No Excuse For Sexual Violence. I Never Ask For It. Sign up!


protect me from what you can become

no jeans
no pant
no skirt
no red
no salwar kameez
no v neck
no sleeveless

Officials at the university say they would prefer to see women students in a traditional salwar-kameez with no deep neckline.

University authorities argued that tight outfits and skimpy clothes led to crimes such as rape.

students should wear only saris and if at all they chose salwar-kameez, they should pin the dhuppatta to the kameez in such a way that nothing is exposed whatever be their bodily movement

Bombay University plans to ban women from wearing mini skirts, tight tops and shorts, saying this will help prevent rape


and what does your college ask you to wear so that you dont 'invite rape and molestation'? how does it make a 'modest young woman' out of you??

please send in documents , rule chart on clothing in your insitution at

do it NOW and SEND IT.

ps: where are the clothes?( DID YOU ASK FOR IT?)


  1. Hi Jasmeen
    I first read about the Blank Noise Project in Tehelka some time back. Do count me in if you have any plans for doing something similar out of Delhi. I'd love to be a part of this project.

  2. Hey Jas,

    It's been aaages!

    Read the comprehensive review of Blank Noise that appeared in the Hindu's Sunday mag some weeks back. Belatedly: good show, and my best for the future of the project. My route to this blog was actually somewhat circuitous - went from Samanth Subramaniam's blog to a page belonging to one of your teammates (thisismangs) to here. The whole uncanny scale-free 6-degrees thing works every time! Smaaall world.


    Vinayak (remember me??)

    P.S. I'd be interested in knowing what you thought of the protests organised by Chennai's Muslim women against the condom machines to be installed by the govt in public places. They're against what they call a threatening new "condom culture" which will supposedly make young men even more predatory than usual. Which, of course, brings us back to the Khushboo issue...

  3. this is insecure can they get?

  4. jasmine...i just skimmed over ur blog...and i love this initiative uve taken.
    wil answer the questions u asked on my blog...
    in the 3:30am.

  5. we shall wait khizzy

  6. shivangi BLANK NOISE is in delhi in march. lets gather a group of bloggers to meet there.

  7. do i mail u my answers in which case ill need ur email address...or just put them here in the comment box...

  8. hey khizzy

    you can choose to either mail me or put them in the comment box. i leave that to you. either way is fine with me

  9. Anonymous4:38 pm

    dress code?
    "you need to dress descently"
    "learn to behave like a women" ppl say!
    so,wat is meant by behaving like a women?
    Blank Noise led me to collecting dress codes from various of the colleges SJMVS Arts and Commerce College for Women,Hubli,Karnataka. have their dress code as "Salwar Kameez with Duppatta"
    my conversation with the Principal,Mrs Kattimath of P.U College was:
    me: what's the dress code of your college?
    princi:Salwar Kammez with duppatta!
    me:do you think its necessary?
    princi:of course,this college is very particular about girls dressing and behaving descently.
    me:so,you mean that following dress code would solve all problems related to sexual harrasment of women..?
    princi:mostly yes! it makes you look descent and cultured
    me:wat you have to say about rape cases in which women clad in salwars are sure there are many!
    princi:Thats where the problem've discovered ways of girls wear salwar with high- side cut kurtas,transperent patialas, wat can we do?
    me:thank you mam,thanks a lot for your cooperation..GOOD BYE!

  10. Anonymous9:12 pm

    i am from st. xaviers , mumbai , the rules imposed included -
    no three-fourths , they look too picniky
    no skirts , unless they are ankle length.
    no deep necks
    no low rise jeans
    the legendary 'no red clothes'

    this is strange but prom was stopped because they wanted to save the girls parents from worrying over what their daughter is upto

  11. thanks for this supriya

    is it possible for you to send us a document? perhaps a photocopied version of your college dress code rules?

    also will you spread the word around. we must gather how different colleges create modest women...and prove our point.


    lemme know if you can...

    would be great

    if you would llike to get involved with Blank Noise in Mumbai pls get in touch wiht me and Chinmayee. Chinmayee is based in Mumbai.

    looking forward!

  12. Anonymous9:30 pm

    hi supriya. pls mail at and we could meet up in mumbai.

  13. Anonymous10:04 pm

    no more in st. xaviers.. will surely try to get you a document on the dress code..
    would love to be a part of this project..will be able to be a part of it after my course at sophias gets over..

    however i am sure our prospectus mentions no sleeveless and our ex- principal
    found this thought you might be interested..
    on xaviers

  14. Anonymous1:14 am

    Just read about this in TOI. Great initiative, and while I don't know the feeling of being harassed, I don't imagine it's a very nice thing. Fight back, some of us boys are on your side...

    But how does this work? Now I can't look at any girl, even if it's because she has the cutest smile or the curliest hair?

  15. dear some random guy

    how does this work?

    instincts? perhaps?

    no this project does not intend to segragate male and female spaces, nor does it attempt at de sexualizing this world.

  16. Anonymous2:19 pm

    @supriya - do get in touch.

  17. thanks supriya..we will look that up.

  18. Anonymous6:41 pm

    Well, I suppose instinct is pretty powerful. But I'm going to be a lot more guarded when I "check someone out", lest I find myself on your rogues' gallery.

    BTW, dress code rules affect us too. Aside from the onslaught of the monotony of "decent" clothes, I love wearing shorts, esp in summer. But no deal.

  19. Anonymous8:58 pm

    hi i am currently doing an ad campaign as a part of my project in sophia polytechnic. and we are making ads on sexual harassment and our ads look at how women look at harassment as day to day .. one of the issues we are tackling is dress codes.. wanted to know your point of view on it.. and also if theres some info you could send us...

    btw i hear the xaviers prospectus has those kind of regulations..and also that you have to sign the form that says you will abide by the rules of the insti.. making dresscodes even more oppressive...
    i remember in 2000 my parents panicked when they saw me signing that and seein in rules things like no sleeveles.. they actually saw to it i didnt get into any trouble..

  20. Anonymous8:34 pm

    "students... if at all they chose salwar-kameez, they should pin the dhuppatta to the kameez in such a way that nothing is exposed whatever be their bodily movement" ... this makes me feel like i am trapped inside a cage
    pin so tht watevr ur body movement so tht nothing is visible. dupatta is the indian eqvlnt of d middle east burqha...
    i duno these lines make me sick. coz i can hear my father's words echo in them "cover urself properly, then men wudnt look at u" am i human or sum kind of a commodity meant 4 a man's pleasure i ask ?????
