing as a whole sale free lincence and all the law especially made to save you , like 498A , 304B , 302 .. where no evidence required only your statement is sufficient to send a perosn behind the bar irrespective of they are crimainl or innocent , you started to misuse the same in such a way that supreme court of india says " this is leads to legal terrorism "

    How do you feel ??

    Whatever you have asked , we had given you , still you want more and more ??

    Take it , no problem , but please understand history wittness , terrosist activity can not give you free dom .

    The way you are killing the child as a whole sale free lince , before they born , very soon you all will get the punishment for that also .

    So let you first decided waht you want , you want to be sexy , but if some one say to you sexy , learn to adopt the same also .

    Otherwise be prepare for 22nd century , we have seen 21st century , let wait for 22nd century .

    P.S.I know you all are expert to delete the coments , so i keep this in the blog for your reference .

  103. The Blank Noise Project was a wonderful drive to bring out the opinions out into the public domain and shake awaken the public conscience

    My Blog :


  104. SWARUP who are the we who is giving to the them?
    who is asking the losers like you for anything?
    we are claiming what is rightfully ours...
    get that
    man do i pity the women who are unfortunate enough to be in your life
    yes...those who might have a problem with my getting personal with this fool here
    personal is political, remember?

  105. My dearest Nandini :-( If you have given the right name , not another false name )

    As i have allready said , history wittness that a terroist activity can not give the freedon , it kills only innocent .
    Our job to show the whole world the turth how you all are killing our unborn child before they take birth ,refuse to give the mother milk to the newly born child , whole sale free lincenc for doing the adultratity , so many times request you do not take TAKILA , take Jin , do not take 555 cigerate , take some lighter cigerate .. but who cares ?? As our goverment had given all the whole sale free lincence to you all and this fellow also among one of them as a Indian citizen ..

    how you all are killing our mother , sister , daughter as a whole sale free lincence ( by misusing 498A ) .. which you all are trying to fool the whole world , and when some of you exposed , started deleting the coment , and hope that people will never ever able to get the truth .
    This is not the first time , every time any Modern Supernakha exposed ( hope you have seen the star news , in front of public ask to stop killing child and in her own clinic kill the child as a whole sale free lincence ) .

    At last your coment :"thank god, some of us have brains '

    - Fully agree , may be those modern supernakh does not , human as well as anomal have brain , terrorist as well as innocnet have the brain , underworld don and a railway hocker also have a brain

    But the question is how you are using your brains , for constructive purpose or destructive purpose , let the whole nation decided , who creat violence and who create harmoney , who belives in killing the child and who belive to save the child , who belive to save their age old parents and who belive to send them behind the bar without any small evidence .

    Your job to hide the truth and millions time delete the coment , our job to show the whole world and expose all those dishonest , dirty , money minded brains taken the mask of Modern Sita and hiding their Modern Supernakha face .

    Let you all decided waht you all want , harmoney of violence , waht you want to kill the innocnet people by doing the terrorist activity or want to save those innocent and save those unborn child , who had been killed every day by your so called educated , some brains .. people ...

    Good luck , you hide the truth millions time and we are here to expose the truth billions time ....

    Mirchi laga ?? Take some sweet , may be some one forget to give the same when you have taken birth !!!!

    P.S. I know this coment will be deleted , as the same not supporting your argument , so the same kept at :-

  106. why is swaroop raving and ranting?
    and greatbong while i could almost agree with you that the road side romeos are not going to read the blogs and hence these are futile but here is an example for you
    swaroop reads and writes blogs but look at how his mind works
    maybe he doesn't go and molest women...but just look at the violence in his mind

  107. Anonymous7:33 pm

    Nandini , you had been exposed , waht a thinking :-

    "personal is political, remember? "

  108. Anonymous7:35 pm

    Good swarup , they always try to show the half truth , you had exposed them nicely

  109. Anonymous8:25 pm

    Er...swaroop what exactly are u on and on abt? which part of history were u exactly referring to? oh! the part abt violence against women?...and arent men really responsible for it though?!!why do 'U' have to give women anything..anyway??men and women are born equal...there are some losers like u wid the same old regressive way of thinking who choose to think otherwise...get over ur chauvinistic attitude...stop being a loser!!

