° Things women carry to feel safe
° Kitchen knife/ (fruit knife)
° Stationery cutter blade
° Nail cutter
° Gun
° Pepper spray
° Whistle
° Note pad/ journalist
° Camera
° Long nails
° Mobile phone.
° Identity card
° Police no.
° Phone
° One small pin.
° Purse and index book.
° Money
° Pins.
° Pen.
° Dupatta
(I got the list of things from a questionnaire that I distributed at colleges in Bangalore while scavenging for Blank Noise participants. The above is carried by both boys and girls.)
ReplyDeleteClearly you don't carry your BRAINS with you on the streets, anon...
ReplyDeletethis was sent via email.
ReplyDelete"There was a period of about a year when I used to leave work around midnight, and walk home, about 20 minutes.
As a clean cut upper-middle class reasonably privileged male, I wasn't worried about much more than getting my wallet stolen, but I remember being hyper-vigilant about sounds and shadows on the largely silent streets. That is, until I started carrying an item to make me feel safer on the streets -- a Walkman-style personal radio with
headphones. Listening to news or music during the walk home calmed by tired nerves, which made me feel less afraid during my walk home, and hence, safer (or at least less actively worried about my safety).
Having the radio obviously didn't decrease my vulnerability to street
crime, but its distraction made it easier for me to walk the streets
without excessive worry.
Is pepper spray available in India? Where?
ReplyDeleteI know some people in Bangalore who talk on the phone continuously with someone while traveling, if they're traveling around late. It helps to be talking to someone, so that others know you have some contact with other people. Makes any form of assault more difficult.
i have seen some adds of the pepper spray in delhi newspaper. im sure its availiable here as well..
ReplyDeletepepper spray IS available in bangalore. i'm not sure, but i think you get it in chennai as well.
ReplyDeletei carry a knife that i dont think i'll ever use, my sister carries pepper spray. my parents discourage my carrying a knife, and they have good enough reason, but it still makes me feel safer.
read it in the hindu, hyderabad edition, that pepper sprays are sold in trinetra stores... i had a question though.. what kind of restrictions do exist while using them... if u are answering then please let it be more on practical lines
ReplyDeleteI hear a lot about pepper & mace sprays in Mumbai. Except about where they're available.
ReplyDeleteCould someone please tell me where I can buy one? Regular stores don't seem to have them..
Pepper sprays are available at Health and Glow or any other chemist store...
ReplyDeletePepper spray is available in India and it sure does come in handy. It is widely available across Bangalore but you can also reach us on if you need a can of pepper spray.
ReplyDeleteWe are actively looking for distributors outside Bangalore. If anyone is interested please do contact us.
I was trained as a child to carry my key in a prepared position as a weapon. Guess you can use anything sharp as protection.
ReplyDeletei was as well thought that's key trick?