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Action Hero Narratives: Blank Noise and its Action Heroes At 14 Years

Being an Action Hero to me is about questioning status quo, having uncomfortable conversations to encourage new perspectives inourselves and in others. It means taking responsibility for the world we are in and for effecting change if we don't like it. It means doing what we can to be who we are.  
- Action Hero Shivangini Tandon 

It means taking my power back, knowing that I have a voice and thatI can and should use it.  
- Action Hero Eeshita Kapadiya 

Working with others towards a shared goal  
- Action Hero Lisa Hiessenberg  

Dear Blank Noise Community & Action Heroes,

Gentle friendly reminder to please share your personal Action Hero journey and insights by completing to this form by December 1st, midnight IST. 

Our first ten Action Heroes will receive a present from the office, an all new print of Akeli Awaara Azaad T shirt by mid January 2018!  :)

You have shaped dialogues at Blank Noise through innumerable ways. Thank you for bringing your whole being to the community. Thank you for co creating a trusting environment. Thank you for the interventions, the questions, the rage, critique, for the listening in you offered to each other across forms of media, projects, geographies and time. Thank you for stepping into processes towards creating collective wisdom to investigate, tackle, arrest, attitudes enabling sexual and gender based violence.
Blank Noise is built by its Action Heroes, ie you. Blank Noise creates participatory projects mobilising citizens and persons to become Action Heroes. There are so many of you, stepping in over the fourteen years, from across over 52 cities and towns in India and globally, having participated in varying degrees, in over 300 projects and interventions!
You stepped in and changed the scene.
We now, want to channel your Action Hero story in your words. What does it meant to be an Action Hero? How did you become one?
We are on the brink of starting an oral histories/ mapping project. Please consider this form and its questions a precursor to that. We would appreciate if you could please reply by December 1st.
We would LOVE to include some of this on our upcoming website! ( website is also the effort of many Action Heroes :))
Yours very truly,
Blank Noise Team