  110. Anonymous8:33 pm

    I have found this article in the net , see how those people are degrading our indian women :-

    We must protest agaisnt this .

    “Halt! Ladies First so let them decide what they want” The lady captain after some ego display decided to bowl first. - This is nothing but eve teasing as well to us .

  111. Anonymous9:06 pm

    Pro-Abortionist Feminazies are much worse than those roadside Romeos. They must be hanged (by law) for killing urborn children.

    Its hightime Indian States start implementing stringent anti-abortion laws.

    So far as Swarup of Save Indian Family(SIF) is concerned, there is no difference between SIF and Blank Noise Project. (Just refer: Vulturo Says)

  112. Anonymous2:06 am

    hey sibil

    dont bother about these guys(?) . they do nothing but rant. But sometimes entertaining coz u can have fun irritating them.

    check the latest where they were caught and face blackened (also follow links there of other SANE people who have thrown them out of their blogs. example;rosa). Though u can very well ignore their usual cut-copy-paste pathetic unedited whatever language that is they have invented.

    they are actually 'saveindian Gays" whose wives deserted them once they realised that they were gays...and its a case of 'sour grapes'. I hope u got the point.

    enjoy the comments.

  113. Anonymous11:58 am

    Swarup cool down , nandini is not that type of girls as described by you , at the same time i understand the way you have seen the world makes you to think all nandini as Modern Supernakh .

    Not all women are bad and not all men are bad , we have to fight together to support the right people , let it be men or women.

    This for nandini , yes swarup is very harsh , but he had very valid point , stop this men vs women fight , otherwise both will loose .

    To improve the condition of any society both men and women must take equal responsiblity , by blaming each other will not going to solve any thing.
    So let go back to the work and stop this fighting .
    Kush had a very very strong feeling , stop single parenting system , hope this is a very very strong campin for Blank noise in future , as wahtever we are doing for our future child , not for us , we can sustain whatever condition we have , but we must work together by keeping in mind the interest of future child , we must think waht type of society we are going to hand over to them .
    This is my samll observation .

  114. Anonymous6:48 pm

    Women who support abortions are much more violent. Swarup is only exposing it....

  115. Anonymous3:02 pm

    Women & men think differently & this is scientifically proven.Men get exicted visually & women takes some time to get exicted sexually.So the onus is on women not to expose & tease the man to hold his faculties.Every person is not the same.Some can control the urges some cannot.If the womans clevages & curves are catching ones eye the male will definetly stare at it.So y give chance in the first place.Dress modestly & this will reduce the problem to certain extent.It is like inviting a thief by keeping the house open rather we safely secure the house by locking it there by reducing the chance of theaft attempt.Still the house is not completly secure even if you lock it as some people will try to break in.This is exactly what i mean when i ask women to be modest.YOu are infact reducing the chances not eliminating it mind you.Reduce the chances rather than asking the males to change the mindset & you say you want to be free with ur mind & body.You will expose but restraint should come from the male.This is next to impossible given the current situation where genders are segegrated.Make attempts to reduce the opportunity for males for the simple reason that males are visual creatures & really get exicted by the shapely curves.

  116. am i a little late to voice in?

  117. Anonymous2:39 am

    i read the article an even am very much concerned about this matter. it would b my previlage as a woman myself to join in the group

  118. Anonymous12:17 am

    What is this swarup guy talking abt...maybe he has a pt abt rape laws in our countries n their being misused by some women bt this is totally out of the context...and i really did nt uderstand any of his surpnakha it is really time the guys started being more sensitive on da streets and stop leering and staring at women.The behaviour of a few gives a bad name 2 every1.

    A noble n gallant effort this i really don't know where this is is blogging on da net gonna stop the man in the street harassing a women???What is the long term goal of da lady???And what is the final destination and wat part can this blog play in that r some of da questions lingering in my mind.....still i wish u all the best in ur this n future endeavours....


