No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!


This might be your last chance...!

Dear Modest and Immodest,

Blank Noise asks you to DISCARD YOUR CLOTHES

worn at the time you were sexually harassed or

‘eve teased’ in a public space.

This collective building installation of clothes seeks

to defy the assumption that we ‘ASK FOR IT’, or that

only people in ‘provocative’ clothes- ‘immodest women’

get eve teased.

Stop blaming yourself, your body, your clothes. Build

testimonies of clothing.

Blank Noise


  1. Anonymous9:39 am

    its rediculous when we are blamed under"you asked for it" banner.dressing is a personal choise and depends on an individuals personality and comfort level..illogical statements like you asked for it..etc are means to hide manz unsupressed libido,violating womens public spaces and in turn projecting women as provocative.

  2. Anonymous9:39 am

    its rediculous when we are blamed under"you asked for it" banner.dressing is a personal choise and depends on an individuals personality and comfort level..illogical statements like you asked for it..etc are means to hide manz unsupressed libido,violating womens public spaces and in turn projecting women as provocative.

  3. payal payal

    where are the CLOTHES?

  4. Anonymous2:05 pm

    jasmeen,you know the writer anita nair,she's comin to college tomorrow for a seminar,busy with the preparations...

  5. Anonymous11:25 pm

    hai allah....aisi tasveerein laga key sharam nahin aati ladki?
    yaa devi sarva bhooteshu...maatru roopena sansthitha....namastasyi namastasyi namastasyi namo namah...!

  6. Anonymous10:07 pm

    Hi Jasmeen,
    strong -visual - flyer - you made with the others.
    Go for Women's Liberation
    talk to you soon,
