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Blank Noise: Jaipur Action Heroes Meet


Men in the park visiting Jaipur from Kota, Supriya  , Parul Khanna , Sukriti Suryavanshi , Shyam Bansal (a friend from jaipur)  Rohit , Kush Soni, Tasneem Khan, Jasmeen Patheja
photos above -  Sukriti Suryavanshi


Reporting In Rage / Vernacular Report of Sexual and Gender Based Violence


 A 15 year old girl, who used to suffer harassment at the hands of two men, while commuting between home and school, finally ended her own life. She did not tell at home, fearing that her education would be discontinued. 

Sent via Action Hero Sayali Patwardhan
Language: Marathi 
Report from Solapur

Sayali will be transcribing the report in English. We will update this post.

Request Action Heroes in speaking/ reading different languages to source, send and track reported incidents of sexual / gender based violence . Please send it our way., subject titled " Vernacular Report ". Thank you Sayali for initiating this process.



We are thrilled to announce our Blank Noise Jaipur Meet Up!
We will be meeting in Jaipur on Tuesday, October 13th between 4:00 to 5:30 pm, at the Indian flag in Central Park.
Do attend if you would like to contribute to building safety and eradicating sexual/ gender based violence where you are. 
Please bring your friends , family , neighbours or anyone you think of as potential 'Action Hero'

* Wear a shade of yellow to be identified *
Bring water to drink, a snack to share.
A mat to sit on if you like.

The event will be faciltiated by Jasmeen Patheja.
You can reach us at our number: +919886840612


Blank Noise Reference List :


  • Mackel, Alexandra “The crime scene and the venue. Representation and reception of sexual violence against women in contemporary art” (original title: “Tatort und Schauplatz. Repräsentation und Rezeption sexueller Gewalt gegenüber Frauen in der zeitgenössischen Kunst”). (2014)  Thesis, published on the LMU Mûnchen web page.

  • “Women’s movements in India have addressed violence against women through multiple strategies such as protests, media advocacy and casework. ‘Take back the night’, safe city campaigns and Blank Noise are all examples of such efforts. On the issue of SlutWalk, however, there was ambiguity. “-415

  • “Who knows, dismissive remarks like these may have played a role in furtherimpacting the ‘political and intellectual commitments’ of the group of young women who organized and participated in the Walk. At the same time, we should reflect on the nature of other campaigns having an ‘urban’ (even ‘elite’ base). These are campaigns as well. Focusing on specific issues concerning women living in cities does not imply that their politics are diluted. The United Nations-led Safer Cities Programme launched in New Delhi in 2010 is supported by Indian feminist organizations (UN-HABITAT 2010). Take Back the Night marches, with strong international antecedents, have been effective (Sharma 2011) and also been a source of inspiration for the organic (and widespread) Blank Noise project in India (Blank Noise 2009; Roy 2010)” -page 417

  • “Understanding the spacialities of sexual assult agains Indian women in India” by  Rituparna Bhattacharyya,  in Gender, Place and Culture: A journal of feminist georgraphy.  Published 17th Oct 2014 page 9-10

  • Unfriendly Bodies, Hostile Cities: Reflections on Loitering and Gendered Public Space, Shilpa Phadke.

  • Mitra-Kahn, Trishima. “Offline issues, online lives? The emerging cyberlife of feminist politics in urban India” in New South Asian Feminisms: Paradoxes and Possibilities (Red. Srila Roy)
    Format: Book, published by Zed Books Url:

* This list has been prepared by Amalie Vikse and Vira Mistry until August 2015.

Please contribute in the following ways:
i) If you have written about our work and your paper/ book has been published, do send us a link.
ii) If you have come across a text about our practice, please direct it our way.
email :