  119. Anonymous12:30 am

    Check this link out.Its an online survey on eve teasing. Please feel free to add your suggestions.,com_mosforms/Itemid,243/

  120. Anonymous3:35 pm

    hey jasmeen,

    munish here!!!! was just browsing through nd found your link... so cool!!!! im very happy for you!!!

    me in delhi working in a modelling agency and an event company...

    shifting to mumbai this december...

    my e-mail id is-

    my number 9910445944

  121. Anonymous7:01 pm

    this is a reply to the post by vasanth
    1- about marine drive- there was a girl and her bf- gettin intimate or whatever...YOU ONLY TALK ABOUT WHAT THE GIRL DID NOT WHAT THE BOY DID(PLEASE TAKE NOTE) the cop feels it is his God given right to show the girl how she should behave (by raping her) since he is a man and he has a right to victimise women. BUT her bf goes scott free. u were talking of women getting freedom Mr.Vasanth ?
    what punihsment does the boy get for getting intimate with the girl in a public place ? nothing because men have a right to do all the non sense they can not just to their gfs, other completely strange women too ( called sexual harrasement, rape) ok ? what about culture,values (or whatever garbage) for men ? why are all the rules for women ? did you say stng abt women and freedom vasanth ? again ??????
    2- quoting your words
    "Then again the Jessica Lal case. What was a model from a decent family doing at midnight"
    "a millowners son raping a 52 year old woman. He picked her up at Kala Ghoda at 2.30 am in the night (morning>) What was she doing at that time of the night
    at a place which after dark is teeming with streetwalkers and pimps and drug addicts? "

    so men decide when women go out... what time of the day AND WHERE?... etc etc. women cant ?
    u call this freedom ?
    can i hear a pervert saying if you go out at mid nights then you are asking for it ? i have relatives in singapore, i know girls/women there go out all ALONE at mid night WITHOUT A maLe escort. still are safe.a woman still doesnt/cant decide about going to a place of her choice or at a time of the day which is convenient to her. because "men are sexual predators at the mercy of their hormones, who think women are objects of sexual gratification"...repeating a cliched statment all Indian girls have grown up listening to... WHAT WERE YOU SAYING ABOUT WOMEN AND FREEDOM ?
    3 again quoting you
    "and then went on a lonely street to meet her boyfriend perhaps to have a binge with him at some joint.
    What followed is in the realm of guesswork"
    LONELY STREET ???like i said men decide where women go and dont go. lonely street is a place where men decide that women dont enter... freedom... anyone... women ???
    3. "that the woman might have been a CSW ( at age 52) "
    SO A WOMAN WHO IS A CSW IS AMORAL ?you know these women Serve men ? and it is these MEN who get infections like hiv from csws and take it home to their wives. some men are aware that they are hiv postitive but they still hide it from the women they marry ? and in a culture like this women are kept ignorant about things like HIV- befor you counter argue only 9.2% indian women graduate- so you can imagine how many know about hiv ?.. i am not going off topic...again its about-FREEDOM ?
    4. "Her room mates confirmed that she was a heavy smoker and
    accustomed to heavy drinking." like i said women who smoke and drink are amoral... but no such rules for men. FREEDOM ? U SAID MR?
    .... BUT unfortunately for you VASANTH and fortunately for us women you know what ????? there is still hope in men AND THERE IS STILL HOPE THAT THERE CAN BE A BETTER WORLD OUR DAUGHTERS
    and that is what we are all trying to build !

  122. Anonymous10:54 pm

    Hello Mam,
    As some one(Anonymous) had said, Men and Women are completely different.If a gal is looking pretty ( but in some traditional dress), definitely guys won't try to dash or make any illicit comments...., if she is looking hot( most of them are due to dressing behaviour), then definitely aggrevate male's hormones and defenitely he will try( or atleast stares at ) willfully or is male's nature....but u gals have different weak point....!(will tell u later...).Pls don't tell u never look up a Guy( Smart one), and tried to a friend of him..

    Humans are social animals..we are no exceptions to animal instinct( or atleast to some level,may be degree varies between persons).A Female species selects a Strongest among the crowd,and male tries to fu*** as many as possible..The same reflects here too.. Women tries for a one with Wealth, Who takes care of her and her child.., and Men look for a Beautiful Gals... It wud be better u blame the Nature rather than the whole Male Gender....
    I know very well that this post wud surely be deleted, but I know atleast u wud read it....

  123. Anonymous3:06 am

    Hi, I suggest the moderators delete the posts by this 'person' Swarup. Its not worth it to even comment on these. Lets keep the discussions sane.


  124. probably a little late i came via the blog today only....

    here is the post

  125. Anonymous4:01 am

    Hi Jasmeen,

    Hope I spelled ur name correctly. I have been reading all the incident and blogs even the activities u guys are carrying out and i appreciate it. Now just read the thing carefully and if u feel u have some thing to say than mail me.

    Case : 1

    72 yr old lady raped. killed and again raped. What to do with this sick minded fuckers.

    Case : 2

    Prostitution is at it heights. What to do with these kind of character less gals n guys. Dance bar again started and that too with the permission of court. Infact those womens are better who recently oppesed and broken all wines shopes in their village and make thier hubby and dad to stay away with dirnks and prostitute.

    Case : 3

    Attitude of people towards women. For ex. airhostess I have seen atleast 10-15 guys in each trip starring and talking rashly abt them who are infact serving them and inturn they get their dirty mind looking at them and still they keep on smiling.

    Case : 4

    Adult movies. Does this film producer get licensce to show any damn thing in their movies and rating it as Adult movie so escaping with cheap trick and earning lots of money by evoking such kind of bad culture and spoiling the indian heritage.

    Case : 5

    You know jasmeen that girls are easily escaped if they see any guy as their sexual victim or fantasize them to be with them because we guys cant read their eyes and mind. For ex. I have seen the movie today “lage raho munna bhai” i saw 4 girls were looking at the underwear of a guy who came there to see the movie and continously laughing and making a scene out there. Had it been the reverse and one of your member been there could have created a blog and posted it as humiliaton to that gal. Why?

    lastly I dint get any other ID so i am writing through this comment. I will mail u this same in 1 hr. I have noted it down some where. But u reply me if u think wht i am saying is right or wrong. If i am right then ofcourse u can guide me and have proper justifcation an if no thn I have my own ways to change it.

    Best Regards

  126. Anonymous12:36 am

    I think this is a gr8 project n all d best. I just wanna tell those ppl who think girls who dress'indecently' areasking foreve -teasing.Women wearing salwar-kameez too are contstntly eve-teased.U cant categorize ppl this way.All eve-teaers are sick pervs and need to change their attitude.

  127. From Kolkata to New York City:,hilliard,76981,2.html

  128. The Blank Noise Project is a community-public art project that seeks to confront street harassment, commonly known as eve teasing, in India. The project, created by Jasmeen Patheja in August 2003, started out as a student project at Sristhi School of Art, Design and Technology in Bangalore and has since spread out to other cities in India. The project works with the victims, the perpetrators and spectators of street sexual harassment and hopes to bring a change in the public perception of eve teasing, which is still largely considered a minor problem.The project has undertaken actions such as spray painting messages recording the testimonies of victims of sexual harassment in public places, and printing T-shirts with anti-harassment messages on them.A more controversial aspect of the blog is its collection of uploaded photos of men alleged to be eve-teasers, taken using using phone cameras by the alleged victims at the scenes of the alleged incidents.


  129. Anonymous11:40 am

    Thanks u r information

  130. Anonymous4:10 pm

    Thanks a lot for providing such informations.

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  131. Thanks for sharing your nice work...nice post.

  132. too much of mud stop a little decent citizen.dont be an extremist.just to fill the belly of a BLOG you should not write all rubish.both men & wonen are from same species(mamalian)having brains.insted of having a soft corner for each other,we are trying to kill eachother.S.K.KHAR

  133. hi surinder. we couldnt agree with you more. you are so right about male and female interactions having a soft side as well. we dont deny that - thats why the street tales of love lust and possible misinterpretations.